Here is your Asuka, bro

Here is your Asuka, bro.

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Throw it in the trash. Rei is infinitely better and the BEST of what Eva has to offer.

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how do I find a cosplay waifu like her?

The thots on /cgl/ are either already dating people or are stuckup thots

That's all there is, user.
Normal girls don't cosplay, they draw at most.

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Get ripped, and cosplay as a ripped character, you'll get them all.

Attached: 1577654089351.jpg (815x815, 78.13K)

Not big enough

How do I get ripped on bodyweight exercises

>Cosplaying a fap bait character with mostly negative personality traits
So empowering!

what the hell is that... thing?

The kind of girl that comes to Yas Forums.

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Squats, push ups, pull ups.
Some dumb bells would help too, they are not too expensive.

She's so cute, bros...

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I kinda threw up in my mouth a little.

You've made me reconsider any woman that browses Yas Forums


Autism is a spectrum, but it hits men and women the same.
The majority of people in this website are autistic one way or another, and autistic women aren't "pure", "innocent" girls, they have the same flaws as men: strange hobbies, completely lacking hygiene (which is worse in them due to vaginal discharges and the period) and fucked up fetishes.
Met an emo girl back in 2011 who told me she browsed Yas Forums and she was a full blown furfag.

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It's a boy.

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Yeah, furfags are always autistic (not an exaggeration). But you are right though, when you put it that way I'll just stick to the normal chick's then.

Based shirobros


She's cute enough that I wouldn't mind if she were a boy.

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where is his adam's apple?

Kill yourself asukafag.

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Wouldn't mind giving her boipucci some love if it was indeed a boy.

Attached: 1581137770202.webm (1632x626, 2.89M)

If you are into the "alt girl" types, it can work, but if you just want a normal one then don't bother.

She's a grill.

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post bob and vagene

She's perfect

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how is her gap so unnaturally wide in most pictures, while in this one is pretty much nonexistant?

Because she's slightly crossing her legs.

Attached: hwenpuqrbhfmekrwkcilbxtayugvjsehmvdtmujd-740.jpg (493x740, 48.15K)

There are dark shadows where the gap would be and she's pressing her legs together. If you turned the brightness way up, there probably is a gap

I love this meme trannies do as if regular people can't tell real female apart from mentally ill men in dresses in a nano second.

Attached: Asuka cosplay girlcrotch.webm (640x480, 315.13K)

Why does shiro make me so hard bros

Why wouldn't she? I wanna kiss and lick her feet.

Attached: Asuka cosplay spread legs.png (603x284, 239.44K)

very based and redpilled

A cute boy!

But if they’re hot it doesn’t matter. Hit it and quit it

is there a name for this kind of posing where you can see a girl's asscheeks from the front?

I hate Yas Forums but that girl is pretty cute. I'm mostly just into cute girls bro ngl. All girls are autistic and retarded to a degree.

No clue. If it has a name I'd like to know.

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butt fangs

Imagine lusting after and jacking off to this boy. GAY

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Attached: Asuka modeling.jpg (1200x1714, 550.05K)

fucking based. thanks

correct, that would be very gay.

Thats why none of us are gay.

She cute

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Why does everyone argue about Rei vs Asuka when clearly Ritsuko is best girl

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Finally, some television and film discussion.

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This nigga gets it


Here is your Rei, bro.

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Based, I love television and film

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I like this kino too.

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here's your flawless asuka, bro

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What if I'm already fit and have abs? How do I aquire a personality and talk to hoes? Teach me the game sampai.

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watched that anime recenlty still dont get the fucking ending

I can't decide whether I like gwenkino or asukino more

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No way bro. Asuka is supposed to be 13.


Cute boy

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Bros, I want tp breed her...

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>Wanting Gendo's sloppy seconds