You know you have them. Share them.

When I was 14 I wrote a shitty supernatural ripoff of Predator 2 with some Highlander and Raiders of the Lost Ark thrown in and called it THE HAUNTER.

>Four cops kill the son of a Jamaican drug lord during a raid.
>The drug lord conducts a voodu ritual to summon a supernatural assassin, the Haunter, to kill them in revenge.
>The Haunter movies through the shadows like a ghost and has razor-sharp claws. His true form can only be seen by the pure of heart. The Haunter must then kill them no matter what.
>One of the victims is the partner of a gruff hero cop who sets out to protect the last target.
>The Haunter kills his last target and has a run-in with the gruff cop, who escapes by hiding in a church, where the Haunter can't set foot.
>Cop asks a paranormal researcher for help and they figure out the Haunter must deliver the hearts of his victims to his "client".
>Cop and researcher go to drug lord's house and catch him with the Haunter.
>Drug lord's daughter walks in and since she's pure of heart, she sees the Haunter's true form and becomes a target.
>Researcher sacrifices himself so cop and daughter can escape.
>The Haunter mortally wounds the drug lord, who conducts another ritual to make the Haunter physical/human for 12 hours.
>The Haunter is no longer invisible, but can go into churches.
>Cop and daughter lure the Haunter into an abandoned building for a final standoff and try to kill him with booby traps and several weapons, but even in his human form he's stronger.
>The deadline expires and the Haunter becomes supernatural again.
>Turns out the abandoned building was once a church, and they tricked the Haunter into setting foot in it.
>A good counterpart to the Haunter called "The Avenger" appears and slays him, but spares out heroes because they're good and brave.
>Then for no good reason another supernatural monster called "The Slasher" shows up to set up a sequel.

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A super hero movie called "Dancing Guy"

What's his superpower?

You're pretty good at coming up with names.

I had a sequel idea for Commando 2
Long story short, think Commando in space with Knights of the old republic style space ships and Arnold gets in another knife fight cause they did something to him again

>Turns out the abandoned building was once a church, and they tricked the Haunter into setting foot in it.
>A good counterpart to the >Haunter called "The Avenger" appears and slays him, but spares out heroes because they're good and brave.
>Then for no good reason another supernatural monster called "The Slasher" shows up to set up a sequel.
The best twist, and left it open for a sequel. Kino OP
Sounds like something Id of watched on a Wednesday at 3 AM when I was 14 and said "not bad"

An alien (Alien,Aliens) movie where the Xenomorph molts into a dragonmorph and spews acid breath and flys around. It takes place in a big state-sized city. At the end when it gets slayed by the Hero (Arnold Schwarzenegger) it cracks in two and a small adapted version slips away.

>when the movie idea of a child is better than anything after Aliens

He dances

Drew this in Jr High in my notebook
>Alien spin off
>jonesy the cat is lost in space
>becomes human level intelligent (no real reason given)
>lands on alien home world
>it’s like a regular town (aliens are wearing clothes and driving around in cars)
>aliens are suppose to have British accents
>jonesy suddenly dresses like Rambo (no real reason given for this)
I’m sure that’s all I had drawn...can’t remember the rest. I think the plot was he was going to rescue ripley

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What style?

Why is it so hard for sudios to give people what they want?

Whatever was popular in the early 2000s

I'd watch the fuck out of a Jonesy spin-off.

>Sequel to Freddy VS. Jason.
>Freddy is pissed that Jason screwed him over.
>Influences Michael Myers to hunt Jason down.
>Meanwhile, he finds out about the Lamentation Box and how it can bring him back to life, and decides to steal it.
>The box is in Texas, so Freddy controls Leatherface to steal it for him.
>It turns out that Chucky is also at the store where the Box is, because he wants to use it to transfer his mind to Leatherface's body.
>Jason kills Michael, but Michael gets back to life and since he died, Freddy no longer controls him
>Michael is pissed he was used and Jason is pissed Freddy is messing with him again, so they team up to kill Freddy.
>They are secretly being followed by a Predator, because Jason is a worthy opponent.
>At the store, Chucky attacks Leatherface but Leatherface chops him up.
>Freddy uses the Box to come back to life and kills Leatherface.
>Pinhead shows up to get Freddy and the Box back.
>Jason and Michael show up and tag-team Freddy. Pinhead is slashed, gets pissed and teams up with Freddy.
>Meanwhile, there's an alien egg at the store for unspecified reasons and it latches a facehugger onto Leatherface's body.
>Freddy and Pinhead kill Michael.
>The Predator shows up to fight Jason.
>Freddy betrays Pinhead and kills him.
>An zombie xenomorph is born from Leatherface and attacks everyone.
>While the Predator is busy, Jason goes and kills Freddy to death then fights the xenomorph.
>The Predator is fucked up and triggers his self-destruct thing.
>Alien xenomorph and the Box get destroyed.
>Jason is the sole survivor. Crawls out of the wreckage.
>It turns out the store is an S-Mart.
>Ash shows up and shoots him in the head with a shotgun.
>Post-credits Freddy wakes up in Hell and wishes he'd have another shot at the Box. The Wishmaster shows up and says that it can be arranged.

