Cast them

Cast them

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He was a gay!

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Sure it wasn't AIDS?

Wonder how they happened

nobody's got aids!

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If I have to go to the ER how do I make sure my doctor is not a homo?


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I'm really loving this virus.

The city is empty.

I get to walk where i want. Nobody is around.

Boomers are going to die.

Normalfags are forced into suffering at home.

Im personally a little butthurt that normies are cramping my style. IM the pessimistic misanthrope anchorite. Thats MY thing. Get your own thing normies REEEEEE

this. it's amazing how normies are breaking down quickly after just a couple of days at home. there are non-stop articles about rising domestic violence, depression and the societal dangers of it all. nobody gives a shit when it's only us but oh no now chad and stacy can't party for 2 weekends, now it's a big deal and society collapses. People just can't deal with not being in the daily grind routine and not being stimulated 24/7. It's really just a paper thin veneer that holds it all together and a little thing like this can bring it all down.
Gives me hope that when it happens for real, I'll be ready to deal with anything mentally. I trained for this my whole life basically. In the meantime, I go on comfy 10k walks on empty streets and enjoy reading a book without losing my mind.

Die faggot


me too. I haven't been this happy in 15 years

It was both. Faggots have AIDs. Covid destroys people with weak immune systems.
A match made in hell

Shouldn't gays Venn banned from being surgeon's?
What if they poke themselves with a scalpel and bleed while their filthy gay hands are in your open chest?
You'd get all sorts of hepatitis and hiv.

same. the only thing that saddens me is that it will eventually pass. the peacefulness combined with normies going insane from confinement is fleeting

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>blonde hair
>black eyebrows

yeah it's interesting these normies are openly talking about how they drink every day starting at like lunch time, as if their 9-5 is the only thing keeping them from becoming full blown alcoholics

cast him

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I mean.. this has to be the most pathetic thing ever right? It hasn't even been a month of full isolation in the West and a normie 19yr old has already killed herself. I'm honestly baffled, her family surely must be too mortified to grieve

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all the dumb faggots are crowding the normally peaceful spots I walk, it's shitty.

Chinks don't want to take responsibility for their mistakes so they never learn. They should have closed down the wet markets after SARS, but they didn't and now the whole world has to suffer for their mistakes.

95% of blonde thots you see on social media are dyed

chinese truly aren't human

imagine being such a vapid boring person you all out kys because you had to cancel some plans and can't party for a few days

Another incel thread. Do you losers never get tired?

Constantly passing the buck and pretending like their own government's isn't guilty of the same shit and worse. Jesus christ Chinese govt bots are the worst.


We all know it was AIDs

aids isn't real

no way that story is real


China literally took the brunt of the pandemic and gave everyone who would listen heads up and support. Then everyone laughed at China thinking it was just their problem now are getting fucked by Covid.

millenials and zoomers are vapid little shits

>couldn't live my life for more than a week

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luv china
luve the chines
luv the ccp
simple as

>gave everyone who would listen heads up and support

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This pandemic only happened because of china, chang

the virus has been brought to china by some american sportsmen so it's an american virus actually

You just need to tell them straight like Major Misunderstanding would.

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the entire world hates chinks

i hardly think that's based.

I can't wait for this to be over so China can get nuked.

have sex

remember when the the first signs of the virus appeared in wuhan and they still let people out of the country?

Fucking love the normie genocide desu
hope this goes on for a long time

tastes leik chimkun

To be fair America is the last country to take responsibility for their mistakes

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>"Cant you see that we're doing everything we can to contain the epidemic guys you better apologize to us"
>"lol woops some people got out lmao not our problem"

>native Christian religion
Lmao. How cucked can you possibly be??

>Asian Angle

thats extremely and unironically based

>gay in NYC in the 80s

He's 100% got the HIV

*hits pipe*

>man dies
>he has a husband
loving this plague rn

>t Varg

im baffled how people are truly locking themselves inside and not going out
personally ive never been more active lol


not real

Still black people take all 10 of their kids to the grocery store on food stamp day