And I'm getting really sick of guys named Todd

> And I'm getting really sick of guys named Todd
It's just a goofy - it's a goofy fucking name, OK? Hi, what's your name?
> Todd. I'm Todd. And this is Blake, and Blaire and Blaine and Brent. Where all these goofy fucking boys names coming from?! Taylor, Tyler, Jordan, Flynn. These are not real names! You want to hear a real name? Eddie. Eddie is a real name, whatever happened to Eddie, he was here a minute ago. Joey and Jackie and Johnny and Phil. Bobby and Tommy and Danny and Bill, what happened? Todd. And Cody, and Dylan, and Cameron, and Tucker
> Hi Tucker, I'm Todd. Hi Todd, I'm Tucker. Fuck Tucker, Tucker sucks. And fuck Tucker's friend, Kyle. that's another soft name for a boy, Kyle. Soft names make soft people. I'll bet you anything that ten times out of ten, Nicky, Vinnie, and Tony would beat the shit out of Todd, Kyle, and Tucker

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Other urls found in this thread:

We’ve moved past Todd and Kyle. Now people are naming their kids shit like Xander and Maddox

Buy Skyrim you dead faggot.

and Hunter, is there a more punchable name?

Carlin, Hicks and their style of comedy is shit and they laid the groundwork for Hannah Gadsby style clapter comedy.

what an unfunny bit

No not my /ourguy/ Tuckerino

This, never understood why everyone sucks off Carlin when he literally just went on spiteful rants and fished for applause

fuck off TODD

and in T2, todd was played by xander

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My name is Tommy and I would beat the shit out of you 10 out of 10 times

and they pronounce it ex-ander too. Cunts.

Actual question, why do Americans have such weird fucking names? Like obviously the black names are a laugh but nowadays all the suburban whites are Hunters and Koreys and Jadens as well. Do people just invent them randomly?

t. Cameron

Names that actually mean stuff in everyday language are considered weird in our culture

Imagine naming your kid “Blessing” or “Joy” or “Rose”

I’m thinking Braddock for my son named after James J. Braddock. What do you lads think?

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Brayden jayden etc...
Imagine having a cuck name like that as a kid, kek.

Blessing is a stretch but I’ve Known at least one or two Joy’s and definitely at least a few Rose’s. Those are common and not out there like Kimber or whatever whacky NuNames are being used now.

What happened to good classical/biblical names?

maybe name him james you fucking turd sniffer

Sounds gay so he'll fit in well

What’s a good boy name?

t. Todd

Biff Manly

Stop falseflagging Hanna



He wasn't funny and ushered in a whole generation of edgy, unfunny, faggots


Carlin was funny sometimes but mostly just some retarded cranky old man whining about unimportant shit on stage.

Alan Shearer

David. A lot of famous personalities I admire have that name. David Lynch. David Foster Wallace. David Bowie. David Gilmour. Seems to be a lucky name.

Same with English. So just use actual names.

If it's the name of a Monarch, it's an ok name. Biblical or very few imperial names work as well (e.g. Phillip, Basil)


Yes, name him (((David)))

wow you hate christians how revolutionary and thought provoking


Based Carlin making Yas Forumstards shitters sheete from the grave.

William, Edward, Henry, George, Leo, Hugh/Huw, Stephen, Charles, Richard.

Max is a bit shaky, but ok.

sounds a bit like this website

>jokes are funny until you make fun of my thing
reddit incarnate

Imagine giving your son a jewish name kek.
Classical Greek and Latin names, DUH.

its lazy like trump jokes

Can't go wrong with Adam.

They would love and praise him if he were still alive and touring.


Because it was 20 years ago and he was considered contrarian. Now pretty much everything he says is mainstream, but brainlets still think it's contrarian because they buy their counter-culture from the same people they think they're opposing. Protip: It's why they're called NPCs.


you can be funny with any subject. stop being thin skinned

>names like Seantavious and Lakwan exist
>Carlin attacks normal White names
What did he mean by this?

>David Bowie over David Byrne

last three are girls names

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it's low hanging fruit either way

Because they have no long history to draw names from.

Because they have no family naming traditions or cultural names of their own, they pick names willy-nilly or make them up (see all the celebrities calling their child boeing-747 and shit).

And I'm not 56% posting or Euro seething. Because what would you do when you have no national history? You make it, and you make up the names of the people doing it.

just name him james you dunce

gene from god hand
ash is ash

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Julian is good in theory but irl most of them will be a huge faggot who went to a public school. Same with Marcus

The more I learn about George Carlin the less I respect him, anyone else?


>they would love him
why does it feel like both sides think he is on their side and both sides say the other would love him today? Do you people even know what you are actually saying? The guy would 100% be one of the leading SJWs if he was still around. Have you heard him on Opie and Anthony? Dude is an edgy leftist like David Cross.

He would have changed his mind by now.
He also never denied what we did was wrong, the opposite, exactly because of that he wanted man to selfdestruct.

Going back and listening to a lot of his stuff Carlin had to have been slobbering on black cock for a while. I cannot think of any moment in time where he criticized the black community for anything.