Tiger King General

Joe deserved all of it edition

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I want to fuck 2/3 of this picture

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He was based af and 100% in the right. Carol just wanted all the tigers for herself she was a greedy bitch. She wanted to be the absolute tiger queen without sharing the tigers with everyone else. Joe did literally NOTHING wrong. Joe wanted to share the tigers. That bitch wanted them all for herself. Fuck her.

Has anyone else seen TV Junkie? Anyone who had before watching Tiger King definitely got an extra treat when Rick turned up in it.

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Tell me, why does he wear the bandana and hat?

extra footage of jeff lowe when he gets bit


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tfw no cult of cuties who call you Lord

Jeff Lowe Talks about “Tiger King” with David Spade


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baldlet in extreme denial, joe even called him out on it

jeff's new nanny


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Are those his wives, daughters...?

I called big cat rescue last night and told carol not to feed her other husband to her tigers. Fuck that fat whore. You hit it on the head when you said she just wants them for herself. She has them in even worse conditions than anyone else. Also she killed her ex, and her current husband is an absolute turbo cuck

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wife and nanny

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Good/our guys:
All the workers.

Bad guys/galls:
All the bosses.

Yeah, this. Is there any possibility of 'rehabilitating' tigers raised by humans for entertainment and returning them to the wild, or is it the equivalent of dumping a 30 year old NEET who's never been employed onto the streets of Moscow and telling him to fend for himself?

What is with thots and tigers. Are they really so into tigers they're willing to become sex slaves like with doc?


I'm sure he likes to watch when the bull fucks them both

Why are they all trying to eat Jeff but leave Joe alone?

gotta be some kind deep of cave woman-tarzan primal shit going on

Fuck you faggot, I’ll do it again tonight. She 100% killed her husband and she deserves all the hate she gets. Even if she didn’t then she’s such a cunt she deserves the hate

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That then factor in lack of land already for them in their native habitat plus poachers

yeah, thats the alpha high tiger energy
jeff walks without confidence, hunched, no charisma,
joe is alpha supreme

>latest astroturfed netflix garbage general

I just realized you probably put that because pic related. If that’s the case then I’m gona have to say I’m sorry, and you’re right.

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doing gods work
my respects

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So, his mistress, got it.

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I don't think she killed her husband but she did everything else including feeding the corpse to the tigers so she could insert a new testament. I think Don just died of natural causes and she was right there and realized that if she doesn't act she'll lose everything, and then she used her brother to aid her in it.

It's definitely dumping a turbo NEET into Moscow. There were numerous attempts from the 60's=>90's to reintroduce big cats raised from captivity to the wild. Unfortunately, they do not have the ability to hunt necessary to survive. They starve or go to human establishments (for food).

Carol is right. Big cats in cages is wrong. Her choices are to euthanize or let them live out their natural lives. It's expensive to let them live out their lives, shit, Joe was saying his cats go through 60k of food a month. So Carol needs a sustainable way to feed her resuced cats for their remaining lives.

dammn that funeral scene XD

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He loaned money to the Costa Rican mob.

He flew planes below radar to Costa Rica because he had an expired pilot's license.

>So Carol needs a sustainable way to feed her resuced cats for their remaining lives

She's got 100 million and workers who she doesn't pay, letting paying customers in is just greedy.

she threaten him with a gun

Why does he talk with his nose?

She's literally a cuck

You guys see that twitter thread by a journalist that spent a year with Joe?

Joe "mysteriously" burned at least 3 people's houses, all after he had some disagreement with them.

This guy is not a Chad, he's a bitter tryhard virgin projecting masculinity on wild animals and using his power to get meth addicts to marry him

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Well, I’m married. If my wife died I wouldn’t in a million years feed her to god damn tigers. That’s some serious juden attitude. She deserves rope either way

it doesn’t look like the G.W. Zoo is doing very well these days. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Tiger King producer Eric Goode revealed that the park is barely functioning.
“I got a very long text today from Jeff Lowes, who is running Joe’s old zoo,” Goode told the outlet. “All I can tell you is that he is basically operating on fumes. No one is going now and there’s no source of income, and that’s been going on for a long time.”


>arson cases involving a gay redneck gun nut and his meth-addled closet-straight fucktoys were probably done by aforementioned gay redneck gun nut
wow who'd have thought

can you show me please

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No one thinks Joe is a chad. We all just embrace the memes.

He also had a sheriff acting as an informant because the sheriff was also his limo driver.

The sheriff has since been convicted of child molestation.


I got it wrong, he spent a week with Joe, 4 years working on a podcast before the doc.

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thank you partner

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i don't trust that woman for a second bros

I watched TV Junkie a long time ago so I recognised him but couldn't work out where from
That documentary really is something though

>The guy who tails the gaboon viper
>closes the cage with his hand
>the gators have been burned
>the dragging of the parrot cage with it filled with macaws and cockatoos
I Hate cat people so fucking much fucking 10 years working with exotic animals and the most stable people are the people who keep reptiles and invertebrates.

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Yas Forums personified

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Not all women are shit, but you should have been able to feel it out with this old bitch. She’s evil

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This nigger looks like Mitch McConnell

that's what i'm saying,she's off

Well Yas Forums?

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my piss poor attempt at a flag. watched this shit like 7 times already.

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hey carol

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I felt so bad for the dude with the long hair. That bit of him obviously drunk at home and going over pictures of tigers was heartbreaking. Also fuck carol she is a greedy bitch and is mad that other people can do what she does better.

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