Rian Johnson

Have you apologised yet? He was the only hope of saving Star Wars, but manchildren threw their toys out the pram because they don't like change.

Now they're stuck with an eternity of nostalgiabait and the same story over and over

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*Academy Award Nominee Rian Johnson

I have nothing to apologize for. I never disliked him or his work. Nor did I dislike George Lucas' films.
It's only a few whiny fanboys that caused Abrams and ROS.

Nooooo stop pretending it wasn't shit, nooooooo stop it

He's the one who forever ruined it. It's not about nostalgia. It's about space-Leia, Luke being amde the villian then disappearing for no reason at all, shitty characters like Rose, and all of the other retarded bullshit.

God imagine still talking about this bullshit still. FUCK OFF. star wars is forever tarnished, the whole trilogy was one abomination to the next, you're a faggot manchild and noone likes you.

Star wars is dead, good riddance, bye.

Why does this trigger Yas Forums?

>Luke being amde the villian then disappearing for no reason at all
That was actually George Lucas' idea, brainlet, and written into the sequels by Abrams. So if you dislike that, you actually dislike everyone involved BUT Rian Johnson.

Forgot pic

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>but manchildren threw their toys out the pram because they don't like change.
But the change was bad. It wasn't good.

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Oof we're approaching Whedon levels of denying responsibilty here

The Brothers Bloom was good

You do realize that Luke didn't end up on that island when episode 8 started, yes?

>But the change was bad.
No, your taste was bad. As were your fan theories based on those fucking mystery boxes. The change was needed.

Lol, holy shit

Go away and watch Rise of Skywalker. It's the film you wished for and it's the film you deserve.

>No, your taste was bad.
Like that dumb Mary Sue bitch Rey?

not this shit again

Change can be either good or bad. His “changes” were utter shit.

Wrong film. That was TFA.

Imagine STILL being mad.

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>Imagine STILL being mad.

Zoomie detected. Prequel hate would like a word with you.

Is lashing out like a mad teem over that movie ,when every critic lick is boot for that garbage fans hate him no only because the movie was shit but because he keep vomiting on them.

>Prequel hate
Reddit let go of that after they had something else to latch onto. But Reddit still hasn't let go of TLJ, despite hating episode 9.

>when every critic lick is boot for that garbage fans hate him no only because
Take some English lessons, come back in two years and then try that again please.

You don't hire art house directors to make franchise films, it's simple.
He made a bad Star wars film because he wanted to make his own film and wanted star wars money.

Yes, the idea that anyone can be a galaxy saving jedi not just a skypatine or a palpwalker was a good one, it wasn't worth torpedoing the series from 'eh' to 'trashfire' for.

Why? His movie was fucking shit

>He made a bad Star wars film
Citation needed.

Based ESL retard.

nobody wished for it. nobody wished for any of theses sequels.

>he made one of the worst movies of all time which happens to be a star wars film


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I still don't like the prequels, but as I've grown older I appreciate the ideas and themes they brought to the table - I see the films as a missed opportunity due to poor execution from a disinterested director.

But yeah TLJ was kino and I'm sad Rise of Skywalker was attempting to validate the worst elements of the fandom.

>Ships can run out of fuel
>hyperspace is a weapon
>Akbar dies offscreen
>dude lmao rich people on this gambling planet are war profiteers

That picture is so fucking dishonest and it shows the level that anti-TLJ spergs are operating on


>Rian Johnson was the only hope of saving Star Wars
this is the worst opinion i have ever heard

BUT AFTER CLASSIC WARS .. they all crashed died on the beach , Dead all along is how I tell my sons

>Ships can run out of fuel
Not even the first mentioning of fuel in Star Wars, just the first to make running out of it a plot point. Not a flaw.

>hyperspace is a weapon

>Akbar dies offscreen

>dude lmao rich people on this gambling planet are war profiteers
How is this controversial? And in a universe like Star Wars that is perpetually at war, war profiteering is probably a pretty lucrative business.

And you deserve a film with the ugliest actress in Hollywood history and her fat fucking face getting 30 minutes of screentime and a disgusting kiss scene just because she looked like Cuckrian's high school crush. BASED ABRAMS booted this fatfaced chink out of Episode 9 and brought in Keri Russell instead, hence why it has 44% more approval from the fans on Rotten Tomatoes while tranny critics preferred TLJ.

