Say something nice about her, Yas Forums.
Say something nice about her, Yas Forums
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no, get coof'd on.
she cute, who is this? Seriously I want to marry her. She looks so happy. I'd do my best to keep her happy.
she kinda cute
I want her to grapple me and choke me to death while calling me pathetic
wouldn't infect her
I prefer the black hair, personally.
i really, really hate chinks and its not up for debate
Hana is cute.
She's beautiful
I'd fuck her
It is very rare to see a woman who can actually look good with a bob haircut. Absolutely kino asian thot.
What the hell is happening is this??
She's mine, I claim her
only good bug is a dead bug
Anyone read anything if they're going to postpone terrace house? I think the virus isn't that bad in Japan, but who knows. They already delayed Olympics to next year.
>unbased webm poster
Erm, the wall won't have much of the effect on her.
are they even human lol
Gas or chemical leak probably from a truck or train.
I assume a crash that's off camera because everyone is stopped.
Isn't life great?
literal bugpeople
you would make her miserable m8
needs a bbc in her pussy
I'd put my plague penis in her
>It is very rare to see a woman who can actually look good with a bob haircut
And thus the search continues.
she cute
Her smile looks forced here, she's clearly not a genuine person.
kek, she doesn't completely nail it, but she doesn't look horrible
Why do you say this
The car on the right looks like a cause of it.
sorry that was uncalled for
Unless they are nude, nobody gives a shit about female wrestling.
Post more liveleaks instead.
was it the ghosts of her ancestors
imagine caring about some yellow bug wrestling lol
On your knees.
China is fucking Final Destination: The Land
This will never not be funny.
>swn make that face when pegging you
This vid cured my jellow fever, every asian that hasn't been diluted with white jizz I see now has the face at 0:33
She literally just wholesale stole Bliss' aesthetic and Asian'd it up
Bliss stole it from Harley Quinn, Hana wears it better anyway
pretty comical she was lusting for that retard who can only think about basketball