which actor looked the best in a nazi uniform?
Which actor looked the best in a nazi uniform?
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me. I'm not an actor though.
Ralph Fiennes
I had an ex girlfriend who'se grandfather was an officer in the Whermacht. When he died she asked me to put on his uniform and said it turned her on. The uniforms convey pure power.
>women likes men with uniform
No shit, sometimes i put on my navy uniform and go down to the local bar and larp as i just arrived from some mission or someshit, it's easy pussy
I think its a little more unexpected if its a nazi uniform user. Also I'm pretty sure what you're doing is against the regs of whatever military you belong to. Don't be that guy
All the guys in this thread and also Thomas Krestchmann.
I was always partial to James Coburn in 'Cross of Iron'.
LOL Spock in SS uniform. There is no fucking way that creep is Aryan
Nazis were idiots.
in real life: gets fucked by fat slimy jews for movie roles
This is a handsome man
In fact, he was a filthy jew.
He was a gangster in this.
back to bunkerchan
At least they could make way better propaganda than you trannys.
So is Shatner.
A tranny
Conspiracy is 90 mins of pure Reich Kino
I think we know who the real trannys are mate
All this is telling me is that a few based men hijacked an industrialized nation for a few years to spread lulz
These two.
the boys were just having a laff
Was gonna say this.
Also decent choices.
Why are modern nazis so goofy and unintentionally funny? Why cant' they look intimidating?
take that back
kek I agree, the fact Yas Forums is 0% white is p hilarious but in a sad way
That was actually the /fa/ meetup
it's a Yas Forums meetup actually
>club-footed dwarf who made his children kill themselves with him
What's that they usually say about the police attracting people who got bullied really hard in school? Wonder if the same was for the top NSDAP brass. Only one that even really comes close to the Aryan look was Heydrich (still pretty average looking, though), and just like an Aryan he let his caveman aggression cloud his rational judgement and got himself killed when he decided to personally engage two Czechoslovakian partisans better armed than him instead of just ordering his driver to speed on.
>"Hell-ooooooo, he's a FAAAAAAG!!"
given how beta and spergy all the nazi leaders were it's a safe bet.
>A long time ago, I was in Russia. My comrades and I were working for the SS. They were trying to buy the loyalty of gopniks by bribing them with precious vodka.
Goebbels was ugly but fucked tons of women and had six kids and formidable presence. More of a chad than most anons here
he was a closeted gay. Gays are often very promiscuous when they're in the closet.
when his wife found out, he killed his family then himself.
Soviet uniforms look better
Always thought spieljew did this guy up [retty gud
soviets were winners so they don't have diabetic virgins worshiping them tho.
Those aren't "Nazis," those are ZOGbot Trump supporters. They look goofy because of dysgenics. You can't complain of you don't support eugenics and race hygeine. If you don't support ethical genetic screening then fuck off.v
awful incel cope
>awful incel cope
*precious addidas
I think Kenneth Branagh secretly loves wearing Nazi uniforms in movies desu
Robert Shaw? Barely noticed its him first time