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King Kong versus Mighty Joe Young but then they team up to fight a corrupt army general that looks like Lt.Surge from Pokemon.


Godzilla (1999 American version but the cartoon) vs Gundam (whichever one) they both fight with giant spears and destroy China and a nuclear submarine plays some part that I can't remember.

I'm thinking kino is back on the menu boys

Sounds really great to be honest. Sell it and I'll watch it.

Here's an odd idea I had as a lad.
>the Preacher from Pale Rider teams up with a headless samurai armor with 2 swords
>they go around killing iconic movie monsters from the 30s universal to the 80s slashers
>magic bullets and sacred swords
>at the end they have to kill Godzilla
>samurai armor sacrifices itself to turn into a giant mech that Preacher pilots
>ends with Preacher jumping out onto Godzilla's head and shooting him through the eye

Fund it. Fund all of it.


Stopped reading there

“The greatest ninja... who played baseball?” Also sequels for baseball, football, etc.

Honestly, I would watch this.

the burbs 2

another family of weirdos move to the neighborhood and t.hanks and the gang discover they're murderers

i would watch this
>An alien (Alien,Aliens) movie where the Xenomorph molts into a dragonmorph
>>jonesy the cat
i'd watch this
>>Sequel to Freddy VS. Jason.
trash, didnt read any further
>“The greatest ninja... who played baseball?”
would watch

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>Jason goes and kills Freddy to death

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I would change it so the researcher stays alive until the end- he can die in the last battle if need be but we need him there to explain the ritual, and explain the avenger.
I would have the drug lord sacrifice himself to save his daughter with the materialization ritual so you still get that story beat and its more impactful unless you have some serious exposition with the paranormal researcher.

The slasher should show up through a character introduced at the beginning, the strange priest who introduces the cop to the paranormal researcher and explains the story of "The Haunter". Turns out the priest is selling these rituals to the highest bidder. Now you have the sequel AND a overarching hook to the story at large.

We got something brewing here, lads.

Cast it

Hello, kino department?

When I imagined the "strange priest" it was christopher lambert. I hope OP has some in mind though as I'm pulling blanks. The jamaicans daughter needs to be just young enough to pull off innocence but old enough to be a little somethin for the dads in the audience haha a little somethin for the papas you kinow what I mean?

Hey, why isn't Jigsaw in that pic? Oh yeah, he never killed anyone making Jigsaw the worst horror movie villain ever lol

I wrote a treatment for RoboCop vs Terminator. Still think it would be kino

Frank Grillo

>Paranormal researcher
John Gallagher Jr.

>Drug lord
Colman Domingo.

>Drug lord's daughter
Jessica Sula.

>Evil priest
William Fichtner.

god damn that is a perfectly plausible casting

Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of Godzilla
>Goku and the Z-Fighters are chilling after Buu has been defeated, it's been about 2-3 years
>Goku is training outside of his home, but is suddenly caught off guard as he feels a ki higher than Buu's
>Godzilla emerges on the other side of the Earth and begins going on an absolute rampage
>King Kai and Goku talk about what's happening as he flies off to confront Godzilla
>meets up with Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Krillin, Tien, and Android 18
>Goku is frozen at the sheer power Godzilla holds, Godzilla takes advantage of this and blasts him with his radioactive breath (this is now ki based for this version of Godzilla)
>Gohan steps in to block it, Goku didn't even realize what was happening
>Gohan is barely holding himself up, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Android 18 charge Godzilla
>All smacked away by his tail, knocked miles upon miles away into buildings, mountains, hill sides
>Goten and Trunks fuse and go Super Saiyan 3 to no avail, Godzilla smacks them once and knocks them out of fusion and into their base forms
>Goku finally comes to his senses, hurries to get Goten and Trunks before they crash land
>Goku uses Instant Transmission to take them to Kami's Lookout, Dende asks how he can help (Supreme Kai has been filling him in on everything)
>Goku isn't sure, but Dende tells him how the Supreme Kai mentioned Potara Fusion between him (Goku) and Vegeta
>Goku merely looks away, uses Instant Transmission to go get the others as Dende tries to say something to him
>Goku gathers everyone, the Briefs, Chi-Chi, Roshi and the others at Kame House, Yamcha, the Ox-King, Launch, everybody he cares about, and takes them back to Kami's Lookout
>Sets back off for Godzilla who has been tracking Goku this whole time
>Goku goes Super Saiyan, as he wants to conserve energy, and charges Godzilla
>Godzilla lets out a roar that shakes the entire Earth, causes all of the oceans to wave, and levels cities, stopping Goku in his tracks

