I started watching the Netflix Sabrina, Its not bad for a Netflix show. It seems to do the woke stuff then walk it back. I love the characters (Except for Roz, who just exist to be a woke black girl) honestly better than the 90s Sabrina show
Netflix Sabrina
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God damn she is very fit. I love you Kiki.
gotta lvoe Kiki
Show needs more fanservice and kink, and less wokeness.
>Show needs more fanservice and kink
Did you get to the part with the trannies ?
is it wrong to want to lick a womans anus?
>Looks like an ugly little girl
why is god so cruel
>walks it back
There's no reason to lie.
Yeah, Suzie/Theo becomes a boy because her ancestor convinces her to use magic to become a boy by rubbing magic on her pussy to turn it into a penis
No way that's not a dick
>stealth Ella Hollywood thread
I genuinely feel sorry for Kiki, she got mogged almost to death by the younger version of herself (McKenna Grace) and now there is a male lookalike of her running around taking 3 cocks in her ass and drinking strange german piss on camera.
It kind of ruins a decent premise for unfocused netflix series shit.
Also how the fuck are you going to make Ray Wise the pope of the satanic church and kill him off in the same episode.
How can Kiki compete? She'll have to outdo Ella to get back on top.
Have you ever seen this image?
Someone needs to do this to Kiki but give her an image of Ella taking it in the ass to sign.
Go to bed Sin the show is shit.
>that face
she looks like an old man in drag
Very punchable face
I want to cum in Kiki's ass
I kinda like that she's plain looking. It makes me think as if though shes not completely out of my league to fap to, as compared to most other stars
>honestly better than the 90s Sabrina show
begone zoomer
I can think of much more interesting uses for her face.
this reminds me of that "since I got Yas Forums I feel more worthy to fap to higher quality anime girls" post
Looks like Ella Hollywood
Oh, wait til you get to "Theo"
there is incredible truth to that post. i used to enjoy immensely mastrubating to and fantasizing about the most attractive women i knew about, but ever since I blackpilled myself about attractive facial bone structures and so on, I cringe trying to imagine the same sexual encounters I used to enjoy.
>I started watching a garbage tier show full of progressive propaganda with a walking skeleton with an ayy face as main character and i think its not bad
Not even magic can improve your tastes at this point, OP
>Not even magic can improve your tastes at this point, OP
Not even if someone posted webms of the OP's picture?
Ella Hollywood posts on imageboards. You can hook up with her right now if you want.
Off to fap. Thanks.
I'm confused her body is weird looking but hot
post nudes
She's just a butter face. I bet if someone shopped a pretty face over hers she would be a 10/10
True but that's every show
why does she look like a man?? I don’t like this
This dude does look like her older brother.
>Used to be a simple and fun kids show with eye candy
>Now a Cuckflix lump of shit that misses the point
shes fucking trim
why is Yas Forums the most hypnotized board on Yas Forums
your obsession with celebrities is what the elites want
Fellatio, being cummed on, slapped, gagged. [/spoller]
I went ahead and did it myself. BEHOLD MY AWEOMSE GIMP SKILLS
She is kinda based. She worked as an assistant to an art shop.
I never watched this but i have a question. Why this show triggers people on Yas Forums so hard?
It doesn't.
because Yas Forums said it would turn out shit and it turned out kino
I always do the apposite of what this dumbshit board says
The Human friends are boring and need to be cut. They did that trans well though in the fortune teller episode. It has a really good supporting cast and Im constantly annoyed by Sabrina herself. Also cut out the CW drama elements.
Also this
So does this show follow the tradition of the main girl getting blacked?
Couldn't watch the witcher because of that shit
>better than the 90s Sabrina show
kill yourself
>honestly better than the 90s Sabrina show
>watching this show past episode 1
Just put on an overcoat first.
The trans subplot is so weird. It's like they were forced to include so they made the trans character as insufferable and retarded as possible in retaliation
isn't she jewish?
Strong Ella vibes
>the right tomboy is starting at dat ass
Jews hate goyim far more than they love their own children.
I need to fuck this kiki
>What's happening to Mordor
The witches are depicted as degenerate bisexuals involved in orgies and shit. That's fine, as they are literal satanists who have signed their soul over to the devil.
But Sabrina's trans friend is just too on the nose. Also in S3 they're straight and even wearing stud earrings, just dressing like a boy. Completely pointless and shoehorned in.
Also in the final episode of season 3 there's something involving Zelda. I won't spoil things for you but its just so out of left field. She's a witch though so it shouldn't be that bad, but its just completely out of character with no build up.
Other than that I enjoy the show. Also S3 isn't as well written as the first 2 seasons; characters act more retarded.
with those tits thats just a regular boy
In the show that was just a trick though and a front to get the jocks to make out with each other so they could take pictures and blackmail them.
Regardless of what the show is like am I the only one that thinks this scene is kino? I mean the set, the character design, the lighting, the sexually loaded energy though indirect as that's now what it's about, etc.
universal studios will make a haunted maze for their halloween event this year
>But Sabrina's trans friend is just too on the nose. Also in S3 they're straight and even wearing stud earrings, just dressing like a boy. Completely pointless and shoehorned in.
So literally exactly like the majority of zoomer FTMs irl
at first i thought it was see through but its just my imagination :(