did waterworld go too far?
Did waterworld go too far?
It did not go far enough.
waterworld is kino
didnt that thing alone blow up the budget?
Yeah I think so. Throwing money at a movie doesn't make it better, sometimes constraints give rise to more authentic creativity
The entire Earth being covered in water was silly and distracted from the good qualities of the setting. It should have been that most of the dry land was completely uninhabitable desert, forcing people to flee to the bloated oceans; and the main goal of the film to find the last fertile area on Earth.
More like kinoworld
no, that was the town in the beginning of the movie
did you just fix the movie?
I think it's time for a Waterworld remake/ spiritual sequel/ reimagining. Could be cool in the right hands
but would they include this
Unironically this
What PS1 FMV is this from?
I still haven't seen all of this movie.
Was on the other night, I went to bed. Has to be the 3rd or 4th time in 20 years ive tried to watch it and couldn't make it
Too expensive. Nobody would even touch it.
This doesn't make any sense, they were still on a collision course before the guy got pulled up, why are they acting so surprised?
Unironically 20-30 years aheads of its time. If it were made today, it would win oscars and everyone would have sucked its dick.
Waterworld wanted to be The Road Warrior so bad.
Wonder if a 21st century reboot like Fury World would make for an interesting film.
When Waterworld was made, it was right when bungee jumping was becoming big. It was a giant fad right around then, so that was some shit they had to invent a reason to put in there.
not far enough
I still fap to the main chick in it
Fury Road***
Got Corona brain
>that directors cut where it implies Kevin Costner will repopulate the earth with her as his Eve
FuryWorld can be the name of the waterworld reboot
I see valarian as a spiritual successor to 5th element so yeah water world should get one
>where did they get bungee rope the exact length?
>where do they get leather?
>how did they process crude oil into gasoline?
>how did they procure so many cigarettes?
>how can you filter salty urine but not salt water?
>If paper is so highly valued, why smoke cigarettes and not pipes?
>The map on the girls back uses longitude and latitude but how how you calculate without clock or land mass?
>Where does the fresh water come from if no one is catching rainwater?
>How does a 4 stroke motor not get watter logged when strapped to a jet ski?
>Why does everyone speak English?
Never understood why people hate it besides it's a mad max ripoff.
meant for
Luc Besson made 5th Element because he could not get the rights to Valerian, one of the Valerian litterateurs was a production designer and ever said why are you making this crap you should get the right to Valerian
they stole the idea from me, when i walked out of Road Warrior 3 Thunder Dome I said they had cars planes and trains next they need post apoc funky boats
they planned to stop in time, but the distraction of seeing the dude fly in and fly out caused them to run out of time and hit each other
i remember thinking it was bad because people on "i love the 90s" said it was bad. what a faggot i was
i've still never seen it though
Had to be her in the long version and the book the lady was cast out of another town and treated like shit in the starting floating village because she could not get pregnant that's why she was given the orphan girl to make her useful
on the one Buoy they spoke Portugreek
fuck. I love "I love the 80s and 90s"
forgot all about them . They should play it more
Lot of the hate came from the production budget. When press got out how much it cost it somehow turned into a negative about hollywood spending. Even by today's capeshit standards it cost a lot
Filming on water basically doubled the budget and then a storm wrecked some sets they had to repair
It was the last 'fuck it let's just build it all' films to ever be made.
Wouldn't they just get all get a face full of explosion when it bungees back down?
It was literally pitched and sold as Mad Max on the water.
bloated oceans? you mean like a world of water?
Deb a cute.
Loli sized 4 Ever
They had to not only rebuild the entire set twice but it needed constant, daily repair, they had to work around the tides because it was impossible to film in the turmoil and floods of jellyfish, and constant pick up shots because the background would change hue from all the clouds and reflections between shots, even the fucking waves made things inconsistent and was kept out of view as much as possible just for that. And this wasn't just a part or segment, it was the entire shoot for months.
Made on Kostnerbucks and sheer will.
Fury Road was the closest we've ever gotten again to this, and all those vehicles had to be basically rebuilt at the end of shooting every day so I imagine they stopped there.
With it's bullshit? Yes. You could melt every icecap on the planet and the sea level would rise a mere 200 meters, but you expect us to buy that it would submerge every landmass entirely below Himalayan level? Go fuck yourself, pseudo-science.
When they show him swimming and the wrecked sub that is a ski resort in Colorado so it would have to be human diving distance 200 or 300 feet below the surface
And she has that tramp stamp so you know she is a slut
climatically speaking, how livable would a water world be?
Comfier than antartica
The salt would fuck you up. Salt on lips, salt in your eyes. Rough.
>mfw I've been here since 2004
Imagine if they had double the budget, it would be uberkino
at the very least could have 10x more waterskiing badguys pulling sick moves
not a reboot but same universe would be cool
holy shit was she actually the ND girl?
Mad Max in the water.
There is one show in universal studios that is way better than the movie.
You'd have to come up with some very complicated reason to explain why people would prefer living on the ocean instead of just hanging out at the seaside, and if there's water then there can't be a Mad Max like desert by definition.