worst main villain ever, ho can anyone give a shit about him
*uses his power to take ur power*
He is no villain. He is more serious and sinister version of Luffy.
Also, reminder that Roger killed bunch of people just because they laughed at his friends. Not just punching and autistic screeching, actual murders.
Luffy will get there too I hope. After Wano or during Wano.
Yes hello
I am based department
best thread on reddit right now
God one piss fucking sucked, I liked it because I was a dumb teenager but grew out of it on derdosa. Oda is a hack and he deserves to die from corona.
the ONLY good character in one piss. dont (you) me unless you agree im not interested in a debate
not gonna happen
desu killing someone's dream > killing them outright
Blackbeard is the best anti-villain in the whole series. Stay pleb.
What does "Will of D." mean user?
>Design based on Long John Silver
He's not the bad guy, he'll have a change of heart in the end. The World Government and Im are the real enemy of the story.
Imagine if Ace didn't die
It's a bloodline.
It means that Carrot and Robin are best girls and will be acquired & tied up to a bed for my D.
you know when you see a busted uggo and you feel repulsed at her gross face but then she takes of her clothes and she has a semi decent body, you're still disgusted but somehow have an erection? thats the will of d
Oda is too much of a pussy to pull off something like that. Don't get your hopes up.
Why this sleazy scumbag has the same blood as others? He's only one who fears death.
skypiea> thriller bark > water 7 > alabaster > everything else
Skypiea is actually the worst arc.
Wholecake Island is one of the best arcs. Wano (manga) is up there too. Good combination of story and combat with few badass moments and one of the best (if not best) flashbacks.
*pleb filtered*
Skypiea was the worst arc so far when it came out. Is this some weird nostalgia thing?
This but add Whole Cake Island between Water Seven and TB
>Very light on the shitty fights and side character sub plots
>Just the Strawhats going on a fantastic adventure and discovering the truth behind an ancient fairy tale
Do you compare Enel fight to Going Merry calling all his nakama for one last ride.
is sanji a simp?
the definition of it
Blackbeard is 3 people.
Sanji is *THE* simp
no he isnt wtf are you talking about
It's a pretty common One Piece theory. There have been hints throughout the series that Blackbeard is either multiple people or perhaps some type of Cerberus creature.
His pirate flag has 3 skulls so he has 3 different personalities.
I stopped watched after derdosa, is it true that oda went full furfag and a furry chick is the new crew?
One Piece (of Shit) is a series about pirates created by Oda, who came up with the idea after reading his favorite Dragonball hentai doujins. Despite this, there is a significant lack of theft, pillaging, rape, wooden limbs, pirates, sodomy or mass executions, which automatically makes it shit. Instead, a roaming crew of do-gooder clichés travel the high seas whilst performing every power-up short of a Super Saiyan or actually crapping themselves in the attempt.
Predictably, each crewmate has a dream (alongside a TRAJIC PAST) which they feel they need to achieve but won't, as Oda knows a cash cow when he sees one and will stretch out the series until he dies of heart failure or is knife-raped in the butt by a pissed fanboy. As a result of this, One Piece could be perceived as a comment on the pseudo-limbo we find ourselves residing in: always wanting something just out of reach and living lives blighted with disappointment. Alternatively, it could be perceived as a money-making behemoth and easy TV which teeters on the verge of being universally slated as bullshit by having a relatively badass moment every 70 episodes or so.
One Piece is immensely popular despite having the worst character designs in history, features countless scenes of characters sobbing like bitches, and will be 1/16th away from completion upon its 40,036th episode, to the point hopefully no one will care, since Eiichiro Oda, who unlike Masashi Kishimoto has no idea when to end his shitty series. It should be noted that his show's content is not appropriate for anyone above the age of 10.
what caused this assmad
>flag has three skulls
>blackbeard has different sets of teeth
>blackbeard is the only demon fruit user in history with more than one fruit.
One Piece is terrible
The Plot
Because it would take fucking forever to go into detail on the entire plot so far, we' instead providing you a handy fill-in-the-blank "Story Arc" form:
While out sailing, the Straw Hat crew arrives at [insert name of island here]. They are greeted warmly at first, but the Straw Hats soon begin to notice that something is wrong. The scene then cuts to [insert name of main villain here], who is going about his business doing stereotypical evil things. Luffy is pissed off when he hears about this from [insert name of random crying victim here], so he proceeds to challenge [villain] to a fight, but only after at least three episodes are spent with a flashback of the past featuring even more crying. The villain then sics his/her henchmen on the remaining Straw Hats, and the battle for [island] begins.
