iDubbbz' Law: >If you have to make an argument for why you TECHNICALLY don't fit the definition of a simp/cuck/beta/etc. (based on facts), you definitely are one.
As long as you're skirting the line, you'll never make it. Do you think Henry Cavill needs to make such arguments?
N-no! He doesn’t care, guys! H-he’s basically a pimp when you think about it! Just.. don’t think about it too hard. He’s not a simp! HE’S BASED!! *sob* He’s.. based..
Carson Martinez
>you have to make an argument for why you TECHNICALLY don't fit the definition
>I think what I've learned from this experience is when you're speaking to a large group of people and there's some dudes in the back shouting out their opinions like "I fucking hate thots! I hat whores! Women who sell their body online fucking suck! That's the worst!"; instead of ignoring that and just moving on with my lecture, it might be a better idea to point those people out and say "yeah I actually don't agree with that shitty opinion." I don't think I've ever heard a more onions argument in my life. How do you fall so hard from grace to say this kind of shit?
Aaron King
You just called yourself a simp, you cuck.
Aiden Anderson
kys reddit eceleb simping faggot redditors
William Cruz
Television & Film
Bentley Campbell
why is he so desperate to say no to the whore?
Austin Roberts
He has sex with her and she has sex with him. Where does the simping and cucking come in
Julian Jackson
Yes, that is the definition of YouTube. :)
Cooper Stewart
imagine caring about e-"""celeb""" drama
Wyatt Perry
If Netflix or Hulu count as Television, so does YouTube. Checkmate.
Hunter Price
That's retarded. If I say you're a cuck you either have to agree with me or disprove me. Either way you're a cuck. You're a fucking cuck.
Brayden Hernandez
>iDubbbz literally fucking who
Joseph Thompson
oh boy the idubbbz internet defense force is in this thread
Leo Martin
I still think it's some sort of publicity stunt
Carter Myers
Idubbbz doesn't make one argument in which he denies being a simp or a cuck, did you even watch the video?
Parker Smith
or you just ignore it because you flat out don't care what people say about you
John Anderson
im so happy i have no fucking idea what you are talking about, thanks OP
Joseph Roberts
>I can't say what i want without anyone disagreeing with me! I'm going to cry now!
Benjamin Green
His video is basically "I-I'm not mad, y-you are mad! h-haha"
Carson Jones
>doubles down on defending idubbbz with "no ur mad"
Ethan Rodriguez
If he doesn't care then why did he make that video?
Mason Reed
You're choosing to add the stuttering to your fake quote to make a point. he keeps a straight face through the whole video. Again: he does not at any point deny being a cuck or a simp.
Liam Hall
idubbbz does care because he's a complete faggot he is very visibly seething in that video over people calling him a simp and cuck because the truth hurts
Luis Ward
Because people would keep hounding him forever until he made a statement otherwise.
who the fuck is this and why the fuck is he posted here all the time
Matthew Adams
>doubles down on being a virgin lol
Brayden Barnes
>You're choosing to add the stuttering to your fake quote to make a point. he keeps a straight face through the whole video. Well yes, duh. Of course it's not a fucking quote, Jesus, it's basically a boiled-down version of what he is talking about in the video. And yes, obviously, he doesn't deny being a simp, but he only does so because he is smart enough to know that straight-up denying it would bring forth more shit down his way.
Hudson Wood
>have to While I think this greasy guy is a big simp, nobody owes you attention for anything The 3rd response is Fuck off
Charles Williams
His name is literally in the op. if you actually cared about who he was you could find out with a 4 second google search, but of course you just want to act cool by playing the "I don't even know this guy" card. Good job you are very cool and above everything
Gavin Cook
post her tits
Landon Thompson
good 1
Gavin Lopez
Well you just replied retard so you aren't ignoring it. Cuck.
Dylan Howard
white incels get mad about the dumbest shit
Leo Allen
Yet, if anything, this video he made only threw gasoline on the fire.
Julian Brown
Ethan Gutierrez
He does not show insecurity or defensiveness through the whole video, he doesn't reject anything people have said, other than the literal lies of: "Idubbbz is a hypocrite" (idubbbz has never in his youtube videos said something against sex workers) and then said his opinions on sex work explicitly, in a way he knew would hurt his reputation. An insecure person wouldn't have done that.
>Reads post saying "idubbbz is the guy you're looking for" >doesn't look up idubbbz >instead flaunts his not knowing who idubbbz is by pretending to ask who he is
So you're saying he's TECHNICALLY not a cuck, then?
Jeremiah Brown
who the fuck is this faggot and why is he posted here all the time
Jeremiah Barnes
It's true, people are exclusively aware of people they worship. What a brilliant opinion you have
Thomas Perez
You're not meant to think about it
Christian Watson
I mean if we’re going by definition, then no.
Josiah Phillips
hes just running defense for idubbbz because hes a fan. months ago he was spamming that full force video on this board but now that idubbbz is getting made fun of nobody knows who that is and its off topic dont talk about idubbbz if youre gonna make fun of him only talk about idubbbz to suck his simp dick
Jordan Edwards
Sorry, iDubbz' Law has taken effect. He's a cuck.
Evan Green
Cucking is when someone else fucks your wife, it's not another thing
Cooper Fisher
Fuck off hole
Jason Wright
How many eastern european stoner doom metal bands do you know?
Is every sports star married to a model a cuck and a simp?
Liam Lee
We wouldn't be here if women still couldn't vote, just saying.
Dominic Hughes
>thots defending simps wow what a hot take
John Adams
>whore opinion about whoring very nice
Levi Jones
I’m asking how, though.
Jace Williams
what is this homeopathic approach to defining cuckoldry that you guys have? So now it's possible to be a cuck despite 0 people having had sex with your girlfriend or wife?
Skirting the line is just as bad, this really isn't that complicated.
Carson Parker
Because in 1 year she will cuck him for real and he's an absolute retard for not seeing it coming. look at this shit and tell me she isn't just doing this as powerplay to see how much she can get away with.
Liam Reyes
>that makeup >those nails >that shirt lmao what an ugly whore
That picture with the quotes is all you need to see to know she's fucking or will be fucking someone else
Evan Hughes
>waah stop using my fetish word wrongly!! calling people who's girlfriends don't have sex with other guys cucks is like calling people who aren't actually gay fags!!! That's what you sound like, retard. Oh wait, am I allowed to call you retard, sir? Or is that not allowed if you TECHNICALLY aren't diagnosed with autism or something? Dumbfuck.
Also, people are also calling him a simp, not just cuck.