Oh no no no no

Oh no no no no

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We got too cocky BBC bros


Is this the final solution incels talk about?

Man they really are the gayest part of spain

Matematicaly speaking as long as the top guy doesn't break eye contact with the woman this isn't gay.

I'll be honest the BBC still wins here
>gets to fuck hot white women
>white guy cant see her body or feel it
>has to smell stinky nigger
>only gets to stick his dick in gross shitty asshole
>BBC gets his prostate massaged while fucking pussy

What is better: when you are fucking your wife but nigger fucks your ass or when nigger fucks your wife but you are fucking him in the ass?

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neither. If you take part in a mmf threesome youre a faggot cuck no matter what

any kinos for this feel?

anyone who gets fucked in their ass instantly loses, always
this has been the way throughout all of human history

>twain was right along

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what is this from wtf

which feel exactly

Only people with hemorrhoids don’t enjoy a good ass fucking. Don’t sit so long on the toilet.

Asking the real questions

Thats even gayer than normal gay porn.

I don't know why I find this so funny kek

He looks like he _____s _____ _____s

Do Catalonians really?

that nigga's gay AF. that white boi is based AF.

Why was archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/131526812/ deleted, but OP left up?
Are the gay mafia running Yas Forums? is it time to call Yas Forums to save us??

greek logic is true logic

do normies really get this horny during lockdown???

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porn was a mistake

modern european men are the biggest cucks in history of humanity

because it was child porn you fucking pedo freak
go back to torchan retard

Because your dad told you fags are bad?
Grow up retard

>that old lady
>child porn
is this a joke or just more redditor pretending to be retarded


2nd getting fucked in the ass is one the worst things that can happen to a man's dignity.

Because you'll bleed out of your ass.

Do Americans really?

I used to love shit like this what the fuck is wrong with me?

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Tell me about Bane! Why does he fuck black ass!?

Right you are, Ken

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>Right you are, Ken

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My gf just fucked me in the ass with a strapon today

This, enjoy your aids niggers.

I accidentally watched a black crossdresser fuck a fleshlight and now i can't stop thinking about it. Her balls going up and down and her pearly white cum spewing out was something to behold. I'm not gay but I can't stop thinking about it.


I require proof.

fucking faggot. now you are making me think about it. fuck you.

not only have you stooped to a new status below being a female, but your female partner has seen you in that pathetic position.
She will never see you as a man, or even a real human. You're probably more like a worm in her eyes.

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Iunno, maybe she just thinks it's hot and sexually gratifying

that's gayer than getting fuck by a guy if you want it in the ass take a cock like a man

Why do asians worship black dick and project it? The biggest fans are in Pakistan, India and China.

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Noooooooooooooo BBCbros!!!

Black boi ain't gonna shit right for a week

you are the one projecting white men are the ones obsessed with blacks non-whites don't even think about them.


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>Yas Forums claims to hate interracial
>threads are always the fastest
Is there something you want to tell us?

"But how will this help us sell Dishwashing Fluid?"

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Yas Forums is full of fags who fetishize about black men

The gays are posting Ezra or Timmy, not BBC though

what is this supposed to proof?obviously whites will do the best in dating in their home countries.

Political threads fly the fastest, and unfortunately interracial is the only thing left leaning gays can think of
so they come here and post brown colored penises because they think they are trolling the racists

they are posting both

Why would gays post straight porn? 99% of these threads are straight webms

you're panicking or what?


>oh no no no no

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>obviously whites will do the best in dating in their home countries.
it has proven that blacks aren't popular
you said it yourself lmao

>Why would gays try to piss of their evil alt right boogeyman with interracial porn
Gee I dunno, really boggle the mind doesn't it?