dare I say the LOTR of the 2020s?
Dare I say the LOTR of the 2020s?
I sure hope so. If this film succeeds it will revitalize an interest in the series and we might possibly get another Dune RTS game or at least some high quality mods of the OpenRA Dune 2000 game. I've been reading the book this year and it's so amazingly big brained I'm not surprised it failed to get a good film adaptation so far but if Sonic could succeed, then anything is possible.
>we want the Interstellar audience
Why does Dune get so much praise? The book is simply "okay". It's honestly just one step above Harry Potter.
Read the first book a while ago. It was terrible pseudo intellectual crap for nerdy kids. Seems appropriate that the guy who makes pseudo intellectual shit movies for nerdy kids is making the adaptation.
Or maybe I'm just not the target audience.
what kind of name is zendaya anyways? nigresses always have the dumbest names
>dare I say the LOTR of the 2020s?
not with that cast
>It was terrible pseudo intellectual crap for nerdy kids
As opposed to what you read?
LOTR was a financial success, a complete trilogy, and was based off a great piece of literature.
This movie has mediocre source material and will flop so hard the second part will be cancelled.
there are actual good, smart books there you deluded pleb retard.
Fucking dropped
Anons you have to be more subtle with your baits.
>It's honestly just one step above Harry Potter
>the second part will be cancelled.
except its already been made, simp.
It's literally a kid's adventure book.
>Or maybe I'm just not the target audience.
You are most definitely not the target audience, may I suggest some epic shows like Family Guy(epic) or The Big Bang Theory(absolutely epic) instead?
considering Star Wars is just a Dune rip-off and that went places I have hope the brainlets will take it on board this time.
enlighten us faggot.
What books do you read and swear by...
user if you were a kid that could properly read and comprehend Dune then my hat's off to you. Very impressive you young prodigy.
timothy's already nearing his mid 20's and he's meant to be playing 16 something year old.
There's nothing to even comprehend. It's just a base story about a kid's adventure. There's nothing below the surface. I said earlier it's a step above Harry Potter but honestly that's probably just me being generous.
Eh, lined up like that it looks bad but really nothing of these stories remind me much of each other apart from that they are Sci-Fi. I like them both for different reasons. Since Disney has been pumping out Star Wars films hopefully people will want more Sci-Fi stuff. Actually this is a repeat of what happened with the OG Star Wars films and the Dune film that came out back then. Gosh I hope it doesn't suck this time.
>black people
user this is nothing unusual come on now, they have adults playing highschoolers all the time including in those pornos you like to coom to.
He can easily pass for 16
Suggest me a more big brained Sci-Fi book.
>big brained
lmao dude
user nobody likes you because you're "smart". Nobody likes you because you shit on everything while providing nothing better.
He doesn't actually think that and doesn't share his opinions with anyone irl either. He just does that to get those kinds of responses, which you give him every time. I'm sure you've been around to see the threads where people brag about how much they shitpost about everything while claiming they're only pretending to be retarded. Just don't reply to them.
Moby dick
Confederacy of dunces
Don Quixote
Count of monte cristo
Pretty based list. Count of Monte Cristo sometimes feels like the most stolen from story of all time.
this was DOA from the get go with that hack director and meme cast but with the pandemic shit happening and all of the big summer movies getting pushed to the holidays it's gonna be a truly unprecedented flop
I'm happy to suggest good books, just don't ask for the impossible. There is no "big brained" Sci-Fi.
Sci-Fi is the ultimate "FUCK YEAH DUDE! SCIENCE" genre. The authours of the brain dead genre simply write about concepts that they find cool with no deeper understanding of the subject. They also think that they appear smart for discussing such things, which makes your criticism of me odd, despite the topics being purely ficticious or at best, theoretically possible. It's on the same level of using big words to seem smarter. There's perhaps a few outliers such as Philip K. Dick, however even then it's limited to a few books, and the substance is still purely theoretical problems which is fine, but discussing the theoretical humanity of the specific androids you thought to include in your books is essentially the same as discussing the theoretical possibily of how a imaginery space spice powers spaceships in a specific implementation of them in another "Sci-Fi" (Sci-Fa(ntasy) is more apt.) such as Dune. So in short you're not only limited to exploring made up problems, but made up problems contrained in the parameters of some shit authour.
Name one single good thing about Dune
I used to work with a guy like this though. Everybody hated him and he had no friends. "But it was his freedom of speech and he's just being honest!" What a fucking loser.
its going to fucking blow
This is on par with those people who say only classical music is good music. You're impressing nobody. Most if not all art is derivative in some way. Just enjoy things user.
Can't be LOTR if the movie is gonna flop
extremely generic taste except oblomov, did you get these titles from wikipedia?
Listen to you two. You hear criticism and you say:
>No! You're just baiting! I bet you have no friends!
Don't wanna ruin your mood but barely anyone outside of geeks and film lovers is looking forward to this.
It will probably do even worse at the box office than Blade Runner 2049
I'm the list guy but not the other guy. Desu I actually enjoyed Dune (but not as much as the first three foundations). However, I agree with the overall thrust of this thread that Dune isn't really that far above Harry Potter in a literary sense (which I also enjoy).
