Just about to start watching this apparently "kino" show. Should I watch the sub or dub version...

Just about to start watching this apparently "kino" show. Should I watch the sub or dub version? and also there seems to be confusion on the order to watch the series and films, what does Yas Forums recommend?

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Sub no doubt. Netflix fucked it up kind of but the translation is still accurate.

subs, watch the tv series first, but know episode 25 and 26 are kinda wack, and then after that watch the movie End of Evangelion, which replaces 25 and 26 with a better ending.

The rest doesn't matter

what the original dub, not the one on netflix, the shows already pretty confusing and i would imagine subs would make it worse
watch the whole series and then EoE

Shinji’s dubbed voice is stuck in my head and I’ve only seen one episode in English

what about the director cut for episodes 21 - 24?

don't do this

Eva is 1 of those shows where original jap audio is the only way. The only thing is, I really have no idea where to get the best subbed version of Eva

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Is there really anything worth watching with dub except Berserk and Cowboy Bebop?

yu yu hakusho, hellsing ultimate, arguably panty and stocking

nah, just watch whole series like others said and EoE

Watch the original dub of it. Not the Netflix dub.

I tried watching yu yu hakusho, im up to episode 17 where kuwabara fights the tiger looking dude in the lava pits but its boring as hell so far, when does it get good?

the arc is really shit honestly, I always say episode 1 to 15~ish are good then the saint beast arc is prettty shit except yusukes fight at the end.

That whole arc was the authors attempt at putting a b-tier horror movie plot into a shounen. The bread and butter of yu yu hakusho is like episode 20 to 90

watch after original 21-26 but before end of evangelion

wtf why would you recomend not watching the DC? It's a couple of extra minutes per episode, why would you prefer watching shirter versions of them?

Anyone telling you to watch the original dub is a faggot drowning in their own nostalgia. Watch the sub. If you are insistent on watching the dub then first of all, consider necking yourself. If that is too big of an ask then just watch the Khara dub (the one on Netflix), it's mostly fine apart from a few overly literal translations here and there that faggots are REEing about. The first dub by adv is fucking awful.

because they're setup for eoe, not 25/26

Netflix dub is fine.

I do think the arc is good at establishing the 4 MCs though and they're fighting *philosophies* / capabilities...It's just the villains of the arc are kind of lame except the leader, even then the leader is a bit of a mustache twirler

pre-netflix dub

so? he'll watch eoe anyway so it's good to watch the setup

Sub because dub Shinji's squealing is even more pathetic
Watch the OG anime and then EoE

EoE doesn't replace the last two episodes, it's what's going on inside Shinji's mind during the events of EoE.

>EoE doesn't replace the last two episodes, it's what's going on inside Shinji's mind during the events of EoE.
absolutely wrong you retard mongoloid
do i have to post the wall of sources again

First of all, sub all the way, fuck dubs.
Watch the original 26 episodes (DC version of 21-24)
Then watch End of Evangelion.
After that you can watch the 3 Rebuild movies if you want more, but those are an "alternate" version, and they also suck ass.

Samurai Champloo, G Gundam, the Faulconer version of DBZ

>Hellsing Ultimate
Anderson's voiced by fucking Norio Wakamoto, the dub can't compare even if it's above average

whatever you do don't watch the dub. watch pre-netflix sub since netflix fucked with the plot in the subs. the watch order is full series and then EOE.

please tell me the show doesn't focus on shinji

its shit OP, dont let weebs fool you

is death and rebirth any good? and where does it take place in order

not only does it focus on shinji the entire underlying theme is about exploring shinji's existence as a horny neglected teenager

do it i dare you

Can i just watch the movie? I like the art

>netflix fucked with the plot in the subs
No they didn't

if you mean EoE then no it's literally just an ending for the anime
if you mean Rebuild then also no because the a major factor in its entertainment value is how it fucks with the plot of the original

The entire show is about his pitiful existence

From the Platinum Collection booklets:

Thus, the story of Eva would branch into two stories with the diverging point being the end of Episode Twenty-Four "The Final Messenger." The two stories each unfold differently and arrive at their own climaxes.

It is not that one is the complete version and the other is incomplete. Just like the multiple endings of a game, two different endings were prepared for one story.

Gendo uses Rei to execute the Human Instrumentality Project and the complementation of man begins.

Gendo says, “All souls will become one and find eternal peace”. His Instrumentality Project must have been for all human souls to be combined as one and to compensate each other for what they have been deprived of. In the story that follows from Episode 25 “Air” to Episode 26 “A Pure Heart For You”, he was not able to execute the scenario he had drawn up. It may be that it was in Episode Twenty-Five and Episode Twenty-Six that his wish actually came true.

