ITT: Movie covers that used to scare you as a kid

ITT: Movie covers that used to scare you as a kid.

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Haha yeah as a kid hah

was 13 when this came out but still wtf

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When I was about 12 years old I would go to the local video store with my mom and head right to the horror section. She let me get anything I wanted. I loved choosing a movie by just the cover. I don't think I was ever disappointed. They tore down the building that held the video store this past fall. I wish I had taken photos of it beforehand.

This is the one that scared me the most. I still love the movie, but I think I wound up renting the sequel more times than this one.

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This is why I avoided walking down the horror aisle at Blockbuster as a kid.

that is a very unsettling poster. It's really great. Too bad that the movie is complete shit.

spoiler: that thing only shows up for like five seconds at the very end and it's like the big "oh shit!" moment in the movie. so the cover is a spoiler

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This one.

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The VHS cover made me think that the Critters were giant

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underage get out

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Loved browsing the Blockbuster horror section even though I couldn't get anything from there. The back of the Day of the Dead VHS always freaked me out.

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The video nasty era was kino for artwork

OP said scary not hilarious

I think I remember seeing this in blockbusters back in the day and the eyes in that skull fucking me up every time.
Shit, that looks like an illustration from 'scary stories to tell children'.
Huh, so that's the inspiration to that one castlevania boss. Im kind of curious about the movie now, how was it?
When I herd the name and saw the trailers I thought, 'oh, something out of a cheesy troma movie, this might be fun.' Never been so dissapointed in such a wasted opportunity to go full ham with the premise.


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It seems like each new physical medium leads to worse cover art. DVD covers are worse than VHS art, and a lot of blu ray covers are just bland shit.

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the back of Child's Play 2

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Alien VHS = kino box art

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This, I kind of liked the "twist" that of all the weird apparitions that appear, the plainest one was then actual ghost.
Otherwise, complete garbage.
Also, a lot of modern washing machines and dryers use a finished alarm similar to the ring tone.


Alien Blu-ray = no kino

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Doesn't the shapeshifting bounty hunter who becomes a girl with big tits turn into a giant one?

it's literally one of the dumbest movie titles ever

We had this thread not too long ago. This is my favorite example. Terrifying cover, garbage movie

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VHS art was just so much more important. In that age you really had so little to go by to know if a movie was good. Some companies got by making awful cheap films with badass well made covers.
By the time of DVDs people could see more and more about movies elsewhere. And now in the age of Blu Rays you can't fool anyone with a nice cover, so they don't even bother

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He looks like Leonardo DiCaprio in Edgar Hoover.

This fucker.

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Not a cover, but this motherfucker scared the shit out of me. Every wednesday when Simpsons was on we would eat in front of the TV, but when this episode was on I ate alone in my room.

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Am I the only one?

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How old were you?

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From age 6-9, probably

asking for a friend, but where to find quality dvd covers online?

also the cover that use to make me uneasy was some damian-elf looking kid (eddy munster type) standing over some deceased sorority girl. can't remember the name of movie.

>But in the stone age.

I remember this motherfucker staring at me throughout the video store while looking for disney or kid's vhs tapes

I was also a catholic school boy so I felt like I was sinning looking at a movie about hell

ps. fuck catholicism

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I had a bunch of old comics as a kid and they had ads for Evil Dead 2 in em.
Scared the fuck out of me.

This had me having nightmares for weeks.

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The See you later, Gator
The goodbye guy

fear dot come dot com dot com dot com

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I'd always look at that video cover whenever I'd go to the video store. It didn't freak me out, it was more morbid curiosity

Looks like the rotten from ds2

When I first saw this I thought it was about paint thinner.

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I still get a faint visceral reaction to seeing this. Also it was right next to the porn shelf at my local cornerstore, so probably some of those feeling mixed in as well.

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This poster was never scary to me, but I thought it was mesmerizing. I remember thinking the movie was called "Smuck!" though, and I didn't know what smuck was. Still don't.

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loved sexploitation

I hate box art like this. If I didn't know what this was about, I would think there's a skeleton in it. You don't get someone ready to see a skeleton and not show one.

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Anyone remember the back of that one vhs cover that showed a longmouth face coming out of a staticy tv screen? Shit was scary as fuck.

Is that an actual poster for the film? With the exposed system showing how the skull was operated?

Wow, you picked the only two I can remember in the horror section from Xtravision.

Just watched this a few nights ago. Very impressive movie.

No, but later in the movie the Critters form together to create a giant ball