Astrates ep 05

Are you ready for the big reveal?

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is this a fan-site thing, or a real thing

This man is the hero GW needs but doesn't deserve

Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer

Just one really dedicated dude with Blender

I kinda wish I'd kept up with 40k, but it's all unrecognizable to me now. Primarches coming back is so fucking stupid.

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Its just the one Primarch, actually

their space marine models are too clean looking and leg artifacts and insignia being attached to the armor that show of their religious extremism and knight like order

>Chaos is allowed to keep their primarch's forever (even if they're Dr Klaw next time gadget tier)
>The imperium gets rowboat and maybe vulkan not even the primarchs that are still alive in canon
The real bullshit the eldar alliance shit rather then trying to actually balance the armies.

Good and valid critisism of the primaris releases. But its not all bad that they are plain, which means that its easier to customize and convert them. Ive seen some very cool conversions on instagram


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Fuck the Imperium.

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>it's still being made

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pls let me stick tongue in gap next to big toe and also navel thanx

Tau look so fucking cool
I wish they weren't so unrelentingly obnoxious on the table and in the lore
t. eldar player.

I just love how this has completely BTFO that edgy Death of Hope guy on some many levels.

"B-but muh true fans against the rising tides of modernity."


just ignore 41K, 40K has enough to offer

Ignore both and just sit around playing space men in space fighting space bugs in my room.

>Eldar player calls another faction obnoxious
o i am laffin

Eldar can be exploited and are super susceptible to bad rolls.

Tau's release removed footslogging armies from the game.

>caste system
Eat rail, gue'la.

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>Marine wank

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Based and Redpilled

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>marines doing what they were designed to do while being relatively fluff accurate
Be a heretic elsewhere

Not a single one even gets injured. It's masturbatory.

>GW advance the setting you money grabbing twats.
>13 black crusades and not one has succeeded, GW are hacks.
>*GW advances the setting.
>wtf GW? Literally no one asked for this!

>Advance the setting by making even more marines

fak da lot o' ya, green iz best.

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>is this a fan-site thing, or a real thing
>preferring the "real" thing from GW over the "fan" thing from Astartes.

confirmed for heretical.

Iz ZOG you git

They’re fighting renegade guardsmen with shit gear and two roofer up psykers. The autocannon ambush was their only shot at actually doing damage and they fucked it up.
If they were arm wrestling Nobs or bloodletters then you might have a point.


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It's supposed to be masturbatory though.
There are only a 1000 marines per chapter (less discounting scouts) if they actually died at the rate they do in the BL works that would be entirely unsustainable. Some of those fucking authors have marines being killed by fucking single las rifle shots for fuck sake.

The whole point of marines is that you have to be that turned up to 11 to stand a chance against an eldar or a knob. the idea that three marines could take a single ship of basement bitch humans and two psykers is perfectly in line with their conception.

It's just unexciting cinema. Marine wank is shit.
At least have the renegades make a successful trap or something. There is no danger.

Still the best depiction in terms of showing the Marines' brutal efficiency. Everything else just makes them look like space knights with no real evidence shown for why they're so feared beyond being huge.

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The Marines on the gantry get BTFO'd, and the Marine with the knife gets akimbo'd and his eye blows out. You can literally see the blood.

utterly based

The best way to depict marines is to not depict them at all. Like how the horus heresy was mythological before.

They're boarding one fucking ship they haven't even got to the planet yet, if this was a novel or an actual movie it would be like chapter one or a cold open.

back to/cvg/ with you papa nurgle

It’s annoying how often BL fucks that up.
I remember appreciating the Cain novels in this regard, because Cain holding off a
World Eater for three seconds was considered an amazing feat of swordsmanship

Not him but I doubt they're going to the planet. They're chasing down the leaders of the rebellion, remember?

for a fan project this is quite the high quality.
I am hyped for this


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40k is fucking stupid and I'll never understand its popularity

There is no logical reason not to accept Nurgle into your heart. Literally no downsides.

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WHFB IN SPAAAAAAACE is pretty fun. The imperium is just extremely boring and overdone.

It’s popular because it’s fucking stupid.

I want more stupid and less dark. Or the other way around.
Grimderp is the worst.

I am still waiting for that Master inquisitor movie to drop eventually

rise up

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It is popular and fun because it's stupid, then people started taking the stupid seriously and the stupid became just plain studpid

I take comfort in that Necrons will win the 40kbowl in the end and the imperial shitstain will be wiped from existence.

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I blame the HH series.
What used to be a tragedy of fallen angels and the hubris of man is now a bunch of man children being ‘tard wrangled by a slightly less stupid sociopath

>Still no spacerats

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How can there be rats if there's no warp stone? Unless you want to draw a line between nids and rats

There is whole realm made out of warp accessible by most races.

They just have to distill the immaterium by themselves.

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>metal boyz gonna get stomped again 'n u knowz dat, cuz green iz best

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Yeah, but going there without something like a Gellar field is like walking naked around LA except for a billboard saying “free poppers”.

>Turn off the warp
>Ork machinery no longer works

The horned rat shields them.

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They're called sisters of battle, don't get why feminists keep crying about it

Next Psychic Awakening book after Fabius Bile is titled 'Pariah'

Yup. Necron Pariahs are returning. I wonder how they will differentiate them from Lychguard regarding weapons?

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>tfw no big titty Tau sniper gf


I see no problem with ratz having some technology that can siphon warp energy and crystalize it. Chaos sorcerers already can tap into it.


They are misters nowadays.

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