Only faggots and women drink vodka
Only faggots and women drink vodka
I think I've only had four drinks in my life
russians too
t. former bar manager.
Whiskey is supreme gentleman bogwater
Only faggots and women care about what other people prefer to drink. Unless we’re talking about flavored shit, that really is only for gays and women.
vodka drinker detected
There's other alcohol than bourbon? News to me.
Based Uncle Bourbon
There's tequila
Vodka is only acceptable in one instance: creating an emergency mixed drink. It doesn’t clash with anything.
why do you have a emoji in your name
Whisky is superior
Because I defeated Terramorphous and beat Halo 3 on LASO
i only drink fireball because it tastes like redhots candy
I mostly drink jim beam, what’s your favorite favorite whiskey fellow gentlesir connoisseur?
I'm cheap what can I say
Oky, what do ‘real men ™’ drink?
Ardbeg, Michters, Buffalo Trace, JW Black, Weller.
Watch out everyone. We got a badass over here
>flavoured beer is gay
typical way of thinking for people actually in the closet
>JW Black
Based. That shit is good
Based malt snob. Keep dabbing on blendbabbies
Have another white claw for me, homo.
>Why yes I only drink craft beer with 0% alcohol and soda taste, how could you tell?
>craft beer
>low alcohol
At least pretend to know what you're talking about
non alcoholics detected. Try drinking a decent single malt to get drunk night after night. You will be broke and retarded after a month. JW Black is obviously inferior in quality to single malts but is very easy to drink large amounts of.
Pussy juice
Not for cooking with but drinking yes
Anything brown
>Murricans thinking they're the hard shit with their pisswater
To bogwater slightly, I agree
>i was just pretending
Wine hangovers are the absolute worst
Trump is a faggot and so are you
>drinking anything american
and im the faggot?
Das it mane
This, eventually you'll get trader joes or even drink brandy some of the time. Trader joes 18 year single malt is unironically great.
But Vodka is the 'healthiest' alcohol one can consume and doesn't give you pesky hangovers.
You're a woman if you shit on Vodka, SAD!
I really don’t get where you guys get this arrogance. Most euro macrobrews are no stronger and are barely more flavorful than budweiser.
They are. But I kind of like hangovers. They kill my stress and anxiety.
Stay up late, split a bottle with a loved one. Have a few (I cannot emphasize this enough) GOOD cheeses to pair it with.
Stay hydrated through the night, wake up late, pop some Tylenol, shower, have an iced espresso drink and maybe a good cigarette, and lounge in the sun for a few hours. Truly recommend it.
>I really don't get where you guys get this arrogance.
It's insecurity user.
Fine, go have a raspberry syrup infused hefeweizen to wash the cum out of your mouth, I don’t give a shit.
Why. In the fuck. Would anybody drink a shitty scotch night after night? There are so many better, cheaper things to do with that money. Put in a little effort.
I would need about 2 bottles of wine to get drunk. Half a bottle would not cause a hangover.
Sure. Split a few bottles. Still recommend the process. You’ll be right with the world.
I only drink mixed drinks and ciders because I despise the taste of hard liquor.
Needless to say, I drink once a year at most
JW black isn't shitty. Try Red Label or Dewars. Thats shit. jesus christ I am talking to a child here.
if i have cum in my mouth its only because you put it there
Oh yeah definitely, there's nothing I love more than being abruptly awoken and vomiting over the walls in my room and then not being able to eat for the day as too much water can make you vomit.
A very soul appeasing experience.
Pycня, в cтoйлo
kek i remember when i was a teenager and kids, myself included, used to say this shit because vodka had less flavor to it and was thus easier to drink so it was cool to shit on to look "tough" because you could handle a slightly more flavorful liquor
jesus christ how old are you OP, 16?
if you are having that kind of hangover you either mixed booze or are an incredibly inexperienced drinker.
Agree, at 30 bucks, black label is better to any single malt. Single malts at that price point are terrible. And it is much much better than a 20 dollar whisky
Drink an alkaselzer then some electrolytes.
Nope. I had too much sugary alcohol and not enough water.
Vodka always made me gag trying to drink it straight, but whiskey always went down easy for me
Either way I'm glad I'm not in highschool anymore so I don't have to drink straight liquor anymore
It’s not gay if you’re cute. Post face, twink.
Real men don't give a fuck about console wars and drink to get drunk.
Are you one of those people who don’t know their own limits? Who thinks the only kind of drunk is falling down and blacking out?
It's the sugar user. It keeps you up too late. Don't have sugary mixers and it will put you to sleep without that.
Experienced drinkers. The best is walking the line of blacking out where you don't and can remember everything up until hitting the matress and then nothing more.
Not him but that's me
I'll be at a nice level for a good portion of the night, start sobering up, then drink a shitton to try get back to my nice level and end up blacking out
I grew into Fireball. Used to hate it, now I love how smooth it is. Yes, smooth.
I drink whatever tastes good (the less alcohol taste the better). I don't give a flying fuck about people who are try-hards think when it come to drinking.
Yeah, go to Russia and Poland and say that to a soldier's face.
Some drinkers just binge every time they drink
beer, rum, vodka and gin for me
>flavored liquor
I got made fun of once for drinking WKD :(
Expensive vodka is almost hangover free and with a soda tonic is really refreshing