Give me a script for a film about the destruction of the United States.
Give me a script for a film about the destruction of the United States
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okay theres a bunch of trashy broads walking around half naked and then we plow
It would be a 10 second shot of the 1965 immigration act being signed and then a close up shot of a smirking ted kennedy with car crash sound effects overlayed
yeah because you didn't have all the niggers in your country before 1965
1. Absolute retard gets elected who is able to get by relying on his advisers and what the pundits on TV tell him as long as no major crisis hits
2. Catastrophic major crisis hits
They were a small percentage of the population and prior to 1965 the overwhelming majority of immigration to the US was from europe. Afterwards like 50% of it is from mexico.
Now we have niggers AND spics! Yay!
niggers are just a tenth of the population and weren't really an issue when america was still sane and had commonsensical policies like segregation
It wasn't until early february that the fucking WHO actually saw coronavirus as a threat.
Four more years, cuck
It starts with the Declaration of Independence being signed.
Everything goes downhill from there.
holy shit, I posted this as a joke because fuck Amy Chumer, but the first page is the united states being destroyed
The opening scene is Woodrow Wilson being sworn into office.
Based, except when they take over, they'll remove the other races.
LBJ was a cunt
Literally the coronavirus arc.
Even Nixon had the integrity of stepping down when he knew he was not good for his country.
1 million cases by years end.
So? I fail to see how bringing up another (((organization))) that also fucked up excuses anything
any sufficiently free form of government must, by definition, contain the tools to undermine itself
user, regardless of who’s president, there will be over 10 million cases. How many we test and report vs how many Chinkland tests and reports is the real question
Nixon stepped down because he got caught red handed had they showed the tapes he would've been arrested and forcefully removed from office. He knew Ford would pardon him.
>it wasn't until February that the WHO saw coronavirus as a threat (which is not true by the way)
>this excuses someone else still simply toying with the idea of taking it seriously going into April
>can't even deny it
lmao burgerfucks are so cucked by TV they worship a reality TV star.
Riots in 2 months. Then collapse of the JewSA.
Are you actually implying Trump has only started taking it seriously in the past week or so?
he literally said it's nothing 2 weeks ago
>How many we test
This could have changed with a president who called it action sooner instead of calling it a liberal hoax, only to later declare it a national emergency.
>My uncle is an expert on this yhings
>MUH white supremacy
I guarantee you that the fuckers that preach this shit are the most useless leeches in the country.
>Trump is doing a great job handling the virus.
Can confirm. The loudest fuck in my family lives purely from welfare but preaches that people should work for a living and stop replying on the government.
What would you have done, user? Please I need to know
>What would you have done, user? Please I need to know
Acted sooner instead of calling it a hoax
Not him but, Listened to the experts telling us to test more and tell the nation to take it seriously instead of calling it a hoax. That's a good start
Yes he quite clearly hasn't. He's consistently downplayed the need to take measures; just last week he was still advocating for a reopening of the economy by easter; his most recent suggestion, from just a few days ago, was the floating of an idea to classify states based on potential severity of impact which is a usual gesture in the absence of support for testing. At the end of February he infamously said "like a miracle, it will disappear" and going into March he was still denying it would escalate, claiming there were only "22 deaths". He has not been taking it seriously.
Protip: If you are still defending trump at this point then you are a much bigger cuck faggot than all these onions people you (deluded) believe you are better than
what did he do that upset you so much?
How about ?
>no argument
>durrr why u mad?
Stay cucked
And what president would have done that?
i was asking a question
god damn trump rules
>dude it's just like the flu lmao
Make a statement or fuck off. You clearly don't have an argument
Don’t bother, if they don’t have a sense of humor about it you know it’s a raid
>Make a statement or fuck off. You clearly don't have an argument
enforce curfews and quarantines a month ago
>Retard denies data and pulls 1984 rhetoric
>lol my president
>it's just a prank bro
Ain't you tired of your constant lies and anti-Trump propaganda. Get fucked, Killary lost, get over it, fuck urself and your fake sources
Judging by the non-partisan reaction of many other world leaders then probably any other hypothetical President, be they Democrat or Republican, but in recent memory then demonstrably Obama when he declared H1N1 a public health emergency the day after the WHO declared it was a global national health emergency.
What leftist leader closed their borders to china before america you gay nigger?
>I-ITS not real! The virus isn't even happening! He never said those things
Cucks in denial about their retard
I guess it's a good thing Trump didn't wait on them to stop infected chinks from flying in.
This one is good because polshits are highly autistic and visual individuals.
>N-no don't criticize my president! Deflect deflect, bring up the left
Answer the question or remain a gay nigger forever shill.
Admit your retard fucked up and I will, Jew