Yeah I'm thinking he's back

Yeah I'm thinking he's back.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I like jerking off to big tits. The bigger the better. 2d, 3d, 4d, it doesn’t matter. I like when they bounce, I like when she bends forward and you can see em hang. I like when she sucks on her own, or gets them sucked on by another chick. Bonus points if they are full of milk. The best part though, is the slow tease and reveal of big titties coming out to play. Nothing better than a nice view of cleavage that gets bigger and bigger as she slowly pulls down on her shirt. Sometimes I dream about being a mountain climber, but instead of climbing a mountain, I’m scaling a huge pair of tits and I make camp at the nipple, because of course I can’t climb the whole thing in one day. Sometimes I dream about being Atlas and holding up the biggest breasts in the universe.

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Holy fivehead

>no chin
Oh jesus he is going to turn into a legit school shooter.

He beat idubbbz

I dunno man I'd rather have a weak chin than have a GF with onlyfans. Idubbz is balding on top of that.

yeah that hairline is back, way back

he looks like that guy people see in their dreams

>I'm cool with it

Attached: 1585673799163.jpg (567x507, 33.87K)


Rather be balding than a simp

You can get cosmetic surgery to give you a chin and a hairline. The memory of you defending your girlfriend prostituting herself out to strangers on the internet and cherry picking children's arguments against you in a half-baked argument is eternal cringe.

Fuck zoomers

>me idubbbz me invented red beanbeanie if anyone wear red beanbeanie you are copy me and think I am your papa.
What a cringelord

Looks like a fucking alien. Why do zoomers miss this coattail-riding vacuum of originality? He was the Ray William Johnson for low-effort trolls.

Why is Yas Forums obsessed with hairlines? Chad Cavill doesn't care.

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the guy who raped them years ago as a child?

Because he at least has a decent one.

Why are men so weird.

sorry leafy ,automn is coming huehuhuhue


he should just get the surgery already

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This whole thing made me realize how much of this board is 14 year olds who watch twitch

Yes, please do.

Shut up you fucking chink

its just the r/asianfeminity gang seething over one of their hapacels getting shit on years ago, lmao.

Why does this garbage keep getting posted here? Just go to Yas Forums

What am I looking at here?

Fucking christ why would you put your body through that.

No. Sorry about the raping though

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Good facial structure can make up for it, but chinlet and fivehead is instant incel look

to be a beautiful woman

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Post example of good chin

i know this is an unpopular opinion but... she looked better on day 1.


look at jude law. One of the worst hairlines in the industry and still looks fucking great.

here's an average chin.

Attached: 1563784534987.webm (1100x850, 1.77M)

It doesn't even have to be a perfect one, here is a decent one it's about the jawline mostly


why does thsi happen?

he's the definition of the chad embrace

That's how cosmetic surgery looks like, how is that shit not illegal I will never know.

Fuck no, I rather be a simp than be balding any day of the week. At least you could fix that shitty attitude, you're always going to be stuck when it comes to hair loss.

Attached: CrimsonChin.jpg (945x1535, 295.68K)

>waah waaah my e-celeb is better than your e-celeb

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his hairline AND chin are both receding, holy fucking shit lol. imagine picking a side in this 'battle' when idubbbz is a cuck and leafy is still a faggot

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He's like the Marcus Aurelius of out time you fucking troglodyte

>Idubbbz simps posting shoops

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was he gay, bros?

>At least you could fix that shitty attitude,
But that's implying if you were beta you would.

>idubbbz simps

no but he was definitely a fag and also a manlet

>I'm cool with it

>I dunno man I'd rather have a weak chin than have a GF with onlyfan
not only Yas Forums, you should be concerned with your receding hairline lmao who wants to go bald?

What's this lass' name again?
This guy does it for free

Yulia Nova

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>cuck cope

He doesn’t care because he’s already tall and gorgeous.

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Receding can be ok, it’s thinning and receding that’s the problem