Was I supposed to fucking loathe that greasy spic lawyer throughout the movie?
Was I supposed to fucking loathe that greasy spic lawyer throughout the movie?
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Unironically yes
you were supposed to loathe both this movie is fightclub-tier misinterpreted
OK thank you
The movie is based on a book that is self biographical. It's safe to assume his friend isn't meant to be despicable.
who fucking knows
dunno but i thought he was based
He's samoan
Thompson just said that. He was actually Latino.
I fucking love this movie. You have to watch it multiple times to really grasp what's going on. But more importantly the two main characters are some of the best acting I've ever seen. Benicio really steals the show. If you've been around drugged out people the acting is spot on
The visuals are really great too. The colors and the source they come from and the camera angles change depending what drugs their on. It's like once upon a time in hollywood, the story is just there so you can watch the characters and acting
The HST character uses the lawyer as an excuse as to why he did so many drugs and didnt cover the bike race.
He was gona get fucked up anyways, but now its the lawyers fault instead of his.
The whole thing is basically "im so famous that rolling stone hires me to write and article and i basically ignore the assignment because it was really about me the whole time."
Regardless he is very important to him, despite his racial handicap.
The whole point of gonzo journalism just flew right over your head.
I watched this film a year ago and now thanks to this thread i'm gonna rewatch it
thanks op
How so?
Both were massive assholes, Hunter was a dick, a funny and interesting dick but still a dick. The only reason people don't hate him is because they picture themselves being with him or in on it, otherwise you're just one of the assholes he sprayed with bear mace whilst pumped full of liquor and amphetamines.
Yes. He’s a detestable human being. You see HST have a couple of real moments of clarity about him.
It’s one of my favorites, too.
> In May 1974, Acosta disappeared while traveling in Mazatlán, Mexico.[2][4] His son, Marco Acosta, believes that he was the last person to talk to his father.
> Acosta telephoned his son from Mazatlán, telling him that he was "about to board a boat full of white snow."
he warned you about bats bro
The point of Gonzo journalism is that the reporter inserts themselves into the story, they become incorporated into it. Fear and Loathing was a critical look at Las Vegas in the 70's and a reeamination of the failed counterculture movement of the 60's. Since Thompson was part of it, he's largely recounting his own experiences in the context of how it's led to the current state of insanity in Las Vegas.
If you have ever done any hard drug fueled shenanigans in your life, you can't not love this movie
Something i cant get confirmation on is, if Acosta(attorney) really brought back an underage girl, kept her on drugs and liquor and fucked her. How come nothing happened to him? How come nothing is really spoken about it? Thompson doesnt seem to even care that he did it, hes just pissed shes there and he has to deal with her. What's the deal with that?
The Great Shark Hunt was a great read.
It was like 25 years before the movie.
Yes but it was in the book, which was well praised at the time. Maybe Acosta had disappeared around that time?
Yeah the Kentucky derby incident is a great read, and thats the thing Hunter was just such an outlandish character that you cant help but be fascinated by him. Skipping one of the biggest fights in the world to hunt down pygmys and nazis he thought were hiding in the jungle, almost blowing Jack Nicholsons house up, or any one of a thousand other batshit stories but at the end of the day he was an asshole
Yeah, he disappeared like three years after the events of FnL. And his real name wasnt in the book.
honestly, ive never seen this film so i cant really add anything to the conversation
Hunter is infamous for embellishing stories. He might have done he might not have, nobody will ever know.
Thanks user, couldn't have said it better myself.
Check out fear and loathing on the campaign trail for a more clear object lesson.
why are you here then?
It's in my top three. Benicio and Depp are fantasticaly surreal, and Gilliam is a great director. The movie nearly entirely follows the book too.
I think he's probably samoan
how much was the ape after all?
Its just a shame the hunt for the american dream got cut, probably my favorite part of the book.
There are a couple more scenes that were cut out don't know why they haven't been released yet.
DESU I didn't enjoy that part. It was completely tangential.
Thanks, user
Wtf? I didn't type desu. I haven't typed desu in almost ten years, desu ne~
As much as Hunter loved Oscar, he knew he was an angry and dangerous person. Though I do remember Hunter saying on the dvd commentary that he didn’t like that he was portrayed pretty much entirely that way in the movie.
>The whole thing is basically "im so famous that rolling stone hires me to write and article and i basically ignore the assignment because it was really about me the whole time."
iirc the real life article was for sports illustrated and he basically submitted a novella to them which got rejected then he went on to write fear and loathing for rolling stone.
>It was completely tangential.
Bruh... The entire novel is a tangent of a tangent.
It had nothing to do with the vegas escapade, it was a tacked on bonus story.
Don't even (You) me, BRUH
Because he is dead
>tracking down the "American Dream" had nothing to do with their vegas escapade where they're tracking down the american dream
Its the thesis statement of the god damn story laddo.
This is honestly the appeal of the movie for me. I like the book more for it's themes, but the absolute griminess of the movie catches the low-roiling grossness you feel over your own sweaty body and weird surroundings when you're on hallucinogens/dissociates that nothing else comes close to.
You're a fucking moron. Try posting less dumb
I've seen this movie 100 times and didnt even know deleted scenes existed. I feel the 3 scenes are really out of place with the rest of the film
Yeah, that’s why they were deleted. You have seen it 100 times but didn’t have a dvd back in physical media days?
>fear and LOATHING in Las Vegas
I had to tap out 30 minutes in I was so fucking bored, I keep meaning to try it again but I don't think it will be worth it
Why do people hate lawyers as much as they do?
>the movie catches the low-roiling grossness you feel over your own sweaty body
it absolutely does do this, hate that feeling
fight club is misinterpreted by basedboys like you, not people who actually like it
Because the ones you don’t pay do fuck all for you and the ones you do pay suck every penny from you they can with no guaranteed results in a contest of bullshitting. But if you can get good lawyers and you win they’re your best friends.