Say something nice about her, Yas Forums

Say something nice about her, Yas Forums.

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no, get coof'd on.

she cute, who is this? Seriously I want to marry her. She looks so happy. I'd do my best to keep her happy.

she kinda cute

I want her to grapple me and choke me to death while calling me pathetic

wouldn't infect her

I prefer the black hair, personally.

Attached: HKW.jpg (799x1200, 135.23K)

i really, really hate chinks and its not up for debate

Attached: f35ada993113554fb2d90574f8ae19d193f5de29e53310b560eb6b9015de491e.webm (720x406, 535.78K)

Attached: HkGe0TtqrF.webm (360x200, 1.68M)

Hana is cute.

Attached: 2522f7a2b5a2cce106279655069038b09c4ea304defe92248a28c536fe1f3e01.webm (568x320, 2.9M)

Attached: 3b0d77f2d270510e75896aec60b468930f08aa72c2e816f948ad1cfef155724a.webm (374x200, 416.02K)

She's beautiful


I'd fuck her

It is very rare to see a woman who can actually look good with a bob haircut. Absolutely kino asian thot.

What the hell is happening is this??

Attached: 6041555a0be09168c2cdb97ab177d96ee29a52d4a4d943c85840c7d1f0e14d7a.webm (360x360, 2.82M)

She's mine, I claim her

Attached: ETzWUVLUcAYymuV.jpg (680x510, 43.35K)

only good bug is a dead bug

Attached: 5da6bedcb161b6b138a5c47efb6969949fcb4ddbb4fe2eb0b03f7899231adfb5.webm (480x396, 626.34K)

Anyone read anything if they're going to postpone terrace house? I think the virus isn't that bad in Japan, but who knows. They already delayed Olympics to next year.

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Attached: bf9dfa8fb56249e93771ccfa4a94366e9f6c0c1d45c1037dfcda16fed61cb8cf.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>unbased webm poster

Attached: o9um9043.jpg (716x895, 63.26K)

Erm, the wall won't have much of the effect on her.

are they even human lol

Attached: 7a241c41e35679d81a7b13dff736c1271ead21a64a80430213a42fe4eda4ac14.webm (856x480, 1.53M)

Attached: hana-2_orig.jpg (640x640, 43.9K)

Gas or chemical leak probably from a truck or train.
I assume a crash that's off camera because everyone is stopped.


Attached: 7d50a5166f0d5a10fee26e692fe188f805559ba0bf86a946702ed5486d020e29.webm (640x360, 1.34M)

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Isn't life great?

literal bugpeople

Attached: 4b9303c7e4d9fbe85b362885db15ac5701a14bd58916b727393847e6be617974.webm (572x400, 197.25K)

Attached: HKE.webm (422x238, 2.5M)

you would make her miserable m8

needs a bbc in her pussy

I'd put my plague penis in her

>It is very rare to see a woman who can actually look good with a bob haircut

And thus the search continues.

she cute

Attached: 9df77388f82d5dc1e70919b7592c257806ad36b1371e9b81971844951530751d.webm (720x404, 1.97M)

Attached: HKP.jpg (915x747, 79.16K)

Her smile looks forced here, she's clearly not a genuine person.

kek, she doesn't completely nail it, but she doesn't look horrible

Attached: 2ecfa23b2ac8796b8c1a669feb44dfeae56074067513f4bba2b61e0b1e46470c.webm (854x480, 2.51M)

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Why do you say this

The car on the right looks like a cause of it.

Attached: d773aaf41fae468164389227dbdd22344aaabfff7be4923ac35a1e2b54d1ad58.webm (852x480, 1.99M)

sorry that was uncalled for

Attached: 5df201987abfa55241b01a5031ff72a57533f539cab4f0c26f6c6949db2ccf3c.webm (720x404, 442.91K)

Unless they are nude, nobody gives a shit about female wrestling.
Post more liveleaks instead.

was it the ghosts of her ancestors

imagine caring about some yellow bug wrestling lol

Attached: 0ecc33f0c4dbeb341bc0cfb43bb799cc159e51d50d28cc266c6b426c2a1a6f06.webm (360x640, 2.02M)

On your knees.

Attached: D9litQ_VUAAU_es.jpg (1003x1200, 319.63K)

China is fucking Final Destination: The Land

This will never not be funny.

>swn make that face when pegging you
This vid cured my jellow fever, every asian that hasn't been diluted with white jizz I see now has the face at 0:33



She literally just wholesale stole Bliss' aesthetic and Asian'd it up

Attached: wwe-alexa-bliss-harley-quinn-photoshoot_6.jpg (1200x675, 80.82K)

Bliss stole it from Harley Quinn, Hana wears it better anyway

pretty comical she was lusting for that retard who can only think about basketball

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