>star trek: waterworld
>captain janeway comes across a planet covered entirely in water
>the voyager crashlands on the planet
>most of the crew die
>voyager raided by smokers
>janeway taken captive
>neelix, tuvok and harry kim team up with the mariner to rescue her
>tuvok and mariner find common ground
>kim thinks something is familiar about this world
>janeway is raped by smokers, becomes a bad bitch in tanker prison
>the heroes get her out but now she wears a bikini thong and is permanently scarred across the eye
>"it was earth all along" ending
>"something just entered the atmosphere"
>slam cut to ellen ripley waking up in escape pod
>last shot is an aerial shot of an alien swimming under the catamaran like jaws

>Sitcom called Naboo.
>They live next to a pond
>The parents hate Gungans
>A clumsy Gungan keeps coming over to pet their Shaak
>Queen rules that Gungans and Naboo have to share the same school.
>Teachers are trade federation droids.

What is it with kids and crossovers?

As a kid I thought I was a genius for coming up with “Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter.”

>Goku instantly recomposes himself and charges back towards Godzilla, who swings his tail directly at Goku
>Goku manages to dodge the tail, but is smacked down by Godzilla's hand
>Godzilla shoots a beam of radioactive ki breath at Goku, which Goku manages to dodge
>that beam of radioactive breath shoots directly into the Earth's core, which gradually causes magma to spout up from the ground in great plumes
>Godzilla pushes Goku to enter Super Saiyan 3 and fight with all he's got as the Earth around them is slowly destroyed
>as all seems lost, Vegeta flies into the battlefield, with a Potara Ring
>The Supreme Kai gave this to Vegeta as one last ditch effort to stop Godzilla, he took the others at Kami's Lookout back to his planet for safety
>Godzilla goes for Vegeta, but Goku briefly blinds him with a Solar Flare
>Goku and Vegeta pop on the earrings and fuse into Vegito, and they quickly power up from Super Saiyan, into Super Saiyan 2, and finally, into Super Saiyan 3
>Even though he's faced with an immense power, Godzilla charges right for Vegito, which actually gains him some respect from Vegito
>The two beings clash, reducing the Earth to mere planetary chunks, just enough for Vegito to still be able to fight on
>Vegito manages to get the upper hand on Godzilla, and stabs him with a Beam Sword, before swinging him by his tail into a chunk of Earth
>Vegito charges up a Big Bang Kamehameha
>Godzilla charges up a super radioactive ki blast
>the two beams clash, the resulting ki output destroys the remaining chunks of Earth, as well as the closest planets, stars, and the general space around them
>This opens a black hole, which both are slowly dragged into
>Both of their ki's vanish for a moment
>before the black hole begins growing at an immense rate, sucking in everything in its path
>suddenly, it turns white, then beams of light (and ki) start shooting out from it
>the black hole explodes
>Goku, Vegeta, and Godzilla emerge from it, all unconscious

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>gigantic murderous camel runs loose.
>government offers 100k reward for those who catch it.
>movie focuses on three friends digging a hole to catch it

I wrote the sneed joke

not really from childhood, thinking about some idea after watching the shitshow that is pacific rim uprising
>kaiju have gone
>jaeger are still around in case kaijus comes back
>every country started making their own jaeger
>compete them in a national event, with the purpose to keep the pilot in shape in case the kaiju comes back
>jaeger tournament keeps gaining more and more popularity
>up to a point where it's basically a billion dollar industry surpassing soccer/basketball and any other popular sports
>jaeger pilots are basically celebrities at this point
>jaeger fights is twisted to be more entertainment rather than preparation, punches are dampened, shots are blank, swords are dulled etc, basically they just make the fight more flashy instead of real.
>during the final match of the jaeger tournament a kaiju came, from space or portal or somewhere havent decided which one is less stupid
>the celeb pilots is basically panicking, one team straight up leaves from the arena
>one of the main characters are doomsday kaiju believers pilot, always going about how kaiju will always comes back and the jaeger fights nowadays is shitty, trained by charlie hunnam himself
>in the middle of the panic he convinces all of his other friends to fight the kaiju, that this is the thing they prepared for
>even though it's just one cat 3 they need 3 jaeger to take it down, 1 jaeger destroyed 2 died
>pilots from around the world started pulling out because they are afraid
>people from around the world started to question their celebrity/idol
>turns out the cat 3 was just a diversion, as there is another kaiju roams the sea making more breach
>the mc and charlie have to train the celebs pilot the old ways of the jaeger, to cancel the apocalypse once again

