/who/ general

what was her problem? edition

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The Mark 4 travel machine was essentially the same design as your basic Dalek, except with one notable difference, the ___________

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>have friend who hates Doctor Who
>his reason is the burping trash bin in Rose and what happens to Ursula in Love and Monsters
Why is RTD such pleb filter?

>have friend who has never been aware of the concept of doctor who
>his prime reason is because of bad trope
ah yes

your friend is voreaphile

have sex incel

Get him to watch Dalek

Those were pretty shitty ideas though.


>"you will be upgraded"
>"you will survive the pandemic"

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Just watch any era but the big gay Welsh era.

is ghostlight any good

Not McCoy's best, but not bad.

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Make him watch the web planet

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The voice she puts on for Susan makes my penis get big.

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I really love the David Bradley 1st Doctor audios.

I prefer the TuaT Bradley. Nice to hqve a redpilled Doctor for once.

>Twat Bradley

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Help me pick a Hartnell story, /who/,
War Machines, or Reign of Terror?

Tenth Planet

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The Wheelie bin that eats Mickey is the only good thing about Rose

War Machines, or Reign of Terror?

Aw you cocksucker, I wasn't infected until I had to answer your dumbass.

Now, now, now, don't quarrel young man.


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>"I'm the master and sex change surgeries are merely cosmetic"

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>colorised tenth planet
What's that from?

>retard is infected
like pottery

The camera quality looks too good to actually be from the 60's

now you are too mongo

its from world enough and time

I'm fine

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Excellent bottom

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It's just a bit of a cough

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>anons have digital corona
Anons... We'll save you. Every one of you.

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Too bad he got fired :(

Mark Gatiss also got fired for saying they shouldn't have cast a nigger as a Victorian soldier.
They just cull anyone who disagrees with them.

Weird. The camera quality looks too poor to be from the 2010's, too.

>"This thread belongs to us"
>"You shall be like us"

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He was proven wrong and there was actually 1 black Victorian solider

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Oh god, not you. Get me one of the competent ones.

Suit yourself user. No second chances.

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how are you immune

Oh dear, Cybermen, and they are replicating faster than expected.

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The gif let you down but I still got the joke, user. Good one.

me on the right

I'm the Doctor. And I am really, truly, so very sorry.

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I guarantee I'd be better off waiting for the next guy.

>tfw everyone knows every scene of this show from memory anyway
dental plan

>"master, I don't feel so good'

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>more competent than anyone but jodie

>"You-will fAAAAce a-nihilation unless yoUUUU comply"

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Well, this is getting out of hand now.

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Didn't John Leeson lose his voice in one of the episodes and they said K-9 had a computer virus?

Mods are fucking madmen

Quick, user, get into the TARDIS. We don't have much time.

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he's not green, he's clean

Time Lord biology. Now, when I said get into the TARDIS, did I stutter?

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>Implying anyone ever dies in a Smith story
Nice meme, faggot.

What's the worst case scenario, will we have to save all of Yas Forums ourselves?

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I identify as healthy, so if you don't let me aboard I WILL have you canceled.

That is worse than death. Existence with the 11th doctor.

11 fucks, my friend.

>the Ponds commit sudoku to escape because the Doctor is too busy crying
>Clara dies multiple times in her opener and then in the aborted timeline where the TARDIS is dying
His companion kill count is 3/3 show wise. Pretty impressive.

right then, can we finally go to fucking barcelona?

I was just finishing part 1, I never knew I would become a Cyberman today, should have finished the story.

Like a fish out of water.


How could this happen, I wash my hands

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Tell me about the biohazard symbol, what does it mean?

You. There is something different about you.

Not really the time, user. But yes.

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>tense pause ensues

Our only hope gone

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Moving the goalposts only prove me more correct.

I'm having so much fun with The Barbarians and the Samurai. It's got the exact same "Wow look at the foreigners!" vibe from the 60's and is just as harmless and inoffensive and genuine.

Well I'm a cyberman but my dance skills are still the same.

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green is not clean

...Hah. Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant. You had me worried for a nanosecond there.

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Please let me in Doctor

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thanks doc, heres to no-nose dogs

imagine watching dr. who when star trek exists

imagine watching anything made by mutts

Neither exist anymore.

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