*Lashes out at what he doesn't understand in your path*
*Lashes out at what he doesn't understand in your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
>infected OP
this. what kind of pleb doesn't recognize all the references to silent/classic cinema that lucas put into the prequels? it's not even obscure shit, he just re-contextualizes various shots from eisenstein, murnau, ford, griffith, wyler, and so many others. i'm not even saying they're smart films, but the fact that his reviews don't even mention this shows his limited knowledge of cinema history
literally who?
t/pol/ here to shit talk and fuck up this board
Greta Thunberg is the reason I work out. I have this fantasy where we start talking at the UN climate summit after party. We exchange a few pleasantries. She asks what I do. I say I loved her on CNN She laughs. I get my drink.
"Well, see ya," I say and walk away. I've got her attention now. How many guys voluntarily leave a conversation with Greta Thunberg? She touches her neck as she watches me leave.
Later, as the night's dragged on and the coterie of gorgeous narcissists grows increasingly loose, she finds me on the balcony, my bowtie undone, smoking a cigarette.
"Got a spare?" she asks.
"What's in it for me?" I say as I hand her one of my little white ladies. She smiles.
"Conversation with me, duh."
I laugh.
"What's so funny?" she protests.
"Nothing, nothing... It's just... don't you grow tired of the egos?"
"You get used to it," she says, lighting her cigarette and handing me back the lighter.
"What would you do if you weren't a climate change activist?" I ask.
"Teaching, I think."
"And if I was your student, what would I be learning?"
"Discipline," she says quickly, looking up into my eyes, before changing the subject. "Where are you from?"
"Mexico" I say.
"Oh wow. That's lovely."
"It's OK," I admit. "Not everything is to my liking."
"What could possibly be not to your liking in Mexico?" she inquires.
"I don't like sand," I tell her. "It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."
Whens this fucking drunk retard gonna upload star trek picard review with RICH where the fuck IS IT!!!!!
Mike Stoklasa, you're fatter than I expected.
The sad thing is Mike wants to create something sincere but is too timid to actually do so, which is why he relies on cheap vulgarity and irony.
Young Anakin, YOU SURVIVED...
shut up
cope harder Stoklasa
Give me one reason the prequels are bad besides "not muh".
The only thing bad about Revenge of the Sith is that it didn't get to be the 5 hour epic George Lucas wanted it to be.
testing to see if im infected yet
i guess you're right, he missed out on making fun of an even dumber idea in the pt than anyone even realised
What a terrible opinion
checked and appreciated
how long does it take for my aids tattoo to turn into a smiley face
>PREQUEL BAD BECAUSE......................
>LONG MOVIE BAD BECAUSE...................
ok npc
I bet you like Snyder films
all complaints of the prequel boil down to this
fuckin' lel
>no wife and kids
I don't like the faux edginess of RLM, especially since Mike won't even say "tranny" anymore and Jay is a mincing faggot who thinks black characters listening to hip hop is racist.
i thought prequelcucks have finally accepted that prequel love will never be a thing no matter how many times they spam their shit
The prequels made Star Wars more popular than ever before.
>prequel love will never be a thing
go away tumblr
>acknowledges that there exist people who love the prequels
>prequel love will never be a thing
Implying Grand Prix is some sort of hallowed kino that modern filmmakers study and are influenced by. The only redeeming qualities of that film are the incredible driving sequences - the other two hours could have been left on the cutting room floor. It was a blockbuster flick, it wasn’t anything special in 1966. Just because it’s an old film doesn’t mean Lucas was trying to allude to it
The prequels suck.
*Coofs on you*
The prequels are great.
The prequels are ambitious and operatic on a scale not seen before or since. The worst thing anout them is Anakin's acting.
He’s old and lost most of his brain cells to Alcohol. Give him a break.
Aping real movies doesnt make your CGI shitfest any better, in fact it makes it worse now that I know you didnt even come up with your own shots.
dualists of men...
And everyone else's acting. Literally every single main character and most of the side characters have at least one line of dialogue that causes the audience to wince when they hear it.
George talks about them being made like silent movies again and again in the commentaries.
For you
The ending part of the phantom menace with the parade and that scene pretty much being identical to the fall of rome is pretty kino. The edited imperial theme really works setting up that it's the fall of the republic.
But they arent silent movies and treating them as such is a glaring mistake that someone like george should have known not to do. The prequels as a whole really show that he has no fucking clue what hes doing, hes only good for being an ideas guy who drives technological innovation with his hardon for the best CG effects (which he also fucks up)
Wait, this infection hasn't been cured yet? It's Apr 2 already.
imagine caring about film
Based 90 IQ poster!
based on what?
at sucking.
Do you know anything remotely about Lucas?
Why? There is zero visual storytelling. It’s nonstop dialogue.
how does it make you feel that the fag that most of these "reviewers" idolized thought tpm was decent
Supposed film inspiration like this drives me insane. As if placing a camera in front of a guy driving is some brilliant decision nobody would have ever thought of. There's a reason one of the first films ever made invented basically every kind of cut and shot, they're all no-brainers.
That plus an actual arc for Count Dooku would've made the prequels pure kino.
>Mike won't even say "tranny" anymore
That would get them kicked off of youtube
He won't say it anymore because he knows better but we all know he still thinks it's a good word.
prequels were bad and only shit eaters like them lol
So? His paypigs will follow him.
Imagine defending a coward.
ugh i know he doesnt want to say tranny what a FUCKING coward bros.. anyway im about to go jack off again for the second time this hour cya
t. tranny