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>Ships can run out of fuel
You think that was impossible before? The first time someone ran out of fuel was in TESB. It's the sole reason Han ended up visiting Lando.

>hyperspace is a weapon
So what?

>Akbar dies offscreen
So what?

>dude lmao rich people on this gambling planet are war profiteers
Erm, yes. That's not uncommon when there's a war. Grow up.

I tell Mine its what mommy would imagine star wars

TLJ would be good but Luke's portrayal and Holdo absolutely ruin it for me.

If your best criticism of a film is whether or not you'd fuck a specific actress, well, I guess that film must be a masterpiece in literally every other aspect.

>44% more approval from the fans on Rotten Tomatoes
Imagine still believing in (or pretending to believe) in easily spammable audience ratings.
Look up those that can't be manipulated that easily.

>Bait this lazy

>Luke's portrayal
Does Luke's portrayal also ruin the OT for you? Because it was pretty much the same, especially in ROTJ.

>change is automatically good no matter what
RJ fans really are this retarded, aren't they?

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Rian's flick isn't what I wanted to see, but I would have preferred that he do the entire trilogy vs JJ. 1 and 3 are completely forgettable rehash trash.

He's not even an art house director.

Hyperspace as a weapon breaks the entire franchise if you need it explained why you're either retarded or trolling.

>Akbar is merely a shaky meme
He represents everything wrong with Rian's handling of the movie. The old is thrown out disrespectfully (which links back to my point he made a bad stars wars film, in a franchise you have to respect the franchise), while the powerful OC doughnut steel qweens swan about doing no wrong

The war profiteer message of "Dude lmao the good guys are the bad guys too" can't mean anything.
If they live in the republic it has to be illegal to sell Ties so they're just criminals.
If they live outside of the republic they're not legally or ethically bound not to sell Ties.

>The old is thrown out disrespectfully
>A minor character dying is showing disrespect

>The war profiteer message of "Dude lmao the good guys are the bad guys too
You're not supposed to agree with DJ, retard

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What's there to apologies about? He's always been a talentless hack who has Uwe Boll Syndrome to critics and fans alike

Change is good no matter what after the mess that was TFA, yes. The worst thing you could possibly have done was continuing making fanwank rehashes. Of course, that's what Abrams did with episode 9. But at least we have 8 being worthwhile.

Listen Seriously my thre lads , love star wars an watch an watch , But this new stuff .. they asked me what happened daddy ? and issues with the wife , Blamed me , kids all upset , ended up marrigae councilling , she wanted , an I bad daddy , they saw Movie was SHIT .. I agreed but Mom the hero , saying its dad fault , Told her there I mean if we split Boys will stay /court asking =Me .. know she subseviant now .. Women .. This .. Never laid hand on her , always the Bast Hubby .. But she went str8 divorce .. WOW ! is this the Norm lads ?

>The old is thrown out disrespectfully
His voice actor died, you fucking moron. Killing of the character was a respectful nod to that voice actor. Only a brainlet like yourself would find that gesture offensive to your own insecure feelings.

>TLJ hater is too stupid to understand that that version of the flashback was not what actually happened

>Can't argue the hyperspace point because you know you can't win

>Minor character
You mean the military leader of the rebel alliance and the leader of the fleet that took down the death star? Ok.
Also, my point is he's emblematic of the disrespect shown to established character
see >Anti-war message in star wars makes no sense
>It was a bait all along, you just can't keep up with Rian's galaxy brain 65 d chess.
Sure thing.

Just like how they showed dead OG panthro in Thundercats Roar

Brick fucking sucked

look at this manbaby posting a manbaby

First of all
> That That
second of all, it did actually happened.

>Can't argue the hyperspace point because you know you can't win
No one argues your retarded point because it'S not a point at all. Nothing about it breaks your precious lore, retard. And, indeed, no one can "win" against you, because no one can possibly ever convince an idiot that he's an idiot.

These are troll posts or made by the mentally disabled. In either case it is not appropriate to engage them in debate.

>dead OG panthro in Thundercats Roar
Sorry, but I don't speak Yas Forums. Can you please express that thought in English?

You're a contrarian faggot is the translation