OFFICIAL New Jedi of the High Republic Era. Who will get a new Film or Series first?

Stellan Gios?

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Keeve Trennis?

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fake and gay

that didn't take long

Loden Greatstorm?

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God damn, this is some gay shit. It feels almost like a skit from comedy shot.

why do black females like this always gotta have weird hair

cant they just make a normal black person for once?

Vernestra " Vern" Rwoh?

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Avar Kriss?...
What do we think of our new Heroes lads? I think we can make a proper Trilogy out of then

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Who cares

what the fuck is this supposed to be? live action? cartoon? comic?

I don't anticipate that this will resonate with me

its going to be even shittier than all prior star wars properties I can;t wai\t

Why is it always either that shitty halfways-bald haircut or weird short cornrows? Do they not think of making a hair style that doesn't fucking suck? What happened to the afro?

Is this some “Game of Thrones” shit?

Is there a difference in technology between all the eras in star wars? Seems like all the same shit is always there.

If this guy comes from an aristocratic background or sum and eventually betrays the others to further his own personal goals, I'd actually watch this



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bro thats a zer

>A single one of them is a black female.

Dropped. Absolute dogshit from conception. And not even because I hate Black females. They're fine, even though 1 in 4 of them has an STD and 86% of them are overweight, obese, or morbidly obese. No, it's because I don't trust any writer in this century to write an actual character. They will create some wooden fucking mary-sue-quisha all over again because they simply can't allow a black woman to have a flaw. That would devastate the ideas that they are trying to push on young people, like: black women are smart, black women are capable, they can be heroes. I didn't fucking believe it in Matrix Revolutions, I didn't believe it in fucking AVP, I don't believe it now. This has barely gotten off the idea board and it's a corpse. All we wanted was Mara Jade and Bastila - well written, good, strong, capable, still flawed, heroines. Instead you give us this trash.

Too many humans, literally only 2 aliens and one of those two is just a human with green paint slathered over them.

"Normal black person" really user. Don't you know they've been trying to subvert and undermine the Black cultural identity for decades? It's why you see black trannies and queers and fags everywhere now, and fewer normal" black persons. It's because the left grew out of the white man's need to control. And the Black American has been their testbed for what they intend for everyone.

Theyre going to set this 400 years before the prequels and have Yoda being under a council of women jedi and him being grandmaster didnt happen until like 100 years before the PT.

theyre gonna ruin as muh as they can

>Star Wars. "Not pro-war."
Women are absolutely fucking retarded. I love my mother. I love my wife. They're all retarded.


>no face tattoos
What is this gay shit?

>diversity listed twice
every time

>Cool lighsaber.
>Cool name.
>Cool robes.
>One lekku not slung over the opposite shoulder (a) like a pepper Twi'lek male and (b) because it would look badass like Auron from FFX.

They were SO close with this one.

These characters smell like Lucasfilm story groups self inserts and tools for agendas.

Star Wars is old civilization kind of thing. There isn't major difference on how advanced the technology is, just how much common sense is used on things like fighter and ship design. They might lose that common sense and actual understanding of warfare because jedi or some other faggots running peaceful galaxy for some centuries or millennia. Insert few years or decades of war and instability, people might have learned something about warfare.

This one reason why TLJ's hyperspace ramming totally broke the setting. Everyone would have known about it being the way to go from the start and it also kinda makes most warships and fucking Death Stars completely pointless.

New info on each

Based Stellan

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>Sexy teacher
Low effort and unremarkable, female - oriented?
Absolute dog shit, Tumblr art version of a black woman who is a smug, ugly lesbian with a sidecut or other stupid hairstyle.
This is okay
Boring hair, normal (poorly drawn) face but green? No facial tattoos? Looks incredibly lazy.
Meh. Female - oriented?

It doesn't look good.

Wannabe Qui gon

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haha wtf

Why i have this strange feeling it was written by a female writer?

>Young firebrand

Black girl is of course the strong independent hothead

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Is Avar /ourgirl/??

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Thats a woman



Jesus christ what is this tumblr shit

good god these are all fucking awful.


He’s definitely gonna be gay or at least bi

what's wrong with that? fuck space niggers

If there was a word for these designs it'd be "boring".

>rey 2.0
holy fuck they never fucking learn

What an interesting character.

why does "she" look like bootleg ozymandias

>literally tranny

>she is perfect
they never learn

>saying all these good things about
100 bucks he turns evil and the women have to kill him

looks like an incase trap

if you squint, he kinda looks like kathleen

A fucking what?

>crossguard for the saber

Trips confirm....... yikes.

This guy is gonna get BTFO by women left and right and ultimately be a racist.

Nobody, they are for books you fucking aspie.

what is VagWars obsession with the crossguards on lightsabers? did lightsabers not having any safety trigger the femoids that hard?

Jesus fucking christ.

>faggot shaved head


Crossguards are cool as fuck you faggot. Makes them look like greatswords.

too bad lightsabers are supposed to be space katanas