My NEETbux will arrive tomorrow to my bank account. What kinos should I torrent in order to celebrate?

My NEETbux will arrive tomorrow to my bank account. What kinos should I torrent in order to celebrate?

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Buy food you fucking idiot


I have food

Fucking leech piece of shit, you should download a JOB you fucker

Being a NEET was the most miserable time of my life.

Watch Das Boot, NEETfren

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same, I pity people stuck in that situation not realizing how good life can be

Stay mad wagie

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The passage of time, resentment of your unfullfilled potential, the utter shame, the massive regret of not even living life in your 20's, the soul crushing thought of the future

Everything thats fun as a neet is better if you get a good job
Too much of everything sucks ass so all the free time in the world isnt gonna make you feel fullfilled

How do I get neetbux? Do I have to be legit autistic to qualify? I'm not unfortunately but I do have depression and anxiety . Never had a job before and in my mid-20s. No life experience whatsoever

koolaid man funko pop


I'm not mad as you will be when you're parents are gone and you have no one to leech from fucker

sounds like a problem with your personality

>The passage of time, resentment of your unfullfilled potential, the utter shame, the massive regret of not even living life in your 20's, the soul crushing thought of the future
I don't see how wageslaving changes any of that.


At least those people aren't cowards and actively do something in life other than wisp away while your parents resent a huge fuck up that is a manchild.

That might be true but I'd rather keep these feelings to make me get up and do something with my life

Jobs can be really fullfilling. Even if its not you're atleast participating in life
I would be way too ashamed to have any sort of standard when iam a jobless and lazy piece of shit
This could also just be me ofc. You can do some amazing work without a job but Iam sure its not the norm

Some people are just more comfortable living a quiet existence. Look at all the people freaking out over having to stay inside, while it's just another day for neets.

Being comfortable is nothing to aim for.
Everyone is more comfortable just sitting at home in a warm house with food some games, music and movies while getting money to support this life for free
The real amazing things in life require work and discipline tho

t. looking for a job atm

Because I just wasted my days shitposting, playing video games and jerking off.
I felt empty and useless. Any plans I made I just postponed them because I knew I had tons of time to work with.

I used to think that but then I got a job

Enjoy spending rest of your life working on 16 hours of flipping burgers and serving your jewish boss, wagie. Stay seething while I'll be living in a comfy lifestyle.

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>there are wagies on this board who pay for shitflix


That’s what I don’t get about NEETs. Like if you really stand to inherit enough after the death of whoever is supporting you than it sounds like you’re just rich enough to not have to work, not really living as what most people think of as the NEET lifestyle.
I don’t understand what actual NEETs will do when they’re parents die. Work their first minimum wage job at 44?

Lmao go back to workie wagie
Pay your taxes so i can buy more tendies

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reread OP's post slowly

>Work their first minimum wage job at 41?

That's me.


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That’s what I did. I would just stream tv/movies, read and usually drink a fair amount every night. There was just a general malaise and I had no social life.
If I had some kind of settlement that allowed me maintain a gym membership, my own residence, car with enough left over for incidentals I guess I’d be fine with that. But that’s just being rich.

>be neet for 1.5 years out of high school
>parents force me to get a job at a small business
>work there for 5+ years
>the top 3 positions paid 50k, 45k, 40k all with health insurance
>the 45k and 40k position people quit
>ask my boss to give me a raise to 35k
>he says he can't afford it even though I've taken on more responsibilities
>the only thing the general manager does that I can't do is make the work schedule and call payroll once a week
>he makes 50k, I make 30k.
>we do the same exact job
>ask my boss to at least put me on the health insurance
>he tells me to go on obamacare
>wait a few months
>ask him one more time for 35k a year
>tells me he can't afford it
>ask him why everyone is allowed to make a living but me
>he gets flustered and says he's in debt and that he can't make a living either
>ask him why the fuck am i even working here when I can bag groceries for $80 less a week
>he gets even angrier
>quit my job out of frustration
>a few coworkers quit after me
>parents are upset

I tried. I tried making it. The universe said no. Now I have to sit here and pretend like I don't enjoy being neet.

also because of the pandemic he's now out of business and will most likely close forever. kek

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I was a NEET for a couple years after college and yeah, it really sucked. However then I got a job that sucked, but I made a lot of friends and saved up some money. Now I'm NEETing it up after quitting and it's awesome, I talk to all my friends online if I want to, play DnD with them, and chill and watch movies/play vidya when I don't. I think the key is balance, being a NEET too long makes you miserable, but being a NEET once in awhile is perfectly fine as a way to chill out.

