How did humanity let this happen? A million confirmed cases all over the world

How did humanity let this happen? A million confirmed cases all over the world

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faster testing, its not like people died

Open borders and urbanization.

That's like a quarter of the global population. We are fucked

>7 Billion simps on the planet
How did humanity let this happen?

that's still nothing


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only 744,965 active cases tho

1,000,000 is nothing. There are over 7 billion people. 1 million is 1% of 1 billion.

Not nuking China.

>Trump is President and has control over immigration policies
>"waaaah we still have open borders, how dare people travel between countries? how dare goods travel between countries?

Based as fuck. 99% of the deaths are all 80 year olds too.

2 and half months, from 100 to one million cases. Sure thats nothing

Like it or not that's how global pandemics happen. If you are gonna be triggered get triggered by biology.

oh shit nigga I remember this pic

>Trump has control over immigration policies
You don’t really believe this after three years of activist judges delaying his policies for years at a time only to get overruled by the Supreme Court later, right?

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1 in 7,500 people is a huge statistic, and at this rate, we’re fucked.

Try 5 months retard, there's a reason it's the Covid-19 and not Covid-20

>January 19th
>100 cases
Bruh I’ll bet you actually believe China has been telling the truth about the curb in their cases too.

10% of 3% are fucked.

100% of 80 year olds die, who knew?

China alone probably has at least 15 million.

>5 months
>1 million cases
This is no better.

>stop spreading fear!

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of the 264,762 "closed" cases 52,855 people died.

That's a mortality rate of 20%

Ahem, the Chinese are not human.

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It's an existential threat, I don't give a fuck if it's off topic. It would be like aliens making contact or some shit and not talking about it everywhere.

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>infected: 1,000,000
lol, still only 1,000,000
How many days has it been stuck at 1,000,000? Four days? Five days?


I'm not triggered. I agree with you; that's what happens. What I don't agree with is that a once-in-a-century pandemic is a good reason for every country to be isolated all the time.

What exactly has the judiciary done to hinder Trump's actions in regard to immigration? I'm guessing most of them are because he's doing things improperly, e.g. misusing funds to enforce his policies.

relax the American Healthcare system will protect you.

By sitting back and letting an entire species of emotionless insectoids grow uncontested

Not enough people are dying imo. Meh

>it's just one million bro! I-it just hurts the old!
Literal cope at this point. Denialfags are insane.


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> What I don't agree with is that a once-in-a-century pandemic is a good reason for every country to be isolated all the time.
Never said that, you did. I just answered OP's question as to why humanly let this happen.

unless you can't afford its services

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You wish, Jamaal.

>How did humanity let this happen?
They're Chinese, not human

>Not wanting the world to be infected by a deadly virus makes you Yas Forums

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>boomer meme "virus"

You don't personally know a single person who is infected with this shit, only celebrities and public figures who conveniently all started catching it at the exact same time.

If you're stupid enough to fall for this there is no hope for you.

10 million people a year die of cancer, calm down snowflake.

None of you normies realize just how big this is. The deaths aren't the biggest problem with this, the globalists are using this to put us all on permanent lockdown and to forcibly inoculate us. This is it, this is what the globalists have been planning for decades now and they finally went ahead and did it. Expect microchips, expect to be tracked in real time. Expect to be declined public transport and entry into stores if you criticize or complain about the government, and expect the same social credit score that china has right now because that's what's fucking coming. WE ARE BEING REPLACED BY FUCKING ROBOTS, WAKE UP AND LOOK AROUND YOU THIS BIOWEAPON IS A DECLARATION OF WAR ON HUMANITY JESUS CHRIST WHY CAN'T YOU PEOPLE SEE THIS!!! THIS IS THE END OF LIFE AS WE KNOW IT AND YOU'RE ALL BLIND TO IT!

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My friend and his fiancee, a co worker and a friend of my sister are infected and in quarantine. There's 72 cases in my town of 6000. Go fuck yourself.