I liked the plot user. Solid A, thank you

>They are secretly being followed by a Predator, because Jason is a worthy opponent.
This is where I knew I was reading kino.

I’m imagining a crime drama where Joe Camel is the killer.

Okay so this was like a fantasy I would immerse myself into as a child. I would usually be lying on my stomach with my eyes closed.

>be me, main character who was named Goldar and was based off of a blonde knight toy, blue armor with chainmail
>the entire Sailor Squad was my waifu concubine
>this was before I even fapped, so I didn't fuck any of them, really not even sure WHAT we did with each other but there was some intimacy happening in swimming pools of shit
>for some reason that was kind of the big thrill out of doing it

ask me more if you want, it was mainly centered around that, my autistic dreamworld of pretty much that

I made a version of a lord of the rings with a self insert numenorean character that creates a ring of power, 10 year old me thought “well the one is gold so diamond should be straight up better” so the ring was diamond with blue etchings instead of red because blue was my favorite color

Basically it was just a power trip of my selfinsert challenging Sauron in an alternate ending where Sauron gets his ring back

Turns out some asshole in the matrix looked at my childhood and stole my idea and made a multimillion dollar franchise off of it.

>ask me more if you want
Who’s your favorite sailor soldier?

>I made a version of a lord of the rings with a self insert numenorean character that creates a ring of power, 10 year old me thought “well the one is gold so diamond should be straight up better” so the ring was diamond with blue etchings instead of red because blue was my favorite color
yfw this is the plot for amazon's lord of the rings tv series

And it’s basically the plot for shadow of Mordor, I’m seething

It's hard to say, but Venus is up there. Mercury too I guess. I really liked the Queen too lol

Speaking of HIGHLANDER I remember thinking they should do a sequel but set far in the future, basically once MacLeod was Earths final immortal he has to wait until interstellar travel is invented and goes off to fight alien immortals. Was thinking something like an immortal Klingon shows up and they have a batleth vs katana sword fight or some other nerdy shit like that

This was before Highlander 2 came out


So mobile Fighter G gundam meets Pacific Rim?

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Not childhood but recently I had the shitty idea of the MUTO's getting their own spin-off standalone film. It would be an actual Toho film instead of a legendary film.

>Title: "MUTO: The Nuclear Terror!"

>set in late 1970's Japan
>would uniquely be set up to look like it was actually produced in the late 1970's where the setting is, using practical effect technology that was commonly used then but is largely obsolete today (eg. puppets, stop motion, etc)
>as such would use as little CGI a possible, or possibly use CGI in a way that mimics older practical effect technology


>nuclear war suddenly erupts with absolutely no warning, without even warnings issued by authorities to take cover
>no political events or rising tensions that could have led to a nuclear exchange are hinted to have occurred; the nukes just fucking drop on a normal day in late 1970's Japan and the rest of the world, and bizarrely a few even hit Antarctica which doesn't make sense as a target
>mysteriously, none are intercepted by either Soviet or American anti-missile defenses
>99% of the world's population is decimated in a matter of minutes
>main characters are spared because they are on a cruise ship thousands of miles out in the Pacific
>when the ship returns to the mainland after about a month of waiting for the fallout to subside, they go through mostly what you would expect of the hardship in a post-atomic humanity, occasionally stumbling upon people who somehow managed to survive the inferno
>the main issues are almost no food, water, or medical supplies, radiation poisoning and disease outbreaks
>suddenly that becomes the least of their worries when the radiation awakens thousands of MUTOs from hibernation across the world
>characters must simultaneously avoid being eaten by MUTOS, find any remaining usable supplies in post-atomic Japan, and find a way to reach Australia which (rumor has it), is not only MUTO-free but largely spared from the nuclear inferno

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An Indian man with divine powers eradicates all Asiatics

Venus is cool/cute, but Mercury is boring to me. I’ll admit she has her moments.

My Star Wars episode 7 was that the Confederacy and Grievous would come back and fight the New Republic because I found the CIS really cool.