What do you guys do when you watch a movie and suddenly it turns into a feminist propaganda movie? (for example if theres a trans character or if the females are "feminists strong wamen" like captain marvel or the female ghost busters)?
What do you guys do when you watch a movie and suddenly it turns into a feminist propaganda movie...
I have never seen a movie like you're describing
Turn myself into a pickle
no no you dont understand babe, this guy is a megalomaniac genius. Im talking destroyer-of-galaxies level of intellect. What does the smart guy decides? he fucking goes "fuck everything! fuck you! fuck me! fuck the neighboor's dog! im going to turn myself in to a fucking pickle!" and its THE FUNNIEST shit ive seen in my entire fucking life
Keep watching because I'm not a sesitive incel from Yas Forums.
>Keep watching because I'm not a sesitive incel from Yas Forums.
wow very fucking funny retard. literally everything you dont like is Yas Forums.
>"Don't worry, she's got help"
>suddenly it turns into a feminist propaganda movie
That's not a thing that happens, user. You've just conditioned yourself to see your boogeymen everywhere.
found the redditor.
Why would captain marvel need help, he solo'd an entire space ship a few minutes ago what was a few mooks on the ground gonna do?
My wife will usually turn it off and ask to watch something else. She also does the same thing if any of the main characters are niggers and she didn't know.
>She's a Jap, and they really hate agenda based entertainment
>Keep watching because I'm not a sesitive incel from Yas Forums
Why yes, I also use reddit, since that's the best place to discuss movies and series after imdb closed their forums.
>being this cucked
I find out beforehand from trailers and reviews if that is the case and don't end up watching it in the first place.
all me
Stop telling redditors how to blend in better. Even if they will always give it away, you don't have to make it harder.
I turn it off. I then tell everybody I know it’s propaganda. We all need to work together to rid the entertainment industry of leftist trash.
>tell everybody I know
So your mom, dad, and 4channel?
I'm gonna steal your baby and your produce.
Passive aggressive sarcasm doesn’t make you look cool. Makes you look like a girl. I’m not sorry for caring about the quality of entertainment and we should be working much harder to ensure our pop culture isn’t influenced by people who hate western culture. If you don’t like that you can go take a dive off a bridge.
i say NIGGERS to myself and turn it off
get angry and complain later on Yas Forums, like I did after watching The incredibles 2. What a shitshow, even the VFX are crap
>Passive aggressive sarcasm doesn't make you look cool
>tells someone to kill himself in an attempt to look cool
Anyway try going out and having sex sweetie once the pandemic is over, world exists outside 4channel :)
He wasn't trying to look cool. He actually suggested a sensible course of action for someone in your situation. I second him.
I wasn’t trying to look cool. Caring about your country and it’s cultural strength is the only thing you should be worried about.
Remind me again why anyone should pay attention to someone who genuinely is such a psychopath that he wants people to die over a disagreement on the internet? It's clear as a day you're insane, more wo than muslims ready to behead people over their religion; why would ANYONE take you seriously?
I just marathoned this episode and I spent the entire time repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.
I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.
>turn it off immediately
>make thread about it on Yas Forums
>make thread about it on Yas Forums
>make 10+ minute on my geek outrage channel on youtube
>never watch anything from that studio again and call for a boycott
You know, handle it like a intelligent, thick skinned individual and totally not a sensitive snowflake.
Thanks bro. The way things are going, I don’t see the industry lasting much longer. Be sure not to give money to the cultural barbarians. God be with you.
>american """culture"""
You'll never be white
Jesus. What a pussy. You don’t belong on Yas Forums. You’re far too soft to be dishing out insults.
>the replies
Lmao look at how triggered Yas Forums ia trying to not look triggered
I'm not him.
>more wo than muslims ready to behead people over their religion
>he wants people to die over a disagreement on the internet
One is not like the other. Words =/= moroccan machetes.
Honestly I only noticed you being a cringe redditor so I also wanted to wish death upon you, don't look much further into it really. And before you literally shake, just don't go backpacking around the middle east if you want to keep saying that we are more likely to kill you than the muzzies.
You got it fren. I always get my kino like a janny does his work. For free. And with you.
I’m Scottish mostly. Either way people can transcend their own individual needs for the greater good. I care about this country. That’s all I have to say.
