Who's your favorite female comedian?

Who's your favorite female comedian?

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Amy Schumer

Esther Ku

pretty deep joke tbqh

its piss

nooo women just cant tell their version of dick jokes

molly shannon

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Are dick jokes funny?

Wow amazing material

I wish she would have stayed in porn. She had my favorite pair of big saggy tits.

she should have stayed with porn

she btfos little asian boys and supports wmaf

let's hear yours

>comedians in cars getting coffee
>pretty laid back and cool show
>Amy episode
>"so what's the most complex and high maintenance thing about your life?"
>"oh Jerry. My VAGINA!"
Rest of the episode he looks uncomfortable

I wish everyone could see through the facade.

why do incels seethe when women talk about their vaginas?

I'd laugh at mommy's jokes to be supportive.

Sarah Silverman

No but people generally arent funny. Most standups are awful

i really don't care because the % of girls that actually do it is virtually non-existent

you still have to make her squirt

So this faggot thinks he can defend unfunny women, like they're gonna fuck him. So I says, "believe me pal, if these ladies thought fucking somebody was a solution to anything, they wouldn't be wasting their time on comedy" HEYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

nope. see

So really, you see the female version of a dick joke isn't funny, but you don't think anyone should talk about it? Too big brain for me

Women in their 40s really do want cock 24/7 and they're willing to fucking try anything to get it.

i wish she did some mommy stuff before she quit the porn game

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is this true?

The scene where she auditions to be a bachelor party stripper is still one of my favorites.

what is wrong with women


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I think most women's lives would make a good comedy, but if you mean a woman that of her own volition tries to be funny, I'd have to say none.


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fake and hetero

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imagine the smell


For me, it's the one where she ask for a lift to some stranger

Bamford, probably because denied an easy mode existence by harrowing mental health problems.
She makes everyone look like a hack by comparison. The real Christmas show she does (which she redoes as the Special Special) on her own is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen, its someone trying not to kill themselves sitting on a couch performing to an audience of a pug and a video camera because she wants to burn the material. Its definitely art of some description.

it sick

Me at second 18

Louis CK has dozens of jokes about his dick yet people on Yas Forums love him.

>see woman
>immediately hate her for being a woman cuz have never had pussy

I made my ex squirt a few times, and every time it smelled just like piss

>Didn't answer the question, lied about Louis CK, made a straw man argument

Is there a post that's any more emblematic for Yas Forums?

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Its literally the only only thing they have to worry about, so it makes sense that its the only thing they can write joke material on.

Sarah Silverman when she's not singing.

implying I care

i didn't imply that

this was the funniest woman: youtube.com/watch?v=VUa26aCKrD0

She had classic Jewish schtick and was ACTUALLY fabulous. Incredibly talented, I miss this old biddie.

Joan Rivers was a national treasure

The one in her prime.

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she looks hotter now than when she did porn

>In August, Rivers was at the center of an Internet backlash when TMZ posted a video of her commenting on the Gaza conflict in which she said that because the Palestinians voted for Hamas, they were getting what they deserved. While Rivers never apologized for her remarks — fellow edgy comedian Anthony Jeselnik tweeted that she once told him “she would die before she’d ever apologize for a joke” — she did offer a clarification on her Facebook page.
>“I am both saddened and disappointed that my statement about the tragedy of civilian casualties was totally taken out of context,” the post said. “What I said and stand behind is, war is hell and unfortunately civilians are victims of political conflicts. We, The United States, certainly know this as 69 years later we still feel the guilt of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Dee from always sunny

>none of them flinch or strike her
I have a hard time believing it.

shut the fuck up you bird cunt

Women are a source of high stress, they are inherently unfunny.

>Implying that women can actually be funny, and tell jokes.......

Because just like women’s jokes, they don’t get it
