Ruined the immersion
Ruined the immersion
i literally went out of cinema after this happened
>there are people on my board RIGHT NOW who unironically think this is the greatest television drama of all time
Breaking bad was already schlock before this
>Mexican terminators
>plane crash
>Walt blowing up Tuco’s building and getting away clean
you're god damn right
BrBa is basically anime anyways
I liked Gus adjusting his tie. Just showing his courpse wouldn't have the same shock value imo
Why are you not entertained? It's just fiction
this. only idiots think it was a jumping the shark moment
I've only seen the show once and it was cringe way before this scene
>the constant overacting and shitty writing
>tucos constant cringy unrealistic behavior
>le epic moments like "this is not meth"
>the fucking silent Mexican brothers that were supposed to be so intimidating
I'd have to rewatch it to keep listing but jesus fuck this show is literally the plebbiest, most fan-servicy show ever to be critically heralded. Shit like Deadwood, Sopranos, and Mad Men at least actually challenges the viewer. It got to the point when BB was running where I'd have to keep my thoughts to myself when watching it with friends because I would have being a buzzkill if I gave my opinion because they loved it so much. I'll admit I kept watching to the end because I was genuinely curious how it was going to end, but fuck did I have to bite my tongue when talking about it with others.
Yeah but BrBa takes itself seriously,what's next after this,neo-nazis? LoL
>Walt blowing up Tuco’s building and getting away clean
i loved breaking bad but that scene is cringe and not even possible
>muh realism
Grow up bitch no one gives a fuck. People watch this show for drama it's not meant to reflect reality.
If you didn't shut it off when these two were introduced then you can't complain
Do you realize how dumb it was what you just said
i watch this show so i can pick up tips on how to be a badass drug dealing gangster.
i wanna fuck bitches and get money.
this show is my blueprint.
why would i shut it off?
this is when i pulled out muh dick
based user, strive for all that is dirty
This. Breaking Bad was always capeshit tier. Hanks parking lot fight wouldn't look out of place in a Marvel movie, especially when the axe embeds itself into asphalt. I'm shocked they had enough restraint not to have the cartel steal the surviving twin from the hospital and fix him with some robotic legs so he could get his revenge.
They were kino
>there are only 2 people in the world with the initials WW
I literally pulled the DVD out of my friend’s DVD player and started scratching it with a butter knife and didn’t stop until he pulled me off. No one should ever have to watch that stupid shit ever again.
Good. You're clearly a retard. Please go back to your big brother, love island, or whatever your pea brain can handle.
>muh realism
>muh immersion
This is not a realistic show. Gus walking around with half his face blown off is fun and entertaining. Mexican terminator twins is fun and entertaining. Stop taking television so seriously.
amazing show, if you don't like it then don't watch it
plot keeps you held tight till the amazing end
characters you don't feel "eh" about, you either love or hate them
interesting occurrences
just a good show
Yeah breaking bad just has a ton of wacky over the top contrived shit that makes taking it seriously difficult
>those planes just crashing right on top of walter's house
>le badass mexican hitman mute brothers
>tuco and his psycho antics
>danny trejo or whatever he's called being decapitated on a turtle
>le epic meth boss (gus) being a super calm KFC manager who wants revenge for his dead boyfriend
>also gus stabbing that guy in the throat with a cutter
>Mike being le badass secret agent/detective/supercop but at least it's not as bad as in better call saul
>Walter exploding the building with that smoke or whatever
Better Call Saul is better.
Ruined the immersion of my dick your butt lol
Yeah I love when literally nothing happens!
Why do Breaking Babbies get so defensive whenever anyone criticizes their vapid capeshit-tier "tv drama"?
This, they could have gone the Dexter book route where Doakes ends up as half-cyborg.
Bcs is kino you fag
I'm just pointing out the fact that you're a retard with no critical thinking ability, and misunderstood what went on there.
>it’s supposed to be unrealistic! just turn your brain off bro
Imagine a Breaking Bad fanboy criticizing anyone else's intelligence lmao
Not what I was implying. Let me reiterate, you're a retard. You need to work on your reading comprehension.
Not a fanboy. I'm just saying you're clearly lacking the braincells to understand what was going on in that scene "lmao"
>I literally pulled the DVD out of my friend’s DVD player and started scratching it with a butter knife and didn’t stop until he pulled me off
You made him pull you off?
sorry sweetie, ya got filtered. many such cases!
>t. absolutely buttblasted redditfag
No one has a hard time "understanding what's going on" in Breaking Pleb, brainlet. That's why brainlets like you love it so much.
It’s a headless chicken gag you retard
It’s the most basic shit and you still can’t understand
the writing was Gale's. Hank recognized it as such. To have Gale referencing a "W. W." in a book found in a house inhabited by a W. W. does not leave much guessing.
It's funny how all the posters on this board who claims Breaking Bad is reddit and unrealistic also can barely understand basic plot points.
theyre generally trolls
>le bad ass drugmans son has el tequila
>BrBa is basically anime anyways
This, it has all the absic anime tropes nailed down
>autistic family
>quirky badass characters
>random deaths
>events that help the plot move along when most convenient
>new villains introduced out of the blue(hehehehe)
>muh redemption equals death
>muh half hour talking scenes
But it's still good.
What is?
I liked it
This is a /sopranos/ board, if you dont know that by now you dont belong here.
it would have been fine if it was a realistic wound but they went with a cartoon skull for some reason
I thought it was a L O S T board.
its signed GB
Embarassing. It's only second best after Better Call Saul.
>Anonymous 04/03/20(Fri)00:31:21 No.131631872▶
> Realism
> TV
Pick one, faggot. You want realism so bad, why don't you go outside?
i don't speak Spanish
>I got half of my head blown off (but not the arm or anything even though the bomb was at the bottom of a wheelchair), better calmly walk out, adjust my tie and drop dead
th-thanks Vince
there's no upside to having this cartoonish shit instead of realistic explosion aftermath
Fuck off with your pathetic 'if you don't like it don't watch it'.
This is a board for discussing television and film not just for praising shit you like you god damned Reddit hive Mind fuck
It's following the rules of it's own established universe, you shouldn't have to turn your brain off to follow it user.
this is a cool as fuck shot
is BB worth watching
>episode is called "face off"
if you like marvel movies, you will like breaking bad
You honestly might be autistic and I don't mean that as an insult.
Know what you're watching, bro. It's fucking Breaking Bad. It's not a realistic series.
iis tha ta yes
>just turn off your brain bro
I honestly don't understand what the fuck they were thinking, this isnt how shock works at all. Had nobody on the waiting staff ever seen a fucking gore thread before?
>I need to turn my brain off to enjoy fiction
You're a brainlet.