Cast him

Cast him

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Michael Shannon

John Cena

Nick Cage

Idris Elba

Honestly, in a Doom movie done right, you could cast anyone to play Doomguy, as he shouldn't take his helmet off ever

Hugh Jackman

Karl Urban

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson

>he shouldn't take his helmet off ever
They have him talk in the new one

Karl Urban is the only right answer.

Jim Carey

Is this Master Chef from Halo?

Why's he so pissed off all the time

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if he's a silent murder machine like he should be, nathan jones

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This, beef him up and do it again.

Karl Urban Quake Scout
Dolph Lundgren Sarge
Stallone Doom Guy
Litty "the rock" Johnson Doom Slayer

Which was a fucking terrible move.

>exposed abs

demons impaled his pet rabbit


someone that is super muscular and isnt a famous faggot that sucks at acting and will incorporate his personality into a character with no personality. but they wont ever do that since all the movies dont even have doomguy in it, just some nobodies like marines and a female protagonist. they always ruin the movies, and whats funny is the netflix movie got the demons right but still had no doomguy. just a bunch of feminist diversity quota garbage.

The rock again

that only happens at the end credits of doom

The problem is that these movies will never work. The silent Force of Nature protag only functions in other mediums. Even in Terminator they use the supporting cast to make you give a shit. Doom is also as shallow as a puddle. Doomguy going around ripping and tearing for 90 minutes would be mind numbing.

Dredd kind of did that

I'll just say that Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal aren't reboots and leave it at that.

For what, three sentences?
He sounded like Guts and quoted the comic

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They're reboots because Flynn Taggart exists in the universe, and not as doomguy


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>The problem is that these movies will never work. The silent Force of Nature protag only functions in other mediums. Even in Terminator they use the supporting cast to make you give a shit. Doom is also as shallow as a puddle.

They could. Just not the way that Hollywood is obsessed with making things.


It's just something that won't work as anything other than a video game.

The satisfaction comes from YOU controlling the rip'n'tearing, not watching someone else do it.

Fly exists as a reference only. Unfortunately, it is the actual Doom\guy all the way up to Doom 64. Then he turned into Doomslayer.

Doom 3 marines aren't associated.

doomguys a manlet so he can't be played by a tall actor
mark wahlberg maybe if he doesn't talk the whole movie

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yeah i know, but they still made these abominations, which pissed me off to just think of how it could've been better.

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If they could pull off a full hour no talking like in Castaway, they can make a doom movie in the same way.

Dredd still had an MC with a strong motivation, lots of dialogue, and a supporting cast. Dredd was autistic, not a mindless murder machine who never says one word and has completely incomprehensible motivations and his reason for existing is just as nebulous. That shit works for villains, not for the main character of your movie. The reason why it would not work for Doom is that he has no peers. Even Hayden in his giant robot body is BTFO'd. You couldn't have an Aliens style band of UAC Marines in Doom because they'd all die immediately or the Doomslayer would just abandon them.

>Everyone named in this thread is like 50.
Are we living through the last generation of action heroes?

>Everyone named in this thread is like 50.
>Are we living through the last generation of action heroes?

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If my understanding is correct, the Doom Slayer is Doomguy in an alternate dimension where Earth is again invaded by the forces of Hell. He fucked up demons in tons of alternate dimensions before they imprisoned him in Hell and Samuel Hayden found him.

How do you figure he's a manlet? Demons all seem exceedingly large even compare to other zombie marine

That's because different shit was happening and Hanks was human, you cared for his plight. Doomguy is just a super human that goes around blowing people away with a shotgun. He's literally the Terminator with even less motivation.

What would be the point of making a Doom movie?

Shut up cumboy.

They are definitely doing multiverse shit with the last two games.

This desu. The Raid 1 has barely no characterization and talking, it’s all fighting and choreography

DoomSlayer is DoomGuy after getting argent steroids, in D64 he killed the mother demon, stayed in hell and fought demons until the sentinels found him

Doomguy is definitely ultra-autistic

The protag of the RAID is still a regular guy, he's a cop so you know he is trying to stop the bad guys, his wife is pregnant so you know he had specific and empathetic motivations for doing what he does, and his brother is one of the bad guys.


- Is some kind of Marine
- Kills Demons

He doesn't have any kind of personality beyond RIP AND TEAR. His background being mysterious is the point. His specific reasons for doing things should never be explained.

The movie would have to be little different than the rip and tear meme of the nudoom.

>He's never seen Hardcore Henry.

would unironically work if cena just doesnt talk like doomguy

Alex Jones

Couldn’t they just kind of make a Doom origin story, since a lot of it is known through logs and reports
>marines get stationed at frontlines
>doomguys buddies get btfo
>doomguy is pissed and swears to kill all demons

>nathan jones
Wouldn't be my first choice. Hated the cunt when he took over here and was glad to see the back of him.

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>He doesn't have any kind of personality beyond RIP AND TEAR. His background being mysterious is the point. His specific reasons for doing things should never be explained.

Dredd was almost the same thing and it's an awesome movie.

Henry was:

>Scientific experiment
>Trying to save his "kidnapped" "wife"
>Sharlto Copley acted as comedy relief and exposition dump as co-star

You cannot have a Sharlto in a Doom movie. Henry and Sharlto are comparatively similar in terms of abilities. Doomguy is incomparable.

There are other doomguys in the new game, some of them turned evil. Having a foil is not impossible

Just get the dude who plays the mountain, and a good voice actor if must

tony hawk told me

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dwayne "get litty" johson

>Cast him

>Implying that Doomguy should be played by anyone
He is a near faceless force of terror that knows no words. He shows no mercy. He speaks nothing, only working through force. His enemies know only his bane, nothing else about him.
Trying to cast him misses the point and assumes he has character besides the unending hate that he is.

>He is a near faceless force

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>they're reboots
So Flynn is still Doom-Slayer, and Doom-Guy;the issue comes from 64 DOOM;Doom-guy stays in hell to fight demons;he does this for a really long time;eventually he somehow wounds up in a coffin, and is found by the sentinels. He's given argent energy, and gets a massive upgrade.

flynn doesnt exist.