Peaky Blinders

Should I watch this?

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no, its normie garbage

yes, it's very good

No. It's really not worth investing your time into. It only gets worse.

maybe, it's a flick

I watched it up to episode 3 of season 1 and honestly I find it rather underwhelming. Annabelle Wallis is cute though, might pick it up again someday.

T-Thanks, that cleared it up...

Only the first 2 season.

On another note, has anyone seen Season 5 of Luther?

No, it's terrible

Gee user, dunno. In the beginning of the series, the PEAKY BLINDAHS are so racist, they won't even let their whores fuck Italians. By S5 the main character's sister is carrying a nigger bastard that he's perfectly okay with, and is teaming up with her nigger lover to assassinate "the Devil", AKA Oswald Mosley. Oh, and there's a scene where he goes in a Church and tells nuns to stop mistreating racemixed children, by going on a "God's not real, but the PEAKY BLINDAHS are" rant. All that in ~1930s Britain.

>watching shows with nigger protags

Yeah but is it good.


1st season was good then goes down hill hard and absolutely not worth the watch

yes, it's good

Boardwalk Empire is good. PB is "okay, I guess".

Who gives a shit, nutjob.

Damn, shills aren't even trying.

>no, its normie garbage
he says while browsing Yas Forums

no, but seriously. its like a more 'intellectual' sons of anarchy. if you liked that show youll probably like this too

Dunno, is camp your thing? It's certainly mine.

no, it's good

you got something you wanna say to me, faggot?

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yes you love men

Compelling arguments user...

Give Ada milkers

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Boardwalk empire is normalfag tier.

>PB isn't
Goddammit you faggot, stop samefagging. Not everyone likes your shitty BBC ripoff. The whole reason it exists is because of BE.

I never watched it, wanted to but I heard it got shit fast.

this is your brain on pol

It's ok. took me two tries to actually watch the whole thing. a bit too much drama and a couple nice action scenes in betweem.

Never said it wasn't, I just said boardwalk is normalfag tier as well, and it is.

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It's Trudeau

I don't like the show, but not because of the racist bullshit you listed.

you should go post about it on your reddit blog

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Reddit is that way, racism is part of Yas Forums

You first, faggot.

BrBa is Normalfag Tier. BE isn't ome unknown entity, but it most certainly isn't as Normalfag as PB. Which wasn't even my point, since it was about the difference in quality, not popularity.

Go back to Yas Forums, kiddo.

Seasons 1 and 2 are the only good ones.

Pretty racist user, telling me to go back where I came from

You just admitted that you fled your containment board, polcel. Go back.

>hmmm...I don't know...I don't think battle-hardened Birmingham gangsters in the 1930s would be active proselytizers of 1st wave feminist theory...seems weird. Why would they write the characters like this?

Fuck you, Nazi.

>projecting this hard

It got CIA and Bane.

I’m not the racist piece of trash in this thread. Race and ethnicity is practically a social construct. You are the one that wants to kill minorities

>I’m not the racist piece of trash in this thread.
Yeah you are.

No, you are.

Just entered this thread to call you a faggot, fucking faggot nigger.

Wow, that was pretty fucking racist right there, and homophobic

even the title makes me cringe

rent free

s1-3 good, then it just becomes predictable and boring


>Race and ethnicity is practically a social construct
that's wrong. distinguishing skin colors is a pure cognitive function and associating different fantasies with differently looking people is a deeply ingrained psychological function


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no, and I wanted to like the series