"What's up everybody, butthole yuckies, stinky poopie, armpit pussie, dickie flicky, cheekie breekie."

>"What's up everybody, butthole yuckies, stinky poopie, armpit pussie, dickie flicky, cheekie breekie."
>"That's it, thanks for watching and see you next time. Bye."

Attached: chrome_MKvfFfBKYw.png (456x536, 409.74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is he so monotone

>that's it, so yeah
what sort of closing catch phrase is that?

>hey everyone
as if anyone actually watches this asshole

He was good before he started showing his face. I imagined him completely differently.

He was around really early. I was like 14 when i started watching him. Humour was perfect for my juvenile brain. Humour is the same now except it's watered down. His pepsiman video can still make me laugh.

why do people call him by his name now? is it because it makes them feel like he's their friend?

I thought this guy was the funniest thing on earth when I was like 15

>show face
>everyone calls him by his name
It is weird

I'd usually think that if you were talking to the person, you would use their full name if you were going to have a serious conversation, or tell them something serious.
But at this point, I don't know anymore, sometimes the actual real name of the person has a better sound to it to others then their fake one, so they use that instead. But what you said is not that far off either.

Unfortunately I have the same voice as this dude.

Same height too?

9 posts and not a single link. This guy must suck, whoever he is

i really despise his hair. it pisses me off for some reason.

Why YouTubers show their faces when the basis of their channel was built upon them not having a face in the first place?

Yeah bro i also remember when he was still cool, nostalgia much huh

At first it was a joke but strangely after he got a gf he started doing vids with his body showing. He looked awkward as fuck in the first videos but quickly got used to it. Women have this effect on their men.

had a couple of his videos get recommend to me for some reason, never hit "don't recommend channel to me" faster.

This guy always comes off really insecure to me.

Objectively &


why the tattoos
women have tattoos aswell
whats he trying to prove?

Literally who?


he started doing all this shit AFTER getting a gf? huh, weird.
i think it's fine showing your face off for whatever joke videos if it fits in with the narrative itself, or if you're thinking of making a serious discussion on some topic, but as that other user said, if your channel was built upon not having a real face, maybe it should be kept like that.

>reveals face
>it all falls apart

Maybe because he is. In his last video he basically defends iDubbbz's cuckery with his GF selling nudes online and all that.

>That one time where this guy was doing that one thing was well, you know

Great thread!

because he is


not really i mean it is about you after all
so it was shit from the start




mental that you can make millions from churning out a shitty 10 min video of you lazily narrating over a shitty video game or movie a couple of times a week. life on easy mode fuck me

I used to enjoy his videos, but not much anymore. his humour comes from RANDOMLOLXD quips and above-average playground insult talk. his intro is generic like every other YouTuber, his outro is shit/nonexistent (which makes him unique and quirky I guess?), and I assume he does that to seem more down-to-earth and not above the average viewer. most of his videos aren't funny anymore, that or I just grew up from randomlolxd and playground-insult humour.
penguinz0, aka Cr1TiKaL, aka Charlie

men don’t know how to take care of their hair. even more noticeable when it’s long

You sound delusional. Those days are over.

He's so boring and his takes are lukewarm at best. His best content ended when he started showing his face. Overall he's just a commentary/reaction channel 5 years after it was popular.

Attached: 669687fd-0eee-4c87-b3f1-4e70a04be7f3.png (600x600, 251.29K)

not really. being a popular youtuber is still incredibly lucrative. even more so considering the minimal effort people put into their videos

I already implied the reason in my post but it seems you were too brainlet to get it. Girlfriends always try to think how their men could achieve more and become bigger and more powerful. She thought that he could become a bigger youtuber by making videos where you can see his face and that's why he started doing it.

You are delusional. Videos are constantly demonitized. It's not easy. If it's so easy why doesn't everyone do it?

He pulls in like a million views per video though, dudes an anomaly to current trends

Post the pic. You know which one.

It used to be his main gimmick that set him apart from the sea of over the top lets players back in 2012, but since he is a reaction channel now it doesnt serve any purpose anymore

How much does he make? I know he didn't make money from his old Yas Forums approved vids.

whomvst is the pubeface?

Attached: misusers.jpg (1600x1600, 280.07K)

Millions, more like hundreds.

enough to live in a big house and live off twitch donations and youtube ad revenue. minimal effort for a big pay off.

It's literally just his voice.

A million views dont mean shit on YouTube anymore. 5 years ago commentary and reddit meme channels would take it at least 3 million per video.

because youtube is oversaturated. this dude started early and made a name for himself early.
why do i need to explain this to you?

Gaping asshole.
Thanks and go subscribe to my twitch channel, goodnight
>3 million views

> twitch donations

Moving goalposts now? You said YouTube money.

He is, his massive insecurity led to full-blown OCD in his youth.

>In his Five Nights at Freddy's video, he tells the story of when he was 19, he accidentally urinated in a girl's mouth when he was receiving fellatio, but stated their relationship still continued after that.

Attached: chrome_QWL5l5nKwN.png (1193x605, 962.18K)

You need to explain it to yourself,. you're contradicting yourself.

not really. i could replace youtube with twitch in my point and still be making the exact the same point. making big money for low effort.