I had my fun moments, like getting relatively successful as a drawfag
But yeah, after awhile I wanted to kill myself the longer I went on realizing I was doing nothing meaningful with my life

Just get a new job? You just said you could make more money bagging groceries, so do it. My local grocerystore (which is a Shoprite) does health insurance for everyone working 40 hrs a week

sorry dude. that sucks.
try one more time?

If you don't get laid in your 20's kys cause you never will.

I'm a Night Security guard at a local factory. All I do every shift is play video games on my Laptop/Switch and watch movies/shows or read books. It's basically being a NEET and getting paid for it.

Same thing happened to me, user, but I stuck it out, and two years later I finally did get the promotion. I think Homer Simpson had the right of it, if you don't like your job you don't quit, you just go in every day and do it really half assed, that's the American Way.

That was on telly the other day, I had to go out somewhere so I missed it, but the little I saw looked decent

no u

Whole foods will need scabs during the strike. I suggest you apply. Target is also hiring


Making lots of money changes everything

This, my job only actually has like 10-20 hours of work a week so I read, shitpost or pursue other hobbies during my office hours. Even when I am working I’m also listening to audio productions.
If I were really busy like I was at my previous job I’d probably think it was a bit more fulfilling, but it all evens out.

Yeah it's basically that every so often you need to "waste" time. Traveling for a vacation is a nice experience, but it's not the same thing. Sometimes you just need to stay at home for a week and do nothing but enjoy some media or hobbies while being able to sleep and eat at whatever time you want while getting drunk or high. Break completely free of routine and discipline so that you get it out of your system so that it's easy to go back to a strict routine. Americans really need some mandatory paid vacation time. You don't see this type of frustration from Euros.

>Be me
>21 y/o
>has had a variety of jobs, management, retail, restaurant, warehouse, distribution, forklift operator
>All my jobs never got raises and was completely dependent on hoping I get a lot of hours every week
>trying to get neetbux set up because fuck working, I want to be comfy, extremely sad, will never have a family or a nice house anyways so what's the point

I’m gonna watch bloodshot so I can watch vin diesel avenge his familia

This. I was unemployed 3 years while teaching myself how to code. When I eventually got a job, not even coding, all my depression went away, I started exercising again, and gave a shit about life.

How do I get NEETbux? I am in USA, been NEET for about 6 years so I might as well get paid for my service

I would make around $80 less a week. grocery stores around here rarely give 40 hours a week. its mostly part-time employees. I don't feel like "working my way up" to full time cashier lmao imagine having to put in hardwork just to be a full-time cashier fuck that. my original point was I was making $80 more a week than a no skilled worker. i don't necessarily want to bag groceries
if I find a job that will hire me that has room to move up I may consider it. no way im going to devote another 5 years of my life just to be told no
nah fuck, the business owner was making 550k a year with a payroll and overhead cost of about 200k. Im not going to keep lining his pockets. I'd rather be appropirately paid minimum wage at mcdonalds than make $15 an hour at a job that's paying me unfairly

I know that sounds counterproductive but when we're talking about wages that can't afford you rent none of it really matters anyway. an extra 4k a year will not change my life

Why should I do hard job for $15 an hour when there's an easy job for $13? that extra $80 a week is meaningless, especially if there's no room for advancement.

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lol i am not working in a grocery store during a pandemic so I can make $300 a week. even a take home of $400 a week wouldn't be worth it. i know beggars can't be choosers but I'm not bringing home the virus to my aging boomers for $300 a week fuck that, not worth it at all

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I mean, that's true but a week isn't really what I meant. I'm talking more six months to a year off after working hard for six years in order to support it, that kind of thing. Kind of like a summer vacation from my adult life only on a large scale since I can't exactly take a summer vacation type break when I'm working a job. That much time allows me to decompress so that when I go back to get a job I'll do so eagerly and with a real desire to work.

>extremely sad, will never have a family or a nice house anyways so what's the point
Thats the only reason I could see actually being a NEET for. Although 21 seems really young for that kind of resignation. But you’re also talking about getting NEETbux set up which I don’t think is the same thing as being completely dependent on your parents.
What I don’t understand about NEETdom is what happens when you’re parents die, or even finally get fed up and cut you off. You’d just be so boned

Some poor asshole will always do your job cheaper. Learn how to subtley stroke egos without feeling like a whore, learn how to market yourself with confidence, and learn how to walk away without burning bridges (after finding a replacement job).

>go pay a prostitute
Wow, so hard user, getting laid is really tough!

>will never have a family or a nice house anyways so what's the point
You're only 21, you have YEARS. And not time in the sense that it's impossible to accomplish anything after you're 30 or whatever, but just that most people learn to live with underachieving. You do your job, you go home, you make your dinner, do TV/games/Yas Forums/porn/whatever, sleep, repeat. You're unhappy, but not unhappy enough to implode your sustainable routine. You aren't yet normalized to this so you have a chance.