Leave and never come back
>pause the movie
>stand up, pace around the room
>mutter to myself, rub my head, sporadic loud outbursts of Joker laughter
>sit down and make a furious thread on Yas Forums full of buzzwords
>it gets deleted
>make another one, completely identical
>it gets deleted, 3 day ban
>yell "fucking cucks"
>downstairs neighbor complains
>stop pacing, stare in the mirror
>unplug router and make another thread
>choose Pickle Rick as the OP image
Beings me great joy to see more diverse actors being cast because I know every black person that gets a role makes a fat Yas Forumstard virgin cry just a little bit harder
I wish you r/TheDonald tourists would do the same
Calling Yas Forums fat while leftist literally advocate for fat culture. Sad!
>no you
I don’t really have a horse in this race but trans people simply existing and you seething over it kind of proves them.. right?
>virgin not incel
>If you genuinely don't want people to die over disagreements, you're a pussy
No, I think the word you're looking for is sane. But then, of course, we both knew you never ACTUALLY wanted anyone to die. Like I said, you said it to make yourself look cool. Much like you then pretended to be genuine to look even cooler, and backtracked once you realized it only discredits you
You're not the person I replied to? Do you often go around quoting random people and announcing that you're not the person they're talking to, even though they never thought so to begin with?
>Words =/= moroccan machetes.
the whole point was that the wish was genuine and the person really wanted it. Or did you not? Did you just say it to look cool? I mean you keep saying it, and it doesn't make you look cool, but apparently you don't mean it?
Which is it? Do you genuinely really want me to die over these posts or not?
Tell these guys about differences in IQ. You'll see the cognitive dissonance kick in again. They have some talking points that really don't match desu.
>simply existing
>doesnt have a horse in this race
C'mon at least try
Tell a Yas Forumstard IQ tests expose whites as lesser than asians and jews and watch them squirm
We never deny that. The Jewish part may be exaggerated though. Their religion allows them to lie.
>Do you genuinely really want me to die over these posts or not?
Not really over them, I'd prefer before. Sweaty, even if it's called Yas Forums(nel) now, I still don't think this place is for you just because it's blue. Why don't you go back to your true home and we'll call you when it's safe, ok?
You mean those demographically not diverse ashkenazis? Or those higher average yet fewer end curve outliers? Or is this squirming too?
IQ differs by race
Why would they? They all have yellow fever and admit Jews outmaneuvered them all the time
>Tell these guys about differences in IQ
Alright, Asians have higher IQ than whites, and the group of people with the highest IQ among them is ashkenazi jews, which would explain their over-representation in high positions of power. In fact it looks like "white people" are a secondary race altogether
>we never deny that
Oh yes you do. So much for the "white master race"
Admitting they get outsmarted by jews really put a dent in yhe whole master race thing
Wew lad, didn't expect you to actually do it.
See . Dilate. Kys.
>entire thing started from passive aggressiveness not being cool
>resorts to becoming a passive aggressive bitch himself when he realizes he has no outs
lmao can't make this shit up
So Jews being smarter doesn't count because..?
Projection. Learn to understand rhetoric you idiot.
>get told to kill yourself
>have faggy breakdown over it
>get disregarded
>heh u mad
Look into the amount tested, the places they lived in, and the education they had. See if they fit with the same diversified samples of the other races. Call me a nazi and say it's irrelevant. Ok.
Why did you post a picture of me?
I keep watching because I don't care
Stop putting fucking words in my mouth dude STOP STOP STOP. You’re so fucking stupid I can’t even engage with this anymore. Go back to r*ddit already holy shit. You are literally seething.
Proof? Asians are higher in iq. The japanese have wonderful culture in some ways. They’re still alien to us. You can respect other cultures and still realize they have their own desire to preserve their culture while we want to preserve ours.
Their religion allows them to lie. Western culture is Christian and can be summed up with “ you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” The Jew and the westerner are diametrically opposed you one another. Please read more because you come off as ignorant.
Based wife.
Based reddit spacing larper
Yeah, wishing for a better world is such a douche thing to do.
>captain marvel
>female ghost busters
>suddenly it turns into a feminist propaganda movie
>suddenly it turns into
This is like going to see Black Panther or Soul Plane and then being mad that the movie is "suddenly" filled with niggers.
Lol you sound like you’ve been entirely “educated” aka brainwashed by pol info graphics. Don’t worry you’ll either grow out of it and develop as a human or sink further into the depths of hatred thinking that’s the answer to everything.
>look into it bro
What’s the point of wishing for a better world if you’ll still be fringe? You’re not an active member of society. You’re a leech.
And you sound like you’ve been totally indoctrinated by almost every left wing cultural institution. Pol is the only place that I’m
Aware of that isn’t censored to shit and back like your hometown reddit. You’ll never be honest. You’re entire existence is based off of fear of
Violating your leftist norms. Sit! Roll over! Obey golem!