Why didn't Johnny Ricos acting career take off after StarShip Troopers?
Why didn't Johnny Ricos acting career take off after StarShip Troopers?
jews don't like fascism being portrayed positively so they blacklisted him
>Starship Troopers is fascism being portrayed positively
but it did
Casper van Dien and Neil Patrick Harris were relentlessly handsome.
Casper van dien
more like Career van died
Is that his daughter? Damn i might watch this kino tonight
he literally made it sexy and cool they had to shut him down
Honestly I don't knowm, Casper Van Dien isn't what I would call a bad actor. Maybe it's because he's mostly just a pretty face and those are a dime a dozen in hollywood.
I loved the prequel
wtf lol
he's like actually old school new england family rich
this acting shit was just a hobby and a way to slay puss
he's not jewish so he never really had a chance
goofy ken doll face, mediocre actor
He was one soldier, the system they lived under was a dystopian shithole that murdered millions of it's own citizens to trick them into a horrific war for resources LMAO
does pol really not understand that robocop and starship troopers are paul verhoeven making fun of them? They're literally comedies.
you're forgetting that the average american has been stockholmes'd into loving living under was a dystopian shithole that murders millions of it's own citizens to trick them into a horrific war for resources for the last 80 years
How did Verhoeven predict 9/11 bros
still need to dilate tho
Yeah the nazis were known for being stylish too, the fact that you get caught up in the aesthetic while overlooking the motivations of the regime and how destructive it is to the main characters really reinforces the point of the movie. Based verhoeven just intellectually dabbing all over polcels while they're literally too stupid to comprehend it
>movies Yas Forums tricked you into watching
I think Verhoeven specifically cast him and Richards because they were very good looking but shitty bland actors straight out of a teenage soap opera, he's the male equivalent of a female bimbo, Richards still got a few movie roles because bimbos are in demand but his archetype only exists in CW shows, it's one of the underrated aspect of the movie people only talk about the fascism propaganda satire but like showgirls it was also making fun of American immaturity and superficiality by contrasting this type of CW aesthetic with the gruesome reality of war gore, it also heightens the propaganda themes since its such Trojan horse filmmaking, he's not just making fun of it from the outside but also embracing it on an unironic level and as a result girls audience could unironically end up liking the movie just because he's a handsome Chad straight out of a high school football team, he has the physique of a caricature of a movie star but without actually possessing cinematic charisma, it's such strange yet perfect casting for this movie, maybe also because he has a Germanic looking face and Verhoeven was trying to evoke American Nazism. Verhoeven being both a leftist cuck yet making unapologetic based and red pilled movies, what a glorious walking contradiction he was.
Tom Cruise isnt jewish, hes just a good actor with presence. Casper is a bland actor and he looks like a retard
It's been a while since I've seen the movie, but the human species is under attack by aliens, and fasiscm brings us all together and enable us to defeat the aliens. How is that not a positive light?
Rent free
Yes Casper was probably chosen because he has a classical aryan propaganda face, he makes killing for the government look cool. Thats the point. Hes also charmless as an actual character for the same reason, hes just a dumb good looking pawn for an insane government
Jesus Christ, Johnny they're arachnids not bugs.
It's really Ken and Barbie play at making war, that's how Verhoeven saw America. It's just as much about media distortion of beauty than it is about media distortion of violence. Both contrasted to the extremes.
what is he?
can someone explain how the drill instructor was working as a drill instructor but wasn't even the rank of private? there was a conversation between him and Hank and he said the only way he was going to see combat was if he ranked up to private. but isn't private the lowest rank?
The movie literally does retard
Obligatory bestgirl post
I think the implication is that the aliens didn't attack earth, it was all smoke and mirrors to get people willing to invade and kill them for resources.
Always baffled me, he's simply drop dead gorgeous perfection
I remember the line as "busted down to private"
Which makes sense when you see him in shit tier gear but happier later
>Which makes sense when you see him in shit tier gear but happier later
And in that scene Rico addresses him as Sergeant before he points out that he's a Private now
Because the point of the casting for this movie was for them to be ironically wooden, soulless people portraying mindless cogs in a giant machine that doesn't care about them. He's perfect for this movie and horrible for literally any other movie.
name sounds dutch
reminder that someone molested his twink ass when he was a teen
maybe one of the reasons why he retired
>tfw too ugly to be a target for predators
I guess it has its perks
one day he might have a comeback like lundgren, he needs to stop taking part in shitty troops sequels
Political correctness gone mad!
How the fuck did you miss that? You were on your phone weren't you user.
Because Hollywood is run by Jews.
They hated Starship Troopers because it shows people brainwashed by shitty corrupt plutocracy that a society could be better if it was collectivist and only those qualified and invested into the system could vote.
Could you believe that there are some philistines who think Carmen is best girl? Disgusting.
Because he was too good looking to get any non-chad roles.
>Humanity fabricated a war of aggression to feed a political machine
Yes. Also the Bug civilization was a direct satire of the human one; Obese intelligentsia who feed off of other's ideas and need to be supported by an under-caste of workers are protected by stronger, braver members of their species they have bred to die unquestionably in large numbers.
Carmen is best girl unless you are homo
they don't. they are that fucking dumb
That's just headcanon, the movie never says or even implies that.
Because he is a fucking terrible actor and ST was a flop.
The director literally stated how he tried to make fascist society look awesome in the movie, it's incredible how little you people know about anything at all.
>the movie never even implies that
>opening propaganda reel shows orbital batteries specifically designed to destroy meteorites
>carmen in school says people are invading already colonized bug territory
>another reel of a mormon colony on a bug planet wiped out
>just before the main character abandons service to the state and returns to his pacifist parents a bug meteorite just so happens to slip past the orbital defences
Next thing you'll tell me is FDR didn't know about Pearl Harbour
Wrong, Verhoeven said he wanted to make a WWII style propaganda film satirising Fascism, which he did. People often miss how the MI battle flag is supposed to look like a beatle or how all the badges on the navy look like bugs, then there's what I posted
>the Bug civilization was a direct satire of the human one; Obese intelligentsia who feed off of other's ideas and need to be supported by an under-caste of workers are protected by stronger, braver members of their species they have bred to die unquestionably in large numbers
Verhoeven's point was Fascism reduces people to a hive society but because he hits all the same notes as a pro-patriotic propaganda film people react exactly how he predicted they were trained to, proving him right. IMHO Starship Troopers is the greatest satire of the century precisely because it filters so many people.
They show the asteroid moving through space and one of the ships nearly being hit by it. Plus when Rico's on the phone with his parents there's a big shadow moving over the city. The movie never implies it was a false flag.
Was the white phosphorus scene really necessary?
Kino riff
Several reviews at the time said something to the effect that most of the cast had no idea what kind of movie they were in.
pancake tits
t. arachnid warrior
Agreed. Saw it live in Nashville
It really is a triumph of film making, every time I watch it I appriciate it more.