Goats take over Welsh town during Coronavirus lockdown

Is it kino?


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its goat

Those are really pretty goats. The goats we have around here don't look like that. No wonder the welsh are known as sheep diddlers

Nature is reclaiming the world. Praise Gaia

> goats wandering free
> in Wales
Surprised there isnt a line of men in not masks following then waiting their turn to fuck their arseholes

day of the shears when?


The Welsh don't fuck goats you fucking retard. It's a myth.
They fuck sheep.

What are the odds that both these posts had 74 at the end?

AI confirmed

Based, run wild run free goat bros

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Times are tough, I'm getting tempted

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it seems they are now living deliciously

Absolute madmen.

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I think they prefer sheep

>villain is a goat

We do, nothing better than waking up at the morning after eating some laver bread and going out into the fields to shag a sheep or two

Holy fuck that ass is kino

How is her dad ok with her domming him and whoring herself out like this

>Holy fuck that ass is kino
she has no ass. that's just what that looks like

>all this shit about "saving the planet"
>the planet doesn't give a shit about us and when we're gone it will move on as it has for billions of years

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She probably learnt from he mother, Kate Beckinsale.

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The VVitch was a good movie though

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>How is her dad ok with her domming him and whoring herself out like this

Why wouldn’t he be ok with his daughter domming him?

What are some good films with the same aesthetic of nature reclaiming deserted cities? I remember watching Life After People documentary and really liking it

The goat is the one doing the real domming. Getting back at the Welshman.

Al-Habib, can you not?

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Is she tossing out a white supremacist hate symbol?!

What would you do if this was in your yard right now

>Michael Sheen went from Beckinsale to Silverman to some ugly Swede troll
What a fucking tragedy

I know this a blue board but it has to be posted.

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that's not porn you degenerate freak its a child's drawing made for other children, i swear to god you people have no god

the world would be a better place if humans just up and disappeared, this whole pandemic proved that

Which one is the daughter?

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>What would you do if this was in your yard right now

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Boomer once again showing his capability for abstract thinking, a component of irony

Whenever I have been to Llandudno, it seems to be full of Scouse and Brummy pensioners. So no wonder the goats can wander around town unmolested by Welshmen

Apologies. Didn't mean to tempt thee, Ioan.

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ok retard

I accept your concession


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Grievous, wicked

you first

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Beth sy'n digwydd bechgyn
Gormod of geifr yn a dre nawr




They're not Muslims

Dos i ffwcio dy hun cont saeson dani ddim yn rhan o dy 'united kingdom'

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replace planet with africa

oiiiiiieeeeeee looooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuukee heeaaaaaareeeeee yeeeeeeeaaaa giiiiiiiiieeeeeeet

Fair enough but we still btfo the Zulu fucks regardless

What's their problem?

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did he died?

I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this, they so fluffy and nice
t. welsh heritage Aussie bogan

If he didn't, I'm sure he wishes he had.

I wonder how he pissed that man so much that he ended up getting his head stomped


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To be russian or chinese is to live in pain.

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What are you on about pussies Russia is a white ethnostate paradise

goats are just male sheep you dope

>white ethnostate
what is this meme?

braah >:D

um yeah and that would be gay

I was actually just wondering what all the animals will start doing now that there is suddenly thousands of less humans around for more than a few days.