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Can I get a quick rundown

What a disgusting coward. I feel ashamed I ever enjoyed his videos.

the response video was the worst thing he could've done to handle the situation
>visibly seething so hard that you face is red and eyes watery
>deflects by focusing on people making fun of his cuckoldry instead of addressing the bigger problem which is his gf's public disrespect of his person
>basically does exactly what he made fun of leafy for doing, which is focussing the the criticism surrounding obvious insecurities instead of the important points
>when addressing his hypocrisy over statements about e-whores, intentionally cherrypicks clips about him midly joking about them, instead of the genuine rants he has had
>at the end of the video, all we have seen is a man on the verge of tears admitting to being okay with people jacking off to his girlfriend's naked pictures and while directing his rage out on underage twitter accounts and showing multiple qualities that he has based entire content cops on
>mean comments are constantly being deleted on the video
is it the end of him?

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He should have done a content cop on himself for being a simp/cuck, he had the perfect get out of jail card but is clearly taking the banter to heart

His content actually was in a long decline ever since 2018 or so with rare gems like the last content cop or full force. The squirrel vids are watchable, but the main channel has fucking devolved into endless self-repetition

> internet find out way too late that idubbz has a whore for a girlfriend
>" I don't care my girlfriend strips and whores herself out, she comes back to me and my bed at the end of the day, you guys are the cucks!"

his videos on lottery and hypebeasts were kino.
He fucked up with this but you can't deny he made some good videos.

he is too used to planning takedowns for months where he gives great arguments and shields himself from responses. he probably never thought the tables would turn on him in such a way. and it comes from a personal place where it's his girlfriend's fault. he just chimps out all emotional

>it took teenagers on Yas Forums this long to realize this retard was, actually a retard all along
gg wp I guess

>irrelevant e-celeb from the edgy era of youtube
>is now back in the spotlight
>girlfriend is raking in cash from all the exposure

his channel is usually easy to make shit like opening mail and small rants to get some money while he works on the big stuff like content cop and full force

>all we have seen is a man on the verge of tears admitting to being okay with people jacking off to his girlfriend's naked pictures and while directing his rage out on underage twitter accounts
For whatever reason only now i realized that he's a victim here too.
The man is clearly having a mental breakdown.
"What am i supposed to do, kill her?" No Ian, you're supposed to have a conversation with your girlfriend about it and if both of you still have a disagreement maybe you should just break up.

>You're now famous for being a cuck
>Your gf is the one making all the money
Clearly a four digit IQ move

wait but how exactly is he a simp or a cuck if he's the one fucking his girlfriend I mean I wouldn't date someone who posted nudes online but how exactly does that me him one of those

>idubbbz has a tittystreamer gf
>she quits tittystreaming for some gay attentionwhory reason
>she misses whoredom so she opens an onlyfans account
>everyone goes 'OH NO NO NO' after realizing she did it with his approval
>few days go by of everyone calling him a faggot cuck
>he makes a video explained here where he tears down some obviously ironic zoomer who said idubz ruined his life with this

It's obvious he's so in love with her that he'll accept being a gay little bitch. Keep in mind that he didn't want her to be a tittystreamer. And it's funny cause it's obvious she doesn't share the intensity.

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>cancer e-celeb making a living out of criticizing and making fun of others
>previously thought to be untouchable now gets completely fucked over by his thot girlfriend who started to sell skimpy pics of herself online
>everyone made fun of him, including his fans
>ends up posting a video of himself talking deluded shit about how "i'm totally fine with people jerking off to pictures of my girlfriend online"
>made it WORSE for himself with that now

>owned by pewdiepie

his career is over

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feminism was a mistake

Does anyone know if mr j or whatever he calls himself now is willing to come back? It's clear that the stuff he posted is allowed now if OP is

>he's the one fucking his girlfriend

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exactly bro. it all came down to what his girlfriend did and how he reacted to it, if what i hear is true and she is his first girlfriend, he fucked up hard. he really had a choice and chose pussy over principle. at the end of the day it's all related to the greater problem which is her total disrespect of him. someone post all the shittalking she did about him online

Low confidence is the worst, he probably thinks he can't get another girl

>is it the end of him?

pewdiepie is such a nice guy that he tries his absolute hardest to not shit on idubbbz but you can just see it in his face that he agrees with the common consensus about this gay cuck shit

Raygun is a slimy piece of shit.