If you don't have kids or some crippling health issue, you can always change your path more easily than you think. It just requires changing your routine so that every day you're working towards that even if only by a little. Instead of an hour of TV a day you spend an hour fiddling with Python for example.

I have a huge slimy and meaty cock. What job should i get?

Neets are too pussy to even do that.

where would one hypothetically pay for one online?

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I know a few people that worked at target and supposedly it’s a pretty sweet job

I'll eat my own cock before having to go outside to buy more food faggot

entering neetdom is only advisable if you have family that will take care of you.

my parents will leave me money. my aunts, uncles, grandparents all have money. no way they would see me go homeless. it also helps if you truly have mental disorders. they feel bad for the depressed anxiety-ridden neet. it also helps if youve held down a job in the past. they don't just think of you ass a lazy piece of shit. they think of you as a down on your luck depressed manchild. easier to get support with that mentality

imma be comfy forever

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Idk how you NEETs do it, I've been on lockdown for 2 weeks now and I picked up running 6 miles at first and now 12 in order to not go crazy doing nothing.

same. I don't think i've ever felt so pathetic and depressed, not to mention what it did to my family. I wasted two years of my twenties pissing in jugs and thinking of ways to kill myself.


>being so boring you can't live with yourself

paying a prostitute isn't the same thing exactly, it depends on why you're doing it. It doesn't teach you how to seduce a woman. You don't get that kind of sexual confidence that you need. If you just want to have some fun, that's perfectly fine, but it doesn't make you stop being an incel mentally if that's your problem.,, whatever. Obviously it's not a good time right now though. But treat her with respect and do whatever screening you're comfortable with. It really is just a job for her.

whats your #1 tip for stroking egos without feeling like a whore? I feel this is a major hangup for me

I live in the US and I'm not going to risk my career trying to fuck one here only to get caught in some sting operation. Most of the guys I know who love prostitutes just fly out to Thailand or the Czech Republic, bang a bunch, then fly back. Been thinking of trying that out myself but the virus obviously makes that impossible currently lol

Yeah, but the dude I was replying to was talking about getting laid, not getting over inceldom. Pros will fuck ugly fat old men so long as they get paid, making what that dude said entirely false.

My local grocery stores are so understaffed right now they're offering $25/hr just to stock shelves. If I didn't have a comfy WFH job right now I'd definitely take it. My boomer parents are still going grocery shopping 3 times a week anyways lol

I don’t think stroke egos is the right phrase. Just smile, be polite and don’t complain. And when I say “don’t complain” I don’t mean never say anything about unfair workload or compensation issues, etc and be a slave. I mean literally just have smalltalk that doesn’t include bitching about being tired, traffic, weather etc.
Just smiling and being polite makes you likeable and is probably the biggest secret to life behind being good looking. Certainly it yields results more consistently than hard work or intelligence.

Depends on what hobbies you like and what your personality is like. If you're an extrovert then yeah, being cooped up inside would drive you crazy. If you're an introvert who likes a lot of time to himself though, then this virus is pretty comfy. I talk to my friends online for a few hours several times a week and I find even that exhausting, I just like being on my own.

Honestly, I can only recommend learning how to read someone as best as you can without getting lost in your own head about it. I guess you can get chummy in a casual way, like you would a cell mate or copilot. Don't let them take credit for your hard work all the time, but throw them a bone once in a while. Exude confidence. Listen to what they like and stick to those subjects until they're comfortable with you to feel out other topics.

I lucked out in that my new boss is similar to me in a lot of ways just a bigger nerd.

What an incredible fucking faggot you are.

t. STEM job, own residence etc.

I wish I had the courage to quit and tell the world to fuck off

I can tell you have never had sex by how you replied immediately with hiring a prostitute.

That's the thing, you don't need confidence if you can just pay them, roasties hate this loophole

My dad found a prostitute in the yellow pages once, it's not hard to have sex

I can tell you that even in CT, an hour from NYC, grocery stores are not paying anywhere near that.

our minimum wage is $11 an hour. with $2-$3 hazard pay people are only making $13-$15 an hour, in connecticut where we have something like the 5th highest cost of living. rent is literally $1200 and these people are working at grocery stores during a pandemic for at best a take home pay of $400.

I wouldn't considering working a grocery store during a pandemic on the coastlines for anything less than $20 an hour. fuck these states, fuck low wages, fuck business owners and fuck the system. hope it burn down

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And open every 30 minutes a thread asking when it does become good.