Wait, Thor was a white masculine hero everybody loved in Infinity War...

>Wait, Thor was a white masculine hero everybody loved in Infinity War? We can't have that! Let's emasculate and turn him into a joke in the sequel! Even better, let's replace him with a woman on the next one too!

Attached: Thor.jpg (820x960, 79.49K)


Urgently have consensual sex


seethe honky

I chuckled.

he was a joke by ragnarok u idiot

During a pandemic? What a terrible thing to suggest

03/31/20(Tue)18:32:07 No.131525820
79 KB
>Wait, Thor was a white masculine hero everybody loved in Infinity War? We can't have that! Let's emasculate and turn him into a joke in the sequel! Even better, let's replace him with a woman on the next one too!

Attached: 1584724538654_resize_24.jpg (42x40, 1.23K)

Grieving is the only thing they could have done to make his character even somewhat good. He has the best arc in the series by far.

If you want a man of unbreakable will just rewatch all the Steve Rogers stuff.

the soivengers were literally led by a stereotype of le righteous white male. and the most popular character was another white male Ironman

>03/31/20(Tue)18:33:42 No.131525903
he was a joke by ragnarok u idiot
03/31/20(Tue)18:33:41 No.131525905
During a pandemic? What a terrible thing to suggest
03/31/20(Tue)18:34:01 No.131525919
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(OP) #
03/31/20(Tue)18:32:07 No.131525820
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>Wait, Thor was a white masculine hero everybody loved in Infinity War? We can't have that! Let's emasculate and turn him into a joke in the sequel! Even better, let's replace him with a woman on the next one too! nonymous
03/31/20(Tue)18:32:33 No.131525844
03/31/20(Tue)18:32:35 No.131525845
(OP) #
Urgently have consensual sex
03/31/20(Tue)18:32:57 No.131525865
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03/31/20(Tue)18:32:57 No.131525866
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seethe honky

Attached: sn.jpg (45x57, 1.43K)

Nooooo NOOOOO I watched avengers and got woke garbage some one please help me

>turns to a pathetic fat slob
>is still the favorite character
fucking chad can't stop winning

but this is unironically more masculine than an insecure self-obsessed roided faggot

Get a load of this fragile pussy. Bet he gets a bruise from a strong breeze


>18:33:06 No.131525873
I chuckled.
03/31/20(Tue)18:33:42 No.131525903
he was a joke by ragnarok u idiot
>03/31/20(Tue)18:33:41 No.131525905
During a pandemic? What a terrible thing to suggest
03/31/20(Tue)18:34:01 No.131525919
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03/31/20(Tue)18:32:07 No.131525820
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>Wait, Thor was a white masculine hero everybody loved in Infinity War? We can't have that! Let's emasculate and turn him into a joke in the sequel! Even better, let's replace him with a woman on the next one too!
03/31/20(Tue)18:34:48 No.131525963
(OP) #
>Grieving is the only thing they could have done to make his character even somewhat good. He has the best arc in the series by far.

If you want a man of unbreakable will just rewatch all the Steve Rogers stuff.
03/31/20(Tue)18:34:55 No.131525970
(OP) #
the soivengers were literally led by a stereotype of le righteous white male. and the most popular character was another white male Ironman
03/31/20(Tue)18:35:12 No.131525983
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>03/31/20(Tue)18:33:42 No.131525903
he was a joke by ragnarok u idiot
03/31/20(Tue)18:33:41 No.131525905
# #
During a pandemic? What a terrible thing to suggest
03/31/20(Tue)18:34:01 No.131525919
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(OP) # (OP) #
03/31/20(Tue)18:32:07 No.131525820
79 KB
>Wait, Thor was a white masculine hero everybody loved in Infinity War? We can't have that! Let's emasculate and turn him into a joke in the sequel! Even better, let's replace him with a woman on the next one too! nonymous
03/31/20(Tue)18:32:33 No.131525844
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03/31/20(Tue)18:32:35 No.131525845
(OP) # (OP) #
Urgently have consensual sex
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Attached: fj.jpg (45x57, 1.32K)

nice king fat thor :)

>the wrist
Is this a fat suit?

they ramped up the comedy after seeing ghostbusters
he must have been cool with it

I agree with this dude, pandemic be damned. Fat thor was one of the best things about End Game.

