Why do they always do this?
He's Irish in the book
A black man in prison is totally unrealistic.
Imagine someone with an irish accent narrating the entire movie, it would have been shit.
A black man in a Maine prison is pretty unrealistic to be fair.
when will this racist white-washing end?
he said he was irish in the movie. plus he's a good actor
I'm not racist but I just think that blacks are too primitive to convey the whole range of emotion and humanity that white people do. It's not their fault and I don't hate them for it, it just seems silly to put them in these roles where they seem so out of place. I don't know, maybe the director's trying to say something about humanity's primal roots or how close we all are to animalistic savagery beneath a veneer of technology and civilisation. But if so he falls short of his mark and instead conveys an emotional homunculus who doesn't seem to even comprehend the words he parrots. A lead actor should be able to understand the forms and expression in a script and portray them to us, the viewer in a way that connects us to the material. If however, the lead actor is a black man the only way to connect is through the skewed lens of his blinkered imagination.
def hollywood(character):
... a = character
... return a[2] + a[1] + a[0] + a[3:]
Maybe he's like that guy in Punisher Max. Black kid raised in Dublin.
omg a black guy instead of a white one. This is a genocide! Kill yourself user
Morgan Freeman, Samuel L. Jackson, Idris Elba.
They don’t count as replacing a white role. Brendan Gleeson or Brian Cox would have been great for the role but I’m fine with Freeman.
Looks pretty Irish to me.
I agree with this user. Morgan Freeman is based
All I see is an Irish person
The Irish are the blacks of western europe
return a[2::-1] + a[3:]
You can't be a black englishman. We both know those don't exist.
No, it is not.
t. Mainer
Did Morgan ever did Theater?
he got the irish freckles doe
>omg a black guy instead of a white one. This is a genocide! Kill yourself user
Because you can blackwash an Irishman any time you want to and never catch heat for it. The Tammany Hall Irish during the 20th Century reduced being Irish to irrelevancy in the US with their shitty behavior and pro-fascist leanings. To be Irish in Jew-controlled, nigger-pilled USA is to be less than a person in every respect, unable to have an identity beyond commercialized stereotypes and green beer once a year.
looks irish to me
if they even only had 2 black people in Maine back, at least one of them will be in prison statistically
The better question is who gives a shit
>Black Irish
that actually sounds kino
le so smart and sophisticated
>i'm not racist but
>*engages on retarded racist rant with shit opinion*
kys faggot, back to your containment board
basically this they are good actors who got selected because of their acting ability
the problems are when they cast purely for diversities sake and they almost universally end up being shitty actors unfit for the role
>I'm not racist but I just think that blacks are too primitive to convey the whole range of emotion and humanity that white people do. It's not their fault and I don't hate them for it, it just seems silly to put them in these roles where they seem so out of place.
This is true, and all you needed to say. The rest is gay tryhard intellectual shit
Because Freeman unironically carried this movie and it wouldn't be at the same without his line delivery.
Maine gets blacker every year
troll thread but, just because something is based off a book doesn't mean it has to be 100%. Of course, if they complete botch the job that's one thing, but not here. if you like the book so much (which i know you didn't read,) just read the book.
The difference is honestly not that big.
Not for long. The inability of blacks to practice basic safety measures has already made them the single biggest demographic of sufferers.
As the exponential increase in cases continues, we will see their numbers thin out. The Anti-White program stops here.
whats the difference?
>The inability of blacks to practice basic safety measures
This is just because they live in more densely populated regions, user. It's the Orthodox Jews with flagrant disregard for safety measures.
What is Ginger an anagram for?
based pseud making leftypol trannies seethe
How do retards like these function in everyday life
Jews gives a shit, they destroy race, nation and families to make easy usury and lie for cattle people who suppose to work for by Jews printed money, Strong families union create strong nation and strong nations contribute to strong race . Why only Jews can have strong Nationalism? Because they are Gods chosen people and their purpose is take care of bastards with out family, tribe, nation, race that could protect them from Jew usury by lie.
there is hierarchy even in free masonry Jewish fraternity. Either you bastard or belong to family , tribe, nation, race, humanity = stamen big branches , smaller ones and green leaves.
Jews do not like natural order they would like to be in charge for own benefit. that's why you will never see nigger play a jew.
hello? king of the based castle?
You are screwed if you sincerely do not understand. that is why Jews have their way
He looks like your average american plastic paddy to me.
Because retards like you give them (You)'s. It's bait.
Wait til' you see who the Coen brothers cast as Macbeth
>aye to be sure the sisters were like Andy's personal potato famine. Some days yer man would manage to send the cunts packing without doing the gee, but others he'd be the cunt.
I appreciate all races and I would like to preserve all nations, encourage people keep together in tribes and have strong families.
I would like to see Jews as a one nation, out of other nations business. You can put white ginger to play a nigger and it is same stupid in revers. I will start race mix propaganda same day when climate start mixing. Have you ever so how gingers pathetic look in a natural niggers environment? They look like red pussy. Same goes with niggers in the cold whites climate.
Nigger in the north = ginger in the south
Why? Jews handle their cattle as they pleased.
Liam Neeson would like a word.
>omg a white guy instead of black one.
there is no difference for whore with out family, nation and culture. You are a cattle of the Jews, because Jews love their families, they are most tribal people in the world, preserved their culture and life style of usury and lie.
Do you know how differ English bulldog from the Jewish mother? Jewish mother never let it go.
Your children do not respect you at all, because you do not even respect yourself and lost your identity in a army of grabbers.
> it is not for diversity sake is for mixing sake
Was he Irish or Irish american? Because Irish americans are basically black. In fact all Americans are very negrofied
stay mad nigger
Dare I say the most based post whose photons have received my eyes?
I'd say because the ethnicity is completely arbitrary for this character and Morgan Freeman is a household name.
I'm in no way racist and have no time for this 'hurr SJW in muh entertainment' bullshit but yesterday I watched the first episode of the Swamp Thing and in the first five minutes it became actually unavoidable
>first shot is of a black man in the Louisiana Bayou
>cuts to the fucking congo for some reason to show two black kids
>cut to woman scientist
>woman's best friend is a gay chinese guy
>cuts to hospital where black guy is doctor
>cuts to a police car, black cop gets out
>only two white guys are fat red necks