ITT: Pleb filters
ITT: Pleb filters
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It has great art direction and costumes but the actual story is shit. Tell me why everyone thinks it's secretly patrician.
It has great art direction and costumes.
You know a movie is shit when it has an exposition dump all at once near the end.
fuck you
Pure, unadulterated kino.
More like brainlet exposer.
You're an absolute retard if you think this movie isn't a failure as not only an adaptation but a horror movie.
I rape with him on multi while my buddy rains rockets everywhere. Shits awesome
Because they, like the director and akira yamaoka, don't understand silent hill.
t. pleb
Fucking nerds on this board take every opportunity to have a fucking attitude without even having the courtesy to say something witty, it's just senseless, aimless peasant malice and I don't understand how you're not embarrassed to act that way. It's like pissing your pants and announcing to everyone you can't lift your own body weight
zoomer and fagpilled
Prove me wrong. You can't, and you won't.
This copied a movie called house hunters or house hunting (can’t remember) like 70%
Twin perfect fags? That shit is still a thing?
Movies are a visual medium. Great art direction and costumes goes a long, long way, and a movie that is purely a visual spectacle is still a good movie. I love Speed Racer and Equilibrium too.
It's shit because it doesn't have a fixed camera angle. You don't understand Silent Hill, brainless moron.
Fuck off gym.
Yeahhhh the game was like that too
Games and movies have different expectations of their stories. A great game story is a mediocre at best movie story.
Saying it's a failure as an adaptation and a failure as a horror movie does not make it a failure of a movie as a whole. see That's why this is a pleb filter. Plebs see "Silent Hill" and "Horror" and think that if it doesn't live up to those, then it's failed and they refuse to see the movie in anything other than this very narrow box. Whereas a patrician has the capacity to see the film in a vacuum.
All that and you couldn't explain why it isn't objectively shit.
anything user says will prove you wrong but you'll still be a fag and disargee
>bitching about 14 yo flick and while there is actual crapy sh sequel.
I don't need to prove anything. You are nothing more than a sh version of RLM paypig faggot only thing you know is parroting some retarded quotes from ecelebs and fucking Internet forums....
Cope shitter, he and you definitely can't prove me wrong.
I can hear the tears running down your face lmao. Mad because you can't formulate words
video games are a superior medium to cinema
Fuck off Yas Forumsirgin
This film, when considered as stand-alone and taken at face value, is an absolute masterpiece.
Wrong, in so many ways.
Second half of this.
what the hell are you talking about
True, in every single way.
List them, now.
The execution was objectively bad. It suffers from the same thing all modern movies do in that they assume their audience haven't taken middle school science class.
>N-N-NOOOO!! The excited scientists can't take their helmets off!!! Even if it's already established that they're very reckless and often break protocol and it would be COMPLETELY in-line with bored contractors to do shit like bring marijuana and fuck with the wildlife!!! It makes too much senseeeeee
So you're exploring alien ruins with strange and scary looking alien life, god, how fucking boring, better light up a J and blaze out this bitch amirite
That's how fucking stupid you sound.
>actual story
>video games are a superior medium to cinema
It's true though
original fails on its own merit, cop is retarded and plot with the dad pointless. kid is a bad actress and spooky devil child is so "been there done that." choreography of monsters is okay. pyramid head gore is just excessively edgy, not even scary. and the movie has no real theme or point, ultimately, except to re-tell a game's story. it's bankrupt
its bad user. even if you dont care that it rapes the lore it's just not scary and the cgi monsters are dated and goofy looking
>dude, Maine sound to manly too my taste
>what are some feminine states Americans have?
Is gans a tranny
>the movie has no real theme or point
Like the games, the main theme is love as well as trauma. In Silent Hill that trauma manifests into a physical form, so what it really is exploring is the psychology of humans. Specifically what we crave and how tragedy affects us. The point made at the climax of the film is that even though you can take revenge against the people who have done you wrong, you can't undo the evils of the past. The people affected by trauma are victims, and yet that trauma can in turn corrupt them as well which is an even greater tragedy.
his successor in sequel is
I think it just took the more discerned fans, like myself, by surprise. No one expected anything anywhere near as good as what it was. In terms of visual style and atmosphere, they nailed it. Sure the storyline was simplistic, a kind of generic version of what a 'silent hill' narrative could be, but it still FELT like the game and that was the important part. If you consider how easily it could have been turned into another dumb resident evilesk action movie, and yet it wasnt, its pretty satisfying. It has great rewatchability too, super comfy for some reason. And it has Sean Bean in it too ffs. And he DOESNT DIE.
>In terms of visual style and atmosphere
stop saying that, its not true
only pleb filters ITT, is good though.
Some of it is even shot for shot, like the opening alley hallucinations from SH1. You do not know what you're talking about go fuck yourself idiot.
>it has Sean Bean in it too ffs. And he DOESNT DIE
why does that matter
>If you consider how easily it could have been turned into another dumb resident evilesk action movie, and yet it wasnt
but other people are saying it's good on its own merit, why are you bringing in resident evil movies comparison? they aren't relevant
>super comfy for some reason
subjective, i don't think so
>In terms of visual style and atmosphere, they nailed it
it was changed from mysterious cult stuff to devil vs bad christians, that's really a totally different atmosphere, at least for me
>more discerned fans
discerned by whom?
you go fuck self
He's French. Easy mistake to make though.
His filmography is really sparse what the hell does he do in between films?