Don't have the original but saw snippets of it in this video

I thought it got leaked though and its just a bunch of disappointing tit pics

just wait til the beta provider isn't the main provider anymore. expect a breakup soon it won't be him leaving her


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>be a 14-18 yr old professional redditor with over 50k karma and gold
>follow your egods religiously (pewdiepie, idubz, frank, and others)
>instead of sticking to your underage forums for these retarded faggots you praise (reddit, discord, facebook, instagram) you decide to shit up Yas Forums
what's up with that? Don't you kids hate racists like us and stuff?

I would say you are a cuck if you dated a stripper, she is basically that but for a much larger audience.

Hes a chad, he literally turned a far left chick into a conservative

A year later after everyone has cancelled him, he'll make an attempt at a comeback and people will do to them as they're doing with leafy and people like projared where it's like Christ himself has risen.
People are fucking stupid.

I mean i'd say its pretty embarrassing to do it but at least she isn't getting fucked by other guys that's a whole other level

>le ebin sekrit club

post-2016 4channel, and especially Yas Forums, is indistinguishable from any of those other sites

we lose many good men this way

I'm sure she said way more shit but this is the only "compilation" of these things I could find. It's from 2017 but it doesn't really change much, Ian knew about the shit she said in this image yet somehow didn't feel compelled to leave her.

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I mean I can call you a stupid tourist faggot nigger and not get banned for the naughty word rule so its got that going for it

Listen, retarded faggot, if anyone actually followed that rule we wouldn't have r/Trumptards and other efaggots in here, you making mockery of it simply proves you're one of them

Take the Kanye Pill turn a whore into a house wife

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that's some sad shit. any guy should instantly walk away

>Strippers don't cheat


cringe. just cringe.

> but at least she isn't getting fucked by other guys
That you know off... publicly...

Witness me

Not if his whore is still whoring

I must coOM

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Yeah, pretty much. There's no issue in dating an ex-whore, the problem is if she keeps whoring herself while she is with you, which is what makes him a cuck.

The best thing is that he criticizes Leafy for not being able to handle criticism but this video proves he can't either. Idubbbz is so used to having a positive consensus surrounding him that he can't handle backlash. It's cathartic

there's a difference between willingly allowing it to happen and having no idea it's happening dingus

>Idubbbz and Pewdiepie were basically "friends" a few months ago
>this happens
>now pewdiepie is reluctant to call him friend and twiddles with his wedding ring whenever he's uncomfortable defending his "friend"

Idubbz took a "yikes" and made into a shitstorm by being defensive instead of content copping himself as a joke and having it all blow over.

their relationship is gonna end within 12 months.

the only thing cringe here is you and your reddit cult
I hope you know that you will NEVER be a part of this website and its culture, and that you're viewed as an insect by everyone
go back to your containment board, whether that's Yas Forums or Yas Forums and keep your shit in between your reddit friends

this also applies to anyone posting frogs, wojaks, le coom/zoom/doom/boom/room/toom/coof etc retarded reddit """memes""", and so on, so on.

What compels a man to stay with a woman like this?

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anisa fucks black men on the side, this 6 confirms it

>dating a streamer
>dating a streamer who then e whores

Yep he’s a cuck.


he got the last laugh at least


too moley

It's his first girlfriend ever, he doesn't really know how to handle it, happens with some men. I know the first girl I ever dated was a bitch with BPD, she made my life miserable, everyone was telling me to live her yet I still felt compelled to somehow from them and myself wrong, that I could "handle" her or the situation and make it work... Maybe he feels the same shit too, who knows.

At least I came to my senses after 4 months of dating that nutcase and just dropped her on the spot, no explanations given whatsoever, just a "We're done, bye."
Hopefully he does as well at some point, because if he doesn't she'll just end up living him.

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This. Or he should've just done another reddit-tier meme review bullshit where he goes on his subreddit and sees whats there. He could've just laughed at the jokes then brushed everyone off saying "I'm fine with her doing what she wants"

Instead he's almost crying and he's actually fucking furious in the video and he just looks like an idiot. The worst was when he took the bait of that troll 15 year old. He's truly become what he used to insult.

Why is there a telephone in a glass of whiskey? What does that chicken scratch say?
Why would i care about any of this?

that's one ugly abdomen

that word really is just losing all meaning at this point

why she has such a manface?