Meanwhile in French television

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fuck that
meanwhile in australian television

there's that other 3d animation that kept being posted here; what's wrong with french animation people

more proof that everything evil about our modern world stems from the French Revolution


Animation of what?

I don't see the issue here

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i hate europeans

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oh-o-o-o-oh meee sooo horny. gaash ooh im so horny guys.. aaaahh my goood im so horny my dick is feeling so good i want to jack off soo bad my dudes. damn i could literally bust a nut right this instant. whos with me?

Give me a quick rundown on this thot

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Why are the French so goddamn horny? At least other Western creators have the common courtesy to hide their fetish inserts under a layer or two of irony.

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Italians are the cooks of Europe, Germans it`s engineers and French their lovers.

Are they really referencing Mememe in what's supposed to be a kid's cartoon?

Frogs are huge weebs, City Hunter, Lupin and Spacr Cobra were huge over there, now they're making their own anime it's even more degenerate than japan.
Look up peepoodo.

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i'm too sick with rona to watch this shit

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Does anything even fucking happen in this show?
I skipped around it seems like 1 minute of nothing... and 10 minutes of boring furry music video.

Imagine the sloppy rimjobs she gives

The French and Belgians also used to produce a huge number of erotic comic books before everything got replaced by internet porn.

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This but unironically, the french revolution was a mistake.

polish and russians are based tho
also the hungarians

France was to the furfag outbreak what Italy is to the coronavirus

no wonder why french directors make so much kinos

some kids animation that is surprisingly sexual

This is pornographic


ps French food is the best Eurofood out side of Med.

Erotic is not the same as pornographic, why are anglos incapable of sexless eroticism?

Some anime music video, weird coomer shit

Ive always said the 2020s will be the era of furry normalization and im okay with it. Furry characters have a certain allure and cinema has and will continue to capitalize on it.

In the end teenage girls need to be running around with cat ears, tails and short shorts and I could give a fuck less if you disagree.

you wish
german food is thousands of times better

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eh Hanz fry up some schnitzel to go with our boiled potatoes
at least franco food has variety, germ shit is all fried with some red cabbage and potatoes, polish is better than german

Didn't know the french made Female Kojima

myles barlow was fucking based

Is this shopped? Sauce

They love that interracial shit. There's pictures of Macron slobbing on black knob.

>thinking this is from current year

And surgically attached muzzles? And glued furred on their skin?
Because furries want animal faces and fur. Just the ears and tail is not furry.

How about i post some good french animation?

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>Look up peepoodo.
Implying I don't already follow Balak on twitter...

What is OP picture?

Huh. Yknow, I think this might be based...

literally the ahegao face, how do french animators get away with this, are there no parental controls whatsoever

And I think by the same team:

isn't the end of this literally the end of the last naruto movie?

isn't this just kpop, animated by japanese illustrator/masturbators into furry animal people, to satisfy the french contract for content written by french people?

its watching shows like that that made this girl what she is today

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I just checked the episode and it's an edit

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Animation looks exactly the same.

Since you guys seems to be talking about degenerate French furry stuff you should check out Peepoodo

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>furries are gonna be the 2.0 version of the trannies
Dark times await our future...

based Ankama

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this shit somehow to me hits uncanny valley, but from the opposite direction
usually it's things being more human-like hitting the valley, but this is human being less human-like

No oh good god no

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My 2 year old is obsessed with this show

the early days of a coomer

it's 2, the only thing it's obsessed with is being an asshole and shitting

I didn't even notice the girls were dogs until I asked myself why the other guy was a cat

Yes oh bad satan yes