/who/ - Doctor Who general

Previous: uninfected edition

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And entire thread and not a single one of you has made a Green Death joke? Shame on you posers.

Does anyone know if Resolution will be on the Series 12 boxset in Australia?
Wanna know if I should hold off on buying Resolution in case it is, don't really want 2 copies.

>actively supporting and maintaining Chib's regime
at least pirate it you fucking simp

>It's a quarentine episode

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I did when I first watched it now.
Now I wanna buy it cause I liked it.
That simple user, don't make it anything else.
Yes or no question.
Does it or does it not contain Resolution?

This board has been sick
This board needs healing
This board needs medicine
In fact I'd go so far as to say
That what this board really needs
Right now
Is a Doctor

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>David Tennant was a good Doctor
>I like the Chibnall era

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>"this thread belongs to us"
>"You shall be like us"

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You will find no aid here, I'm afraid.

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I know the answer because I googled it.

what the fuck

Makes me too sad thinking about it. Chib dreams of making kino of the calibre in these few seconds

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Did anyone ever try to decolorize Happiness Patrol? I do remember that's what producers intended and i think it would give the episode some good 2nd Doctor aesthetic

So did I, and I find conflicting information.
It says it doesn't, it says it does.
It says it gets released in June, it says it gets released in May.
I was hoping someone would be able to help me out.

How hard is it to answer a god damn yes or no question?
I would have fucked off or started discussing other shit if someone responded last thread.

Turn off the colour on your TV?
Wait, do TVs still do that?

Was 2007 Yas Forums pissed off at Jesus Doctor?

That fat speccy nonce wouldn't know kino if it was right in front of him. I hope an infected coofs all over him.

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Resolution is on the UK version of the Series 12 boxset so I doubt it'll be different for Australia.

How you doing, fellow infected?

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...that's a good question. Huh. That said, things made after the silver screen never look right in black and white, in my opinion.

I had the biohazard symbol before but my last post didn't. Testing

^ not so funny now

Yes. The series 3 finale was the first time I really started browsing the Who threads here, actually.

/who/ will NOT submit to the infection!

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Holy crap, did those quads I got in the sticky thread actually do something?

>"You will be upgraded"

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Fuck off chibshill
Back to your forum

its funny cause series 3 is the most inconsistent series of nuwho, it had some of the best episodes like blink, human nature/family of blood and utopia.
and then the worst shits like 42, lazarus experiment and jesus doctor finale
what a wild ride

>"There's no escape from the cybermen"

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It would be cool to get a modern episode in black and white, or maybe one where they're working through different eras, with the production values of the time. The plot could be the Doctor is trapped in a TV show that suspiciously resembles his own life.

I wish there was a forum that liked the Chibnall run.
Everyone fucking hates it, I don't care if you hate it I just want to know if it contains it or not.

Thanks to user who lied to me saying that Kinda Part 4 on Mega was the special edition when it wasn't

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I always wanted a Capaldi b&w episode

Don't you remember the early leaks they were all in black and white and were kino

What does /who/ think of the autons?

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Aint what they auta be.

good although I wish they would have better effects although I'm probably thinking of the ones in 'Rose'. Their also underused considering how there's plastic everywhere. There are few times like 'closing time' where it should've been them.

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Yeah they were so good, but i wanted them to make one that is plot related. Could have made for some meta kino

I'm gonna ask again.

reminder that clara would be a shitty gf (unless you're the doctor)

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Aside from not watching/pirating the Chibnall era, not helping you support the show is really the closest thing we can do to making an actual difference. Give up, m8.

One of the 10th doctor audio adventures has him on a paranormal tv show on earth, where they fake ghosts, but this time the "ghosts" are real and the doctor has to do it while he and donna play husband and wife.
Not exactly what you are talking about but its kind of cute

But I am the Doctor.

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Why the fuck does it matter what I do with my money?
I enjoy a show that I like, specifically a few seasons that everyone fucking hates.
I've got no one to talk about it to, so I figure fine, I'll just fucking like it by myself without friends, that's fucking fine.
All I want is an answer to a god damn yes or no question, how is that too much to fucking ask?

You could make it like the TV planet episode of Lexx. DW should take more pointers from Lexx, honestly. That series had a lot of strong ideas.

we know, peter

Yeah, that one was pretty good. Looking forward to when they start giving 10th storylines and companions as they did to classic doctors.

Screw Lexx, they should take pointers from Farscape. It worked for SG-1. What are Ben Browder and Claudia Black doing nowadays, anyway?

You will be destroyed, Doctor!

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10th doctor story with him in a ghost hunters tv show.
that wa sactually one of RTDs scrapped idea. I think he might've done it instead of midnight but though t it was to silly. It sounded like it could've been a good comedy episode so I'm glad it got made in one way.

>Ten and Donna's cutesy nicknames
Had me rolling, desu. I would watch an entire series of just that and Wilf being adorable.

The fat controller.

Once again anyone?

Still a better look for them than the mindless robot zombies they became in NuWho.

>t. seething Danny Splink

diets... are a weakness...

should we support the show or not? I haven’t seen past 11th Doc bc I haven’t been able to find reliable streaming but if the show deserves to be pirated I’ll just steal it

I am glad he did midnight instead. Don't get me wrong I loved the cute paranormal tv episode but midnight is just perfect.
One of my favorite doctor who stories ever. The sonic is not really important and there is no escape.

im not infected, right lads?

After their shared adventure, the War Doctor developed and unhealthy obsession with Clara that bled through to his future selves.

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