Was this really an accurate portrayal of a lesbian relationship?
Was this really an accurate portrayal of a lesbian relationship?
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Why did she spit?
Too make my incel cock coom
why do actors actually do this?
Sex involves an exchange of bodily fluids.
>Was this really an accurate portrayal of a lesbian relationship?
Not enough domestic violence.
Is that why sex smells?
bc she can't coom
To join the infected.
They don't, it was just water
Any 'woman' that hooks up with this space cat... well... he ain't no Lycan. He's a Lycan that loves vampires!
god wom*n are disgusting
Women are hedonists and their enemy is boredom, effort, risk, danger.
Fortunately, men are desperate enough to feel relevant, dutiful, respected, valued so they are pushy enough to try to be noticed by women (because they fail to be relevant beyond women). and sooner or later, they cracks the bf-shield
Women know that chads and other robots are willing to help them, to have an easy life. The natural problem of women is that they get bored sooner or later with whoever choose to try to entertain them.
So women change their partners to avoid the rut and to create drama. men do not like to be changed, since they loved to be relevant for once in their life, they whine and hate women when women find other providers.
Of course, changing partners constantly becomes a bore too, so they want some fixed men in their life to give them emotional and material support, Rarely sex because women know that, no matter how good the lover is, it gets boring sooner or later.
When they are replaced, men become resentful towards women, since they lose the validation of their existence. They pretend that they can live without women and that they even are better than women, smarter, stronger (in forgetting that women do not need to be so, because men want to be so in place of women)
Knowing that they are not able to stop loving to be supported by men, Women love also to think that they need no man and that they live to help others >muh compassion. This is part of the tactic to enhance their pleasures: women think that they are good people in society, only to feel even more raw, more animal, more of a little minx, typically in private, when they are fucked properly by some beta ready to serve them sexually.
Unless they're fat, have side cuts, and a history of domestic abuse, no, it's not accurate
No. Sex smells because women fart every time you plunge into them.
There's a kiss on the cheek buh bye McAdams! Perhaps you could ride your bicycle back to that farm you have in Canada? You know the one you traced your roots with using a deed?
Take Will Ferrell with you while you're at it!
Lesbians are not really into all that worshiping type of stuff like guys are. We want to fuck feet, sniff asshole, and be put in a leg-lock. Women just like to cuddle and gently kiss each other. I'm sure though there are some butch dykes though who do weird shit like this.
whats the psychology behind this
Men are wild, the natural habitat of men is fucking and killing/protecting his family
>Women just like to cuddle and gently kiss each other.
what does that have to do with worshiping
Still from her mouth
Testosterone dummy, high doses of it
and that leads to worshipping how
Any lesbian movies with giant tits?
That's just what high T does man
Because that makes the male brain go horny for women
There will never be an accurate portrayal of a lesbian relationship because no one wants to watch a movie about lesbian bed death
Also the extremely high rates of domestic abuse
women are horny for men and they arent into worshipping
It was an observational psychological study into lesbian porn.
imagine watching pic related and then watching life is a cruel joke
What exactly is wrong with this? You swap spit when you kiss. This is the same thing.
Because they don't have testosterone pumping in their veins 24/7
Lesbians don't have sex
The original question was why straight men worship women while lesbians only gently kiss and cudle
Straight woman also worship men
Spit fetishist here, it looks a bit thicker than water. There's definitely a substantial amount of spit.
Men worship the female body the same way a dog worships steak or a lion worships prey. It's a fetish to dominate and control that which provides pleasure, which can manifest as worship.
>implying most guys are into some worship kink shit
yeah no
worship seems kinda submissvie tho, doesnt it?
intuitively it seems like the testosterone thing to do would be to rape the bitch and leave
>both of them are bottomless
Lesbians also have slightly less than double the normal divorce rate. Their divorce rate is DOUBLE that of gay dudes. So gay men actually have a lower divorce rate than heterosexual couples. If you need any more proof that women are catty, insufferable cunts that no one wants to deal with, not even women themselves, then there it is. Find yourself a dude and fuck his brains out. You'll be happier and healthier, I guarantee it. He's like your bro, but ur gay. Need I say more?
as a homosexual I think that's true except you have to stay away from gay clubs and such. party twinks are worse than women. find yourself a nice gym bro or even just a normal guy if you arent obsessed with the ripped look
very comfy relationships
If I could turn myself gay, I honestly would. Women are the worst. Shame they're so fucking beautiful.
If you don't get turned on by your girlfriend dressing up and role-playing as a cat then something is wrong with you.
I'm bi, and only dated women initially. Women are fun in their 20s I guess, but after that it's a chore without much reward. My biggest problem with women is there are always mind games. They never straight-up tell you what they are actually thinking. They have to be conniving and calculated with all their emotions. Always a deeper motive for every kind gesture they do. Sure, I've had my problem with men but I at least understand and empathize with them.
it's nice to never get to bed angry with my boyfriend because you can just tell each other what annoys you. also it's great to have someone in your relationship that makes the same ammount of money or more and enjoy life
>I'm bi,
No you are not. You are a homosexual. And the worst kind too. The type that spread AIDS to women and thus the heterosexual community.
I'm gonna need the best lesbian stars you got
Right. Fucking. Now.
5 women I have slept with had this fetish. I think wanting other people's spit is a female kink
cringe and heteropilled