The moment that Shinji gains conviction that it is okay for him to be there, the background changes, and the blue Earth spreads beneath his feet. However, there are no continents on this Earth, and it is covered by a gigantic coral reef. It seems this is the Earth that has been transfigured by the Instrumentality Project.

It is left for the audience to decide whether this ending is the Best Ending or the Bad Ending.

From the Red Cross Book:

Thus, the story of Evangelion branches into two after the last scene of episode 24. There is one ending as shown in TV episodes 25 and 26, while episodes 25' and 26' as shown in "THE END OF EVANGELION" are another ending.

From the Newtype Filmbook:

(at the beginning of episode 26) At last, the [Human Instrumentality Project] has been executed. ... How about the complementation of Shinji? How about the complementation of Shinji's heart? Here the path of Shinji's complementation is described.

(at the end of episode 26) Amidst the many words of congratulations, a faint smile starts at the corners of Shinji's mouth (and spreads across his face). A happy face -- that is the figure of the Complemented Shinji.

From a April 14, 1996 radio interview:

Hayashibara: So there will be two episode 25s.

Anno: Right, it will be a multi-ending.

Hayashibara: So, a dual... ah, a multi-ending. After episode 24 the endings will diverge.

Anno: Right.

Hayashibara: There will be two of them.

Anno: There will be two of them.

Hayashibara: Ah, two endings.

Anno: Yes.

Hayashibara: In terms of gaming - is it called a simulation game? What do you call it? The ending for that [particular] self changes as you go on [through the game].

Anno: Right, a multi-ending [game].

>EoE doesn't replace the last two episodes, it's what's going on inside Shinji's mind during the events of EoE.

You can look at it that way but the reality is their budget and time ran out and the last two episodes are almost incomprehensible in terms of what happens to the whole world.

lmao dumbass you thought i was trying to provoke you but i was actually legitimately curious since i'm uninformed
thanks for spoonfeeding dummy

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>Eva is 1 of those shows where original jap audio is the only way. The only thing is, I really have no idea where to get the best subbed version of Eva

There is a lot of great voice work in the original dub. Especially Tiffany Grant's version of Asuka with that snide and cutting voice.

I prefer Eng for hellsing just because I liked the different european accents (even if that's still unrealistic) for all the character instead of regular japanese for everything, eng dub just adds an extra layer than jap doesn't have, and they pull it off

I never said the eng dub is better though, just that it's a very worthy english dub

Also do like a few of the VAs from the eng dub because I've been hearing them for 20 years


It's also funny you bring up Anderson when this exists, altho I do love this clip, and I'm not mocking the VA either


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Tiffany Grant makes Asuka sound like a 40 year old woman. She's good at screaming and that's it.

25 and 26 are good, they were just bad for an ending

yeah she sounds fine, hearing shinji speak in english is a bit too whiny for me - I like that I cant really understand how gay shinji sounds when watching jap audio so it's easier for me to get into the show

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: <

It's a recap + a couple of extra minutes + the beginning of EoE.
So if you watch the 26 episodes with DC of 21-24 you don't need to watc D&R before EoE.

>taking the author at his word
fucking retard sheep

Do NOT watch the netflix dub of eva or eoa. They changed a lot of the dialogue and eoa's 3'rd impact scene has no emotion in the dialogue.
>then why do you have hands
changed from
>then what are you hands for?
Little things like that make a huge impact in kino like eva

get the sub


Worst part of watching Eva on netflix is not even the subs or dubs, it's the lack of Fly me to the moon.

"why do you have hands" is a fucking retarded sentence in the context. "then what are your hands for" actually makes sense and an impact. But you wouldn't get it. Normie scum

OP asked if he should go sub or dub.
This implies he is good with both and wants to know which one is better.
There is no reason to watch the dub if you're okay with sub.
So, he should watch the sub.

Both make sense and have impact, you're just upset your favwite dub got changed.

literal autism

Nigger it's changed from the sub. All dubbed eva is shit because the voice actors don't know how to convey emotion with their voices. And the changed line does not make sense in the context. It's also said in a condescending way instead of the original soft introspective tone rei's va does in the subbed version. Stop replying to me. You're wrong and a plebian.

Why are you weeb retards so autistic about nip overacting?

where do you think you are faggot? eva has been discussed on Yas Forums since the first day moot released it. every aspect of eva has been talked to death here.

Gj missing the point. In the netflix dub, rei's va sounds condescending which removes all meaning to the scene. In the subbed version, the va speaks softly and with compassion which is the point. This scene is Shinji overcoming being a miserable depressed person and realizing that he actually wants to live

No, that scene is about Shinji wanting to kill everyone, you dense autist you.

there is literally nowhere more autistic about eva than Yas Forums

Evageeks is worse