Thst's cause you don't know anyone.


>globalists' secret plan is to end globalization by locking everyone down and isolating them

It's unfortunate but fair. World governments should have had some restraint instead of encouraging their populations to blow up to insane numbers. They should have at least made sure they had the ability to take care of all of these mules and slaves they profit off of, first.

oh no 1% of the population will die. how will we ever recover

>It's because they're testing more people? No I have to justify me being terrified! SAVE ME DADDY GOVERNMENT

and how many people in those 6000 have the flu or heart disease? more than 72 you retard.

My ex-boss died from it.

>literally moving the goalposts
Low IQ mutt hands wrote the post I am replying to

>expect to be tracked in real time.
so, like the phone in your pocket then?

>1m cases
It's probably 10x more than that by now. Some countries lie, others have no way to test all the infected.

China hasn't even been reporting their cases for the last month.

Look at this math wizard over here, he just solved the crisis. Can you tell Celine Dion the good news so she can put her concert back on for me?

Think about what you said. Unless this is a new schizo pasta. (I doubt it is.)

>literally many such cases

I think meme magic damaged the fabric of reality

20 million people a year die of heart related conditions, the #1 killer on Earth.
so are you faggots scared of cheeseburgers now?
corona is a great guide on "spot the snowflake"

Well for some reason the flu and heart disease don't cause total overload of the ICU in the local hospital every year.

>It's a retarded faggot bracket posting reddit tourist exposes himself episode.

But I won't get heart disease from touching the same doorknob as you, fatty.

Trump fans be rationalizing shit lol
>250,000 dead isnt bad

250,000 lol. Thats a good case scenario.

You're a schizo, but there is a bit of truth in there. The enthusiasm for permanent authoritarianism in the media is starting to become scarier than the virus. Major publications saying we should be more like China, twisting the facts of South Korea's strategy to say that we should have deep reaching mass surveillance. And of course these are internet media outlets saying this, so obviously they're saying this as a means to acquire more power and a greater ability to micromanage citizens. Corporations have their own authoritarians endeavors that they pursue, and they work in conjunction with members of the state.

Did they die from it? No. Fuck off you lying faggot. Coronavirus is part of the cold family. Literally anyone can test positive.


The West is retarded and it's obvious that it shouldn't lead the world anymore. Just wear the mask like Asians. They're doing much better than Westerners. Meanwhile Western retards literally murdered their economy and adviced people to not wear the masks.

This is the beginning of the end. Asian century starts now.

More people have had the flu in the same timeframe
More people have died of the flu in the same timeframe
Stop spamming this shit

>unprecedented quarantining efforts and shutdowns resulting in severe economic recession

>amerimutts die by the thousands every year from obesity and weekly school shootings
>do absolutely nothing
>people get a bad flu

I wish this virus was as dangerous as retards and boomers think it is.

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>1 million of 7 billion

Its posts like these that make me glad more teens and twenty somethings are catching it every day.

>>he's doing things improperly, e.g. misusing funds to enforce his policies
the executive branch isnt subservient to the legislative or judicial branch, also he is winning all those cases, but there is still a halt whenever some activists wants to throw a wrench in the system

>How did humanity let this happen?
It didn't. The chinks did.

I hope it kills more mutts, the world needs less mutts.

Seething low IQ muttlet. Maybe if you try really hard to pretend to be white then you can form cogent arguments.

>250,000 dead americans isnt a big deal

So what you're saying is that taking precautions against a disease that doesn't have a vaccination yet and which spreads very easily is a dumb thing to do? Because that's how you sound like.

let me know when it crosses 10k

but we have a cure and vaccine for the flu with no overcrowded hospitals ofcourse

we have none of that with coronachan

This is what happens when zoomers spend too much time unsupervised on Yas Forums and think they know more than everyone because of it. It’s the 21st century version of absentee boomers sitting their children in front of the TV

Three years from now china is going to be bombed.

This is not true. Flu statistics are just shitty estimates and most of the people who died of "flu" died for different reasons. It's not like anyone tests them.

