Other urls found in this thread:
You now remember when Yas Forumsniggers were seething so hard over this dude they tried cancelling him. They failed bad at it, so had to settle for the "two scoops" and "so..." memes.
Oh no no no no
Yas Forumstards are pathetic
I'm not a Yas Forumstard but he was so much funnier on Colbert Report and even Daily Show
Yas Forums slacktivism was a mistake
Did you literally make this thread to post these? A new low for you dilating discord trannies. Sad.
Yas Forums is the most pathetic board on Yas Forums not only do they take themselves extremely seriously but they are also a bunch of facebook redditors
we did it reddit Yas Forums is defeated forever
Gongal gunk is in the news again, have you seen this, have you heard about this
Crombopald Bloomf is up to his old tricks again!
*Audience is dead from Corona and does not respond*
Heh, rough crowd hehe *coughs* so, as you guessed it, it seems like Vroodumlius Blumbius is to blame for Corona and he's evil!
*Dies from Corona on stage, collapses and his corpse splatters against the uncaring ground*
Kunkald... Dunk?
can someone go to Yas Forums and make one of those "_ is making fun of us again" threads?
you're alone, faggot
Thats not even on Yas Forums
>Yas Forumsniggers in charge of coping by lying through their teeth
rent free
genuinely cant believe you make these threads after all this time
so just like colbert
hi yes is this the tranny thread?
are we being raided right now?
remember when you tried to do this to brett kavanaugh
>All the seething Yas Forumstards ITT crying that their shit thread got derailed
>Sounds like gay tranny faggot retard speak to me, have you tried not being a gay faggot tranny retard cuck? See, SJW's aren't welcome here and you need to suffer if you're going to post gay SJW garbage.
you must be 18 or older to post here
>not made by a tranny in the first place and then instantly self-replied
How's Bernie doing?
Yas Forums used to be the newfag board, now its Yas Forums, thats why they try so hard with the reverse (why are nigger , why are women y etc) virtue signalling. I think most will grow out of ut when theyve lurked a few more years.
>is the tranny thread dead?
soon, user
>OP makes a shitty Yas Forumsnigger thread
>Reply to it
>R-r-rent free
I'm afraid you don't know how the meme you're appropriating works
Yas Forums used to be the newfag board, now its Yas Forums, thats why they try so hard with the reverse (why are nigger , why are women y etc) virtue signalling. I think most will grow out of ut when theyve lurked a few more years. Also obsessed with shemales for some weird reason.
Guessing theyre say dilate or post one after they read this.
>I think most will grow out of ut when theyve lurked a few more years.
Cope. They've been here for 4 years and they're as bad as ever. A sizable portion of them are probably 60 year old boomers, too.
youre not a women. dilate
>replies mocking OP
It is so obvious you made this faggot
Colbert without the carefully cued audience laughter comes off exactly as state propaganda.
more of a woman then you'll ever be sweetie, deal with it.
Didnt mean to post this first one, heres the complete post
why are Yas Forums newfags obsessed with shemales?
This is Yas Forums go back
gaping your ass and cutting your dick off doesnt make you a woman.
Also, nice outing yourself, tranny
Mfw I successfully derail a pol thread I started
>I-i-it was a falseflag
The mating call of the Yas Forumsnigger damage control
That's why this meme is so effective. Its simple but still very demoralizing and makes magepedes seethe. We know his name isn't actually Durnald Blumph but its so funny to watch you guys stomp your feet and seethe over it.
Yes, cause it's not like these shit threads don't get made here all the time without a first post successfully derailing them
not him, could you tell me why Yas Forums newfags are obsessed with shemales?
>muh pol
ok discord
>muh discord
rent free
Cringe, it's about you
I identify as female so I am female. If you talked like this in modern society you would be quickly shunned so I get that you're trying to defend your last little secret internet hate club but grow up kiddo, this is a war that you lost years ago.
rent free. come november you'll be still be whinging
>he was so much funnier
He's never been funny, you were just younger and more easily fooled.
this 1/10 bait is going to work against the Yas Forums newfag. theyre literally that obsesed with shemales
>ok discord
Woah so these are the fearsome memes of the right I've heard so much about? Genuinely wonder how some of you manage to feed yourself with room temp IQ memes like that
bait? I'm on your side sister lets teach these magatards a lesson they'll never forget.
3 years and still seething
>57 posts
>27 posters
>no banter
makes you think
no youre not. youre a freak. you disgust everyone. you try and imitate women, but youll only ever replicate their worst qualities(emotional instability,vindictiveness,little impulse control).
why wont the Yas Forums newfags tell me why theyre so obsessed with shemales?
Can we just leave the politics out of it and all admit that the current crop of late night hosts are painfully unfunny, especially when compared with some of their predecessors?
Leno wasn't funny but Letterman is like a god compared to these shrill cocksuckers.
trannies will do anything to ruin colbertposting because it's the rallying point for Yas Forumschads to attack their ideology before jazz threads were a thing.
you were told it was bait and you still took it. christ
not something youll ever do. I dont blame you though, no boss would want to pay the life insurance
>and all admit that the current crop of late night hosts are painfully unfunny,
This video pretty much indirectly explains why that's the case. Once I saw it I couldn't enjoy any late night show anymore
they're funny when you aren't personally offended because you actually vote for and are politically invested in a complete fucking retard clown who quite literally cannot spell the word "hamburger"
>trannies will do anything to ruin colbertposting
Yeah, just like they had to ruin your attempts to get him cancelled. Oh wait... LMFAO