>If it's so easy why doesn't everyone do it?

I'd say most people have the sense to weigh up the pros and cons of shining an enormous light on your life and sharing it with literally as many strangers as possible and find it far from worthwhile.

>Pic related

Attached: 1345644561453453.jpg (263x192, 7.02K)

there have been no contradictions.

Attached: Cr1tikal legs.png (649x363, 283.78K)

Also, you can't start a YouTube channel in 2020 and make millions with low effort. This just doesn't work.

Ok faggot

It just does though. Haven't you seen those videos where retards just play text-to-speech leddit posts?

A cursory look at his recent videos says not.
Some vids have gotten multi-million views sure, but it's not like it's every vid

>can't start a YouTube channel in 2020
exactly, these guys you see now are guys that have been around for at least five years, many of whom are only now seeing dividends for the content they produce

>there have been no contradictions.

You said:
>mental that you can make millions from churning out a shitty 10 min video of you lazily narrating over a shitty video game or movie a couple of times a week. life on easy mode fuck me

I said:
>You sound delusional. Those days are over.

You said:
>not really. being a popular youtuber is still incredibly lucrative. even more so considering the minimal effort people put into their videos

I said:
>You are delusional. Videos are constantly demonitized. It's not easy. If it's so easy why doesn't everyone do it?

You said:
>because youtube is oversaturated. this dude started early and made a name for himself early.
why do i need to explain this to you?

So you see how you start out saying how you can make millions on youtube? Then you pivot to "well it's oversaturated" proving me right?


I thought he was a gym bro?

Show their millions.

That's when he should have ended his life.

How in the absolute goddamn does this guy manage to put up with Andrew on a near daily basis? Say what you will about Charlie, but Andrew is without a doubt one of the most insufferable people I've ever listened to.

kind of disgusting hair and beard combo

Shut the fuck up, no one cares. You are distracting from the thread subject.


Attached: karen.png (1920x1080, 1.23M)

Hes a 5’4 manlet born to a 6’5 chad

This picture will never not be funny

I can't stand Kaya or whatever his name is. I dropped the podcast because of him.

twinkmax loser

I watched a couple of his videos like 7 years ago, is he still going?

Dudes like 5'0"

why does he look (and sound) like shoeonhead with a beard?

this manlet has a better body than 95% of Yas Forums

Attached: manly.jfif.jpg (900x1200, 217.31K)

el coomero de los americanos.....

I dunno, at least with Kaya I can sorta relate to a lot of the bullshit he spews, at the very least on the level of being a fellow alcoholic autist.
Andrew is a classic case of a painfully unfunny person thinking they have the makings of a standup comedian. The amount of times in a single episode that he drops a shitty one-liner then laughs himself out of breath while everyone waits for him to finish is just embarassing.

He's got the frame of a 6 year old lmao

Why the fuck would you keep your towels rolled up in a fruity little fucking wicker basket like that? Is he a middle aged lesbian?

he'd be ten times cuter if he twinked max

because Cr1TiKal is the type of name you'd make on cod multiplayer, and I doubt he would to keep using it

I don't know about you but that's Chad as fuck

He seems like the kinda guy that would put out a couple videos in which he's crying his soul out and then kill himself while taking a shit, if his girlfriend ever dumped him.

>that just doesn't work
CALLING PEPE AT 3AM (GONE WRONG!) Videos are lowest of the lowest of effort yet rake in a shit load of views.
Not him but
>oversaturation means you can't find success
How, especially when in cases like Charlie's:
>that those who were around early enough when it wasn't already oversaturated have a built up fanbase that can continue to grow
This somehow contradicts anything? Dude please fucking pick up a book.

>channel name is penguin0
>twitch name is moistcritical
>actual nick is critical written with some l33t x360 live tier spelling
Charlie just sounds less retarded than any of these.

There is a big amount of retards on this planet who are content with "slightly above average" content, so yeah he can just keep churning out trash that went old 6 years ago and these useful fools will keep chugging it up.

kys eceleb faggot

its his gf's doing, shes in some of his streams

No, he has a gf. I know you wouldn't understand user

post body

Hey that sounds an awful lot like me

What would drive a man to take and post a picture like this?

i mean you still have those 3 am videos or some shit still around, it's probably possible but you probably have to pander to kids and make the most soulless shit

he's 5'6"

A lesser man would have been crushed by such a burden.

So why the fuck does SHE roll them up and put them in a fucking wicker basket? Can she not fold? Is it art? A rebellion against traditional western notions of towel roles within society?

Attached: CodystartupSS.png (1920x1080, 1.98M)

holy shit you are a retarded

K. And I'm 6'3"

Attached: 761420853.png (1508x2048, 3.86M)

Unappealing b8, but I gave you a (you) out of sympathy in case you're serious, which means you are retarded.

You would have to ask her. You don't get nervous speaking to women, do you?

he is incredible insecure for being a manlet and being obese as a kid

No he's not. He's definitely shorter. He looks ridiculous next to actual humans