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this. dafuq, 1m worldwide is barely anything
shit, even 500m would be nothing
call me when it's a few billion

>1 million is 1% of 1 billion.

Trump already said 200,000 dead
Is a good job many died in china?

2 people have died so far. What you don't seem to understand is that if the numbers keep growing and the health system collapses, any old easily treatable disease can easily become deadly. Look at fucking Italy. A thousand people die there a day now. They've had more Corona-related deaths in 2 weeks than flu-related deaths in 2 years. Most of them could be prevented if their hospitals weren't completely fucking overwhelmed. They have twice as many patients needing ICU care as there are ventilators in the entire country. And the number of infected doubles every 5 fucking days. You have to be an absolutely unparalleled retard to not understand how easily a seemingly harmless disease to most people can become a serious problem. The fact that literally every epidmologist and government in the world seems to think you should clue you the fuck in. You are not smarter than everyone else on the planet you delusional child.

>1 million is 1% of 1 billion
Do we tell him or not?

like I said, corona reveals the snowflakes.
go hide in your safe space until the nasty kung-flu has gone away.

so let me know when it crosses 10k in reality

No, I'm saying that maybe the fact that experts all over the world are urging governments to take these measures should clue the delusional retards ITT in that there is a problem and it's not "just the flu bro".

Not as many as will die in the US, because China took the necessary precautions unlike the dumb mutts.

With that collective attitude its going to

Man I love it.

stacked and prepped full on /cocoon/ mode in my home gym watching Kieslowski films and making music while normalfaggots are already going insane not knowing what to do

Monday or Tuesday next week.

nobody believes the numbers that come out of china

When did this happen ? Oh, it hasn't... not even remotely close.

Sadly even more that 250,000 americans will die from the economic depression we're walking into unless we stop the quarantine for those not sick/elderly.

if we're looking at daily rates, covid-19 is currently the third leading cause of death in america

sheep in the thread

>The fact that literally every epidmologist and government in the world seems to think you should clue you the fuck in. You are not smarter than everyone else on the planet you delusional child.
Hey fuckface, I don't know if you remember this, but we had the WHO saying that this shit wasn't a big deal in January.

K keep me posted

>so let me know when it crosses 10k in reality
Would you actually admit anything if those were proven to you? Hypothetically?

>1 million is 1% of one billion

Does the average normalfag believe Chinese numbers?

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Because for some fucking reason hating Chinks isn't allowed. I fucking hate those chink pieces of shit so much, there is no reason why we aren't dropping bombs on China right now. That entire landmass should be a crater.

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Its the fact that donald trump is saying if 200000 americans die.

Im doing a good job. And his supporters have such a slave mindset they are cool with it. Hes saying 200,000 of you will die, im doing a good job

And they defend him

This stupid shit is the Kony 2012 of the 2020s

I too, read drudgereport

No the west is lying. Especially Germany.

i calculated it myself tho

>1 million is 1% of 1 billion
What fine institute of higher learning did you graduate from?

kony 2012 didn't cause a global lockdown and economic recession worse than the 2008 though

you will remember this forever

When will it end? I'm getting bored.

yes slowpoke, that error has been pointed out several times.
read the fucking thread before posting to avoid further stupidity.

>>Would you actually admit anything if those were proven to you? Hypothetically?
Wtf are you even talking about? You got some crazy ideas if you think everyone is hiding stuff from you.

Who would play him in the inevitable corona movie?

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Well it's gone from 800 to 6000 in 3 days so you won't have to wait long friendo.


Post the death rate and average age of the dead.

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It's really not an existential threat. An existential threat has to threaten the future existence of humanity, something like climate change for instance. And I don't see many off topic threads about climate change.

Only boring people get bored.
I wish a day was atleast 36 hours long

They dont get it. Food is going to be a problem in a month. Food plants are being shut down it takes weeks to restart

Oh my god 0.02% of the world is infected with a mild flu!