All of the Straw Hats are pretty evenly matched with their foes, but Luffy finds that [villain] is much stronger than he expected. Just when it seems that all hope is lost, he receives words of encouragement from [insert name(s) of victims here] and his crew, and he is able to pull through and defeat [villain] by using a new attack that he has recently developed. With [villain] defeated, the citizens and the Straw Hats all have a big celebration in which they all get drunk and have a massive orgy.
The crew then sets sail for the next island, while the citizens of [island] cheer them on, telling them how they'll never forget what the Straw Hats did for them. This usually takes place over a span of a few dozen chapters, all the while setting up who the new bad guy is going to be, and a whole lot of fucking foreshadowing takes place.
>monkey d luffy
Think Mr. Fantastic from the Fantastic Four being stuck through a blender with a 13 year old boy. Luffy was born and raised in Pallet Town. It was here he met Shanks who would pass the time trolling him while he was looking for some booty around the town. He is the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and can't STFU about becoming the Hokage- I mean, the King of the Pirates. He choked down some fruit which made his whole body goatse). After the timeskip, he learned how to make his body black and hard, and learned how to inflate his bones and muscles.
The one with a sword fetish. One of the few pirates in the series to have some balls and kill people. This alone makes him the most badass character by a long shot. (Of course if you watch the 4kids version during breakfast you don't get to see that action.) Wanted to have sex with his now dead childhood friend, Kuina, and failed. He is now stalking her shit clone, Tashigi, in order to pass the time with her. Just last Thursday, turns out he was god's incarnate, capable of growing heads and arms, also boost his arm without steroids. After the time skip he's back with only one eye as if his poor sense of direction was not enough.
The lore is as deep as the sea
>no he isnt wtf are you talking about
Copy and paste of Fujiko Mine. Kinda like Misty, except she puts out and loves money a lot. This busty redhead is ranked the 4th most popular Anime character by her Wapanese fans in a 4kids poll. Because Nami is a woman, the only way she can fight is to pretend that she's smart and blabber off some meteorological bullshit before electrocuting someone (from a safe distance). This, of course, is useless, because everyone that watches this show doesn't have the brains to understand any of it and would rather stare at her enormous breast implants and fap.
Some penis nosed sniper, but instead of shooting cool shit and blowing things up, he shoots Tabasco sauce into people's eyes with a sling shot. In the English dub, he's voiced by Howard Dean himself. He also has a retarded alter-ego named "Sogeking", in which he disguises himself by putting a fucking mask on and hoping nobody will recognize him. Amazingly enough, this works on Luffy and Chopper. After the timeskip, Oda gave Usopp some shit to do so he'll stop sucking so much.
Basically he's Brock from Pokemon. Any time he sees tits he explodes and will defend to the death any character with a vagina. In the original Manga, Sanji is a chain-smoker but 4kids makes him a lollipop addict instead. After thinking too much about tits without fapping, his adrenaline makes him shake his leg at a high velocity, to the point where it bursts into flame for no fucking reason. It's been recently revealed that Sanji is actually the son of an underground crimelord who runs a paramilitary service, and is being forced to marry some big-titted bitch who is Big Mom's daughter.
I absolutely never understood this, I wrote it away as "maybe they realize he's a pirate captain, and are referring to not only him but his crew as well"
Nami thinks blackbeard is strange but Zoro/Luffy think that Bellamy and his crew are the weird ones
Also in a recent flashback chapter Buggy and Shanks note that Blackbeard never sleeps. The average sleep cycle is 8 hours. If he is three people that means his personalities or personas probably take 8 hour shifts
They're merely respecting their personal pronouns ya bigot.
(at least that's how it's implied in the french translation)
He's a tranny
>I absolutely never understood this, I wrote it away as "maybe they realize he's a pirate captain, and are referring to not only him but his crew as well"
It's possible Luffy and Zolo were referring to his crew. But then why would Blackbeard be able to have 2 devil fruit powers?
how would Luffy and Zoro be able to know that easily that BB is several people ?
you're right there's no other rational explanation possible
Observation haki
He cute
he is not a normal person, Marco and Buggy already said that his body is abnormal and he never sleeps
they don't know how to use it at that point in the series, and that's not really something observation haki would allow you to do
Zoro used haki when he fought Das Bonez in Arabasta. Luffy has had conqueror’s haki since the jump.
we don't know for sure if it was haki, but anyway what matters is that they don't know how to use it.
It's fair to assume that they can use haki when they're fighting, but i don't see how they could use it in a random situation since they have not mastered it yet when they meet BB.
while i dont really like skypiea in general due to the shitty fights and characers, the backstory of skypiea is by far the best and most clever out of all backstory in the whole manga so far (can't really judge wano since it hasnt finished yet)
so what's the deal with the moon people?? will Oda bring it to the main story?
Oda is only 45, OP will actually go on forever