However, given I have the time to get into those 'weightier' fiction books, I much prefer them.
For fuck's sake, anyone far enough their own ass to make this poster is bound to literally only produce shit. That's fucking terrible.
>lmao faggot
Isn't critique zoomer.
I see you've choosen to hide from this post
I don't reply to anonymous posts assuming they're the same person because I'm not a newfag. I see that you don't understand how Yas Forums works, perhaps you should get a tripcode then fuck off forever
should've made a tv series instead desu
True, it's an ok book but that's it
>see criticism
>Ignore it
>Shit on user who posted it for not providing criticism
>get called out
>Heh, you're a newfag!
You literally just went lmao dismissively like a high school girl originally, and you think you have some stance to argue from. Imagine being you.
Who are you quoting
I went lmao because someone asked me for a big brained sci-fi book. It's like asking for a big brained fart joke. Sci-Fi by definition is not smart in any way, it's literally in the name, Science FICTION. It's fictitious science. Either component apart leaves room for intelligence to work, but together they contradict each other's potential and you're left with
>Dude my spaceship runs on a 204 mega thruster with hyperdrive capabilities
>Whoa... science is cool! I'm smart!
I'm quoting Life!
user this is such a brainlet post I don't even know what to do with it. It's that cringey friendless loser unwarranted smugness that's on par with phrases like "If Stephen Hawking was so smart then how come he never figured out how to get out of that chair? Checkmate Reddit." I'm just letting you know now if you don't grow out of this you're going to be a fucking loser for the rest of your life.
Dune was a tremendously good and influential book written by one of the best, if not the best Science Fiction authors ever who's work inspired the phenomenal and way ahead of it's time Jodorowsky's Dune, which was a collaborative effort with Salvador Dali and H.R. Giger, who's screenplay got passed around Hollywood probably more than any other inspiring who knows how many other classic works of media.
But all this shit is peepeepoopoo dumb. Jodorowsky, Frank Herbert, Salvador Dali and H.R. Giger are all peepeepoo dumb guys who are dumb and made nothing important or influential. All peepeepoopoo stuff unlike EPIC dabbing on the libs and rage quitting in League of Legends because your stupid team sucks and they won't let you play solo mid every game. Time to epicly message uninterested women online and suck down more cola. Mmmm so yummy and epic. A can of Pringles is absolutely and acceptable dinner choice.
Denis can literally do no wrong
when is Benis releasing the fucking trailer
I've know people who have expressed "hot takes" such as yours and both of them have no friends and they both are day drinkers. Really makes you think.
>user this is such a brainlet post I don't even know what to do with it. It's that cringey friendless loser unwarranted smugness that's on par with phrases like "If Stephen Hawking was so smart then how come he never figured out how to get out of that chair? Checkmate Reddit." I'm just letting you know now if you don't grow out of this you're going to be a fucking loser for the rest of your life.
Ad hominen. Non argument.
>Dune was a tremendously good and influential book written by one of the best, if not the best Science Fiction authors ever who's work inspired the phenomenal and way ahead of it's time Jodorowsky's Dune, which was a collaborative effort with Salvador Dali and H.R. Giger, who's screenplay got passed around Hollywood probably more than any other inspiring who knows how many other classic works of media.
Opinion and useless facts. Non argument.
>But all this shit is peepeepoopoo dumb. Jodorowsky, Frank Herbert, Salvador Dali and H.R. Giger are all peepeepoo dumb guys who are dumb and made nothing important or influential. All peepeepoopoo stuff unlike EPIC dabbing on the libs and rage quitting in League of Legends because your stupid team sucks and they won't let you play solo mid every game. Time to epicly message uninterested women online and suck down more cola. Mmmm so yummy and epic. A can of Pringles is absolutely and acceptable dinner choice.
Useless text. Non argument.
Here let me sum up your post, and most likely your life:
You know its fan-made, right?
What was my hot take exactly? I only asked why a book got so much praise since I didn't see a reason for it. You could've just replied with your opinion. Instead all you've done is whine and attack my character. Sounds like you're uuuhhh... seething
>Sci-Fi by definition is not smart in any way, it's literally in the name, Science FICTION. It's fictitious science
Incredible. How do you manage to type if you were born with no brain?
Are you going to address the point or are you just going to SEETHE?
Wow Stephen Molyneux fan here a true artist of the argument and master debater. You'd think that such a master debater would understand that a hugely influential book that was widely appreciated by the public and world famous masters of art alike would understand that this was more than "useless facts". But I get it, you having to admit that you're wrong, even to yourself, on an anonymous online forum where you don't even have any skin in the game, would force you confront the fact that you're NOT smart. That you are just as smug, bitter, dumb loser and philistine.
Don't worry user I'm sure I'm wrong and I'm sure one of those girls will give you a chance someday! Their loss if not!
There are already several posts explaining why the book was so good in this thread. Now that you're losing ground you're playing the whole "why are you so mad bro I was just trolling". Grow up.