How come they dropped Cap's Christianity?

Attached: cap christ.jpg (500x333, 31.06K)

I sneedled

with me

Its a very anti-Semitic point of view

>One god
There's at least 5 or 6 in the bible. Jesus, main God, Paul, and a few others.

whoopsy daisy somebody made a widdle boo boo! (you did!)

>only character with an actual arc in these stupid movies
>faggot neets on Yas Forums hate it cause they can't see his six pack anymore

Stop watching capeshit and grow up.

Even fat, he was still the best

Except the only reason he's still likeable is because fat dudes are still acceptable and attractive, whereas if Black Widow put on 50 pounds everyone, women included, would hate the shit out of it.

The fact that Thor is fat and women STILL want to bang him is proof of how much better dudes have it in that regard. If you're a fat chick and you're not in a club where people are drinking heavily, good fucking luck to be honest.

Meh, he still served his purpose. Better than ragnarok where he is a side character


i think there is more porn of fat women than fat men, which would contradict what youre saying

Thick Scarjo would be much more acceptable to me than thin is

>and make his PTSD a joke

You do understand they wrote and filmed these movies back to back, right?

I don't really have a problem with fat depressed Thor, especially since his arc in the movie is about getting his mojo back and being a badass again. But I don't like how the movie goes about it. There's a few too many jokes at his expense, even though he's dealing with some really heavy shit, often at important character moments that really undercut the tension and drama.

What I really have a problem with his hulk/banners progress and arc getting offscreened so he can be le quipy smart hulk and then they neuter him by having him snap his fingers and he stops being important and you can only see him in the background every once in a while. Not even doing awesome hulk stuff. Just sorta... Punching mooks, with his arm in a brace.

I'm disappointed that hemsworth didn't just get legitimately fat like rob mcelhenny
fat suit is just as gay as muscle suit

Yep you understand them well.

10000 percent redpilled, my guy

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I dunno man, I saw the first Avengers in the theater 4 times, never even thought about seeing Infinity War or Endgame cuz they looked so gay

urgently get back in the oven

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i don't have a fat fetish or even care what this thread is about bc i just saw this post off the first page reply/hover

i want a fat black widow movie now where she acts super serious and distrustful of everyone but uses her fat rolling around and bouncing skills to prove she can hold her own against a real threat

Based and responsible pilled?

Only onions watch Marvel

>caring about capeshit and race war

Unironically kill your self. The MCU is headed by 5 white men (and another one who is sometimes white and sometimes green). Your white male fragility is showing when you complain about this shit. Just stop watching it.

if you think that thor going into a fat depression because he fucked up then embracing his failures and growing as a man isnt masculine then you're an underdeveloped juveline faggot

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same thing with two of the Nordic Gods being niggers, it just fits!

Attached: 1503456218790.jpg (800x755, 389.91K)

>even after all that he was still worthy of Mjolnir

I just remember Heimdall being a nigger. Who was the other one?

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Anonymous 03/31/20(Tue)21:32:35 No.131525845▶ (OP)
Urgently have consensual sex

lol pusi gud



>same thing with two of the Nordic Gods being niggers, it just fits!

What a fuckin' joke.

Fat guys only pull if they are relentlessly handsome gorgeous

Attached: tumblr_n6ufm0T4Rp1sg3xrgo1_500.jpg (500x601, 82.33K)


>fat dudes are still acceptable and attractive,
Acceptable maybe, if they have other qualities worth liking. But no normal man or woman find fat guys attractive.

FP unequivocally BP

He was the only one besides Dr. Strange who did any cool shit in Infinity War. Endgame's autobalancing nerfed him so Steve and Tony could actually do something

mmm thic black widow