I'm sorry, but this is an immunechads only screening. You're out of luck and meds, user

>I'm sorry, but this is an immunechads only screening. You're out of luck and meds, user.

Attached: 1585734262714_20200401120429517.jpg (626x754, 179.5K)


Piss off lol

I'm good Robert don't worry about me.

immunechad here



thanks Doc

The fuck did the admin do to the website? I left at 2 AM and I see this shit.

shut up black

I'm ok Robert I promise

fuck, i don't know how i got it

Immune chads are relentlessly immune because they are relentlessly handsome.


*coof* *coof*
Oh boy, glad I got that out of my system

can't do shit you coofing virgin


Immunechad reporting in.

nah me and my mate here are square.

Attached: yourfineinmybook.jpg (1200x680, 115.53K)

Come on Robert, it's just a flu!

>coofing in an immune thread

Attached: YouHaveNoPowerHere.jpg (400x400, 42.69K)

Mister doctor, I am immunified from an early wage.

Feeling good Robert

Testing testing 123 123 testing testing

nice try goober

Attached: 1585447465350.gif (635x640, 3.28M)

Cool what we watching?


Attached: blockbuster-696x392.jpg.jpg (696x392, 43.83K)

You know what, Robert? Fuck you. I get infected so I could go to the infected only screening and now you're pulling off this shit. Fuck you.

Oh no. I'm not feeling too good


Robert I would never bring anything into your Kinoplex, you know me better than that.

im fine guys it's just allergies stop ruining the vibes

I'm gonna *cough* infect all you *cough* "immune" *cough* people

Thanks Robert, one ADULT ticket for Joker, please.

immune bros report in

Attached: 1579871734924.gif (316x306, 1.05M)

thank you Robert

Uh oh.


yep, here we are, we even got some digits to go with it

I'm immune AND also heterosexual

Attached: 1357087108964.jpg (600x451, 39.72K)

It only seems to be infecting Chad's


But I'm not infected.

I'm clean

feels good being immune

My daily dose will keep me safe

Attached: 1311082782637.png (256x256, 1.66K)

Do persistent identities rely on cookies?

Hello, yes I am immune

Hey Robert, glad to see you're healthy, just as *coof* me. Keep up the *coof coof* great work. Btw, are you working from home?


am i infected?

Attached: 1562190751913.png (586x619, 465.3K)

Bros I intercepted a kinoplex document, do NOT go to the infected screenings, it's just a front to drop greenies into the newly converted immunelet pits

S-save me Robert...
*coofs, vomits and sharts*

You will be

Everyone will be, sooner or later.

Nah, bro you're fine
*accidentally coofs in your eye*

NO! How will I take my Thyroid medication?!
I'm going to gain another 300 lbs,

No fair!

gracias curandero

I'm fine Robert I swear to God I don't have the virus! this is a nonsense!

Checking my negativity based black man

Hehe, healthy and dubs

how i get infected?

what's the 411 with getting infected


I’m good Robert, trust me. It’s your old pal user. Remember the movie theater...?


someone infect me please

bros im not feeling too hot...


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