Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
>I'm actually well educated on this topic
i wanted to punch my monitor when the kike uttered those words
Lol u got triggered.
Well it wasn't Ben Abdullah Hassan Al-Fleki, that's for certain.
whenever i see this guy i just think about his smug face shitting on christians all around the country and having interviews in his van.
not religious.
love jesus.
simple as.
Ben Affleck, Islam is shitty, even by the standards of religion.
go to bed, Ben
Rogan speculates Ben Affleck was roid raging during this because it coincides with him doing Batman.
Its hillarious how hard aaffleck virtue signaled during this meltdown. He even brought out the Obama talking point that ISIS couldnt fill a triple A baseball park.
I've grown to hate jews more than anything so Maher and Harris
Fuck off roganposter
Literally there is almost nothing else you could have said that would have proven your a reddit normie fag quicker
Please go back, please never visit this board again
Don't tell him to fuck off, faggot.
Get a room, faggot
Fuck off roganposter
Suck my dick.
Rogan has the #1 podcast. You dont have to like it, just accept reality. Otherwise youre a tranny. Trannies cant accept reality and facts.
You have to go back...
they're both wrong. Affleck is just a bimbo airhead. Harris is a duplicitous jewboy.
It's OK to not want muslims in your country because most muslims are brown people and it's OK to not want more brown people in your white country. The scam that Harris is pulling here is that he proposes that if these browns come into white countries and abandon their beliefs and instead embrace faggotry and feminism, then the whites have no case for rejecting them. It's just repackaged anti-whiteism for based libertarian atheists who are all about facts & logic.
Either you're a master baiter, reddit fag, or both
Either way leave this board and don't return
There's nothing to suck
Listen. If Islam takes over the world, can I still drink booze? I get so bored without it.
Sam Harris was right and Ben was just roidraged but
That pissed me off too. What a smug little shylock, he gave Bill a run for his money on yid smugness
Appeals to logic are worse than appeals to emotion. No one is immune from propaganda especially people who think of themselves as smarter than average. Also I'm really starting to become suspicious of J ews
Stop watching CNN and Trevor Noah. Low iq people like you ruin the internet wherever you go. So stay in reddit
Apparently the character of shylock was invented out of whole cloth by Shakespeare and has no relevance at all really
Sam Harris is an arrogant fucking moron but Ben shouldn't have lost his shit. Very unprofessional and stupid to white knight for muzzies
Sam Harris should be executed, though.
as a muslim, fuck em both
fuck the fag on the right for being a godless lolbertarian faggot
fuck ben for promoting islam as some sort of peaceful hippy faggy religion like nu-christianity
yes we hate kikes
yes we hate fags
yes we hate women
and thats a good thing
You know I can never really support you guys on account of all the gay shit I've seen you do personally. One Libyan guy made a weird comment about my "sexual energy" at the gym. Fucking stop pretending like you aren't fucking weird like that i'm sick of it
why is that ben stiller?
That's Sam you dope
you cant be muslim if youre gay
i dont care if youre the fucking mufti of mecca, if you're gay your muslim card is automatically revoked
the 2 groups are mutually exclusive
"Let the People of the Gospel follow what God revealed therein"
Harris never said any of this. Nice strawman. He makes you this mad?
Right man whatever, what is it about though? you guys don't count a lot of really fucking gay shit as not being gay at all and it's bizzare don't ask don't tell shit. Why can't you stop fucking little boys it screws them up for life
you need glasses
Harris is a Jewish man? I am not who you are responding to but I've noticed they are fond of casuistry
i see youre trying to work me into a seethe with your kike tactics
not allowing you to upset me tho
6 million wasnt enough
Nigger thats ben stiller
Muslim men are so segregated from the women that their sexual energy is misdirected towards each other.
Yeah the sexual energy guy is what I thought it was. I'm not jewish even remotely and I wasn't try to make you mad. Its just what I've seen.
Funny how this invalidates logic as having any inherent worth
They foster animosity towards them in order to galvanize their community
if youre really not a kike, then i'll tell you the problem. muslim men nowadays are marrying way too late because of the influence of western culture. in the past, boys as young as 14 would get married and nobody would bat an eye. this is how it should be, because at that age a man starts needing sex, otherwise he'll do stupid shit. nowadays i have many friends who are in their late twenties and still not married. thats not healthy
solution: marry young. no more faggy time shit then.
Makes sense but how? also multiple wives for 1 guy means there are always going to be men that can never get married. What do you say to that?
Lol who would even? it's not even funny to do
arranged marriage. worked for me
>multiple wives
really doesnt happen as much as people think, in most countries it's very rare
test me
dennet never deserved to be in the four horsemen
Why do you guys want to kill or subjugate the kuffar? and then play this game of saying it's just for the hardcore guys. Can't you just fight the jews? I bought my car from a muslim and it was a great deal. I don't even care about fgm really
it's a kill or be killed world, the last few centuries we've been getting fucked up hard and we still are. if you dont fight back, you will be erased.
Well then fuck you guys, last few centuries? the ottoman empire almost took over the world. There is a racial component to islam and I doubt I would be treated well even if I converted because I'm white. Fuck you all then stay in your own countries
Buddy...i recommend checking the quote as well
most of the ottoman elite soldiers were white, many ottoman sultans had white mothers and like half of all grand viziers in the ottoman empire had european roots
race is always an underlying factor in human interactions but islam is by far the most egalitarian religion when it comes to race
Finna convert if shit hits the fan. I even like their attire apart from the headwear.
you do you
i dont really care if people are muslim or not honestly, as long as they hate the direction modern humanity is going with money eroding traditions, women becoming whores and the normalization of mental illnesses such as trannies. if you agree, then you could be anything and id still consider you an ally. except a jew, jews are never allies
I was walking home and one hijabi girl gave me fuck me eyes as she was walking down the hill on a side street. All women are whores but I suspect that if I convert and marry one it will be like marrying a jewish women. Can I assert myself as a husband or is it all for show?
I think we can be allies.
Ah you see that is just tactics, this modern world is fucking degenerate as hell but I don't entirely trust people without honor towards outsiders. Also Sudanese and Somali muslims are fucking retarded with an iq of about 53