Was she the worst F.R.I.E.N.D?

Was she the worst F.R.I.E.N.D?

>aged like milk
>bad singer
>sluttiest of the 3

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The fuck you talking about? She was unironically the hottest Friend seasons 1-3. She's also aged far better than Cox with all her cosmetic surgery.

They were all attractive in season 1 even Phoebe

>>aged like milk
probably in the middle of the pack

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Cox debogged herself and looks fine now.

ross was the worst

She was goat early with curly hair then she got real flandardized

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You don't deserve to sniff the tip of the smallest finger on Ross' mighty hand.

She would easily be the worst friend to have of all of them. The only pro is that she's a masseuse. The other all have lots going for them I've no idea why they hang out with her dead beat ass.

thin chandler looked like a coke addict

only fags like Ross, I mean only like fags like Friends but only super fags like Ross

Ross at his worst could buy and sell your punk ass.

I actually think the One Where Ross Blacks Up crossed a line but I guess the 90s were just different.

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cox used to be so fucking pretty bros

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Ross is boss.

fuck friends

Gaben third from the right.

Kramer did it better on Seinfeld

They're all raging cunts, Joey is the only one who'd be at all a decent friend irl

She should not have been a main character. Terrible.

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Post-post-Emily-depression Ross is pretty selfless.

Why do people keep doing this? The show is fucking called "Friends"

who was the seventh friend?


Paul Rudd

>He wants perfect characters in his sitcom
One of the reason Siendfield was so great was because none of the main characters were good people, in fact they were pricks.

she looks like my grandma like, exactly


If we're judging air time I guess Mike, Phoebe's last boyfriend, but I want to say Gunther.

Officer Goodbody

alex the lion

pre woke era woke whore, cat mother, free love bullshit, I hope she died in a cardboard box from an infected needle

>what did F.R.I.E.N.D. stand for

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lifetime crush material if you would've known her in high school or something

You can tell Monica started taking those Bogpills around season 8

She wasn't supposed to be

Her and Chandler were originally intended as occasional appearances, that's why they're mysteriously such good buds in S1

S3 Chandler was Auschwitz mode

Yes but Lisa is probably the nicest one IRL

Season 5 Rachel was the best

Evil cunt actively tried to break up Chandler and Monica marriage. It made no sense why anyone would want this poisonous sociopath in their life

Chandler was the funniest imo.
I marathoned the show with my ex two years ago. I put the show off at first but I think I liked his character the most.

Mike's character didnt get along with any of the other Friends

I’m straight and I love friends

yes and it's not close

you, the viewer

Why did cox continue to get surgery when it was already making her look worse from the beginning?

Fat Monica was the best, fite me

The black chick Ross and Joey dated

No she didn’t

huh, I would've guessed Joey taking that role. Chandler already being friends with Ross. That and Joey being a simplier character.

t. Phoebe
Yes she did, she constantly said Monica could do better and then she told Monica she had met Monica's true soul mate after she was already married to Chandler and then actually brought the guy to the coffee house where they hit it off

holiday armadillo

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Phoebe is the best (and hottest) Friend

S10 Ross is /fa/ as fuck

>They're not typed out in single lines so it reads FRIENDS down the front

>Wins arguments by making points so dumbe they can't be refuted

based and Phoebepilled, have some silver dollar nipples

as for the 'unfunny' accusation, nobody on that show was actually funny besides Chandler anyway

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phoebe season 3
rachel season 5
monica fucking never

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Wow. A total pussy fag. KYS.

Ross was goat in the later seasons, though I didnt think so at the time.