Well, in other news

Well, in other news...

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>it was probably a nigger or a illegal Trump is doing a perfect job handling this crisis.

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USA No. 1

How are they sure it was covid and not SIDS? Sometimes babies just die.

>paying thousands to private healthcare insurance just because a poor black person might die is so fuckign redpilled and BASED

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Wojak posters deserve to hang.

Hahaha just kidding, APRIL FOOLS!!!


this but unironically and as a laughing golden wojack and not an npc wojack

Haha, yeah, UK is really fucked. That's why I attacked our most important ally and telling them they have fucked up regarding the coronavirus haha even though this shit was all explained and they changed their stance quicker than we did when I said it was just a flu haha.

>newfags think goldface is a wojak now

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we need to nuke china

based, usa number 1 again!

Post yfw 240,000 americans are gonna die

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there has probably been pregnant women that died so that six week old isnt the youngest

Who cares?

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lmao I bet this faggot is anti-abortion too.

>impeachment distracted us
This is the talking point now. Americans are retarded enough to believe it.

do we have obituaries for the people "dying"?

Nice reading comprehension nigger.

Source of that number?

Yes, everyone believes that. You people are the stupidest posters on this site.

just a bunch of cells


God it's so easy to fit in being a Democrat!

>Highest risk factors for dying from COVID 19 are, being overweight, diabetes, and high blood pressure,
Yep. I'm thinking America is fucked

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Just wait


Imagine being this guy. Holy cringe.

How do you test a 6 week old for coronavirus?

how did you know?

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Does that include all the deaths China has almost certainly covered up?



He is the physical manifestation of the abstract idea of a ultimate boomer. We all created him through our thoughts. He is the alpha boomer.


Bet you anything it was a C-section (the vaginal tract accretes the infant's first bacteriological/yeast biome from the mother -- without this, the seeding culture could be vaccines given immediately after birth, rather than this and mother's milk. Now you know whence the preponderance of allergy/asthma in the past half-century)

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I bet you think that tweet is real because you're retarded


What is this post implying? You test the same way you test any other person.

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Have you been living under a rock?

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The cancerous tumor of a country is dying, and it's great news for everyone around the globe
No one will miss you, amerimutts, the world will enter the new golden age while you rot

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That's if they do everything right, which they won't. 2.4 million mutts coming up

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100% chance that the baby had another condition that killed it. Wuflu can't kill you.

It's real, he deleted it quickly due to backlash and got super defensive and posted this.

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has someone photoshopped his skin here?

Green team rise up!

joke's on you, when we're dead what do you think will hold the chinks back? good will? lol

post birth abortion bad mkay?

EU Bros, how did we beat the coronavirus while mutts all die?

christ, the whole "anyone who disagrees with me politically is pure evil and dumb" might be the dumbest, low iq view of the world to have
>why are republicans so x
>why are democrats so y
why do people buy into this completely nuanceless, black and white view of this? Its easier for dumb people digest thing when they compartmentalize things?
i'll probably get called a radical centrist now

It was probably overweight

I don't like how my country is going, but at least it does not feel as black and white, I wonder how did a country as big as America turned out like this.

By not having literal molochists spreading it to win an election in a few months.

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>why didn’t trump save the baby with his magic

Really ?

Accurate headline: 6 week old baby youngest to die from Coronavirus that we know about because China is full of shit

This is why when you immerse yourself long enough with politics you realize democracy is a mistake

These “people” don’t deserve a say in important state matters, they only make things worse for themselves.

I uniornically wish for a monarchy At this point

>laughing golden wojack

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>I guess making fun of alt-right snowflakes is cheating because it's so easy to get a dozen replies and infect half the board.

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i dont get it, why lie about how dangerous a disease is to get your own people killed? what is trump gaining from this?

The only people voting are city slickers who spread poverty and disease because cities have always been for swaths of poor people til the 1990s, and rural/suburban retards and rednecks who escaped the cities and have been living the same quiet lifestyle since the dawn of time. The default stance is conservatism and leftoid voters vote as they do because most of our educational institutions have been taken over by leftoids and the vote how they were told to vote, not because they're smart. Sad state of affairs

This pic is all dems have after they couldn’t remove him from office. Think about that for a sec.

Most people dying from it live in big cities and vote Democrat. Trump is playing 4D chess, literally killing off the enemy

>couldn’t remove him from office
key world being couldn't
he's finished now

Actually Trump leading America through this virus will ensure he goes down as possibly the greatest American president of all time.

bro trump if fucking satan, but trump is not the problem during the crisis. i bet you are fucking glued on MSNBC feeding you this bullshit everyday

>not the problem
fact is trump has killed thousands as a result of his failure
its like saying the captain of the titanic did nothing wrong, yeah he did, his ship went down

youve got to be the biggest humorless cunt to not find it hilarious

He wants his supporters to leave him the fuck alone
He never intended to get this far
He just wanted to promote his new show
That's why he pawned off most of his duties to his staff

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he didn't cry so good

Daily mail likes to scaremonger

Corona has bumped up the daily US mortality rate by 11%. We are 4% of the population and something like 15% of all cases. maga lol

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>be American
>either get shot by a nigger or die to a deadly disease

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it was inevitable that these people died and people are dying, how did he fail exactly? btw I'm not pro-trump at all, i'm anti-false flag

It does fix coranavirus they just did it wrong.

spread misinformation that his dumbass supporters believed and got themselves killed with

what misinformation do you speak of?

>*hits the iceberg*
in any other age trump would be executed via firing squad after refusing to honorably take his own life