Movies featuring compelling redemption arcs?
Movies featuring compelling redemption arcs?
his daughter is beautiful. no idea what the fuck's wrong with you people
>Peterson vanishes
>global pandemic
>Peterson returns
he really was fighting chaos dragons
Anyone else here press the play button?
>is given an incredible opportunity to name the jew
>refuses to do it
>god smites him as a result
there is no redemption arc OP. he lost 30% of his grey matter in the medically induced coma. he's basically retarded now and it serves him right.
imagine getting BTFO by slavoi "and so on and so on" sniffzek so fucking hard that you get addicted to benzos, contract pneumonia, and fall into a comatose state for months
Looks like the rest has done him good, though I think he's a bit too skinny now. He looks younger though. Hope he's doing well, drug addictions are no joke.
It seemed like the general consensus was that they agreed on a lot more than they disagreed on, or atleast that's what I took out of it.
Why is it that no prominent lefties name the jew? I can't think of a single damn one who even brings up the possibility
So is he retarded now or what?
>Be Peterson
>Spend you time fighting/debating for the importance of a more traditional family/life style
>Have a daughter
>She dates a pimp
This is the face of a man who lost all hope in humanity.
yeah but the picture just gets smaller every time this fucking place sucks fix your fucking board ffs
Dems shit on Israel all the time, Bernie was ironically their most vocal critic of the presidential candidates
He’s home.
it just goes to show that his methods need refining.
>drug addicated narcissistic attention whoreb
>more traditional life style
I remember him dodging the question and then addressing it in later talks. He says he believes there's racial dependencies for many reasons but the main one is intelligence. He believes jews do well because they're literally just the smartest people... which if we're going off of IQ alone, is true.
maybe theyre not tinfoil hat clad retards who knows
racial discrepancies*
Lefties are the only Americans who bash the Jewish bastions of power: Israel and Wall Street
roughly speaking
Women have always been retarded when it comes to emotional decisions (or letting emotions get in the way of rational decisions). Only solution to this is to bring back pre 1800's moralities. That sure as fuck isn't happening without some kind of worldwide disaster. Corona just gave us a hint of this. I don't know if anyone else noticed, but people pushing degeneracy and victimizing themselves has taken a nosedive, because right now people are more concerned about surviving rather than giving a shit about what some purple haired lesbo thinks about things.
Shitting on Isreal for their wars against palestine is quite different than noting how radically over represented they are in media, government, and education and what kind of message they are spreading and how completely against traditional american values they are.
Because races don't exist unless they're being oppressed by whites.
don't forget globohomo
Thats also literally what happened, but people can take meaning out of an intellectual debate on unless they boil it down to any Shapiro/Trump-level slam dunk
They disagreed on fundamental observations, and those aren´t the ones you are supposed to agree on anyhow or the debate would be pointless. A few times they got each other by calling bullshit on the other´s evidence, which Zizek got more of. That´s why people think be obliterated Peterson
nigga looking like terry davis
skinny white men arr rook same
>traxxas e-revo
>he's doing pretty fine a year and a half after the debate
>wife of 30 years (that's twice your age, user) suddenly diagnosed with cancer
I think his glory days are done for, or will be on the other side of the US election.
I just hope he brings out another book and finishes his no-censorship Facebook/Twitter-thingy before he steps completely off the stage
this is the darkest black pill. not even fathers have any control over their daughters. the school and media have completely replaced father figures. a female who could easily whore by her attractiveness but chooses traditional values is a unicorn nowadays.
I mean he wasn't that smart to begin with so he should be fine
No he's just a shit father. His "theories" are a disaster when applied in children
>No he's just a shit father.
nope, this is not the full truth, which is evident by the fact that seemingly almost every woman chooses the cock carousel in favor of a faithful relationship.
can only do so much as one man
wanna save your daughter, join a cult
that cure may be worse than the poison though
hopefully he ends up like terry
Pleasure receptors without consequence is a universal problem though. Most men would (if they could) also choose multiple holes over settling
>importance of a more traditional family/life style
no, dumbass, what he's preaching is pure modernism and liberalism, that's why the daughter is a slut.
anybody have a photo of the judenpeterson tweet?
the fuck are you on about? judging from her social media she's doing pretty well for herself...
>Be Peterson
>complain about Culture Marxisms
>support mass immigration and censorship
Sure, but that's a sin not for arbitrary reasons. It's easier to see with gluttony. It feels good in the short-term, even decade-term, but in the life-time or generations-term it's not. It's pretty bad for society to encourage anti-social behaviour like that. Even if it doesn't directly affect you, you'd rather live in a healthy society than an unhealthy one.
>the Jew
you are doing the mistake that feminists and most of the West makes: evaluating women on the same metrics as men. the fact is that for 90% of women, the best and most fulfilling life is to become a mother and watch and help your children grow up to become fully functional adults.
>Zizek immediately concedes the actual point of the debate, admitting Peterson had a stronger position
>Zizeks tranny fanboys are such spastic retards constantly hooting and hollering he has to tell them to shut the fuck up
>Zizek and Peterson spend the rest of the time having an interesting dialogue
Zizek fanboys are absolute garbage tier. Peterson really told these faggots to do their chores and take responsibility for their actions and they had a mental break down and came up with this conspiracy theory that he was Hitler reincarnated lol
oh i thought you were talking about her getting her getting in some bad situation, instead its some pathetic incel bullshit lmao. carry on
That´s a stupid articulation of the discussion, because you can replace "women" with "men" and "mother" with "father", and you´d still be making to widely different assumptions
Whats "fulfilling" is so universally unique to the individual, that the best way to make everyone happy is to code meaning in a way so everyone achieves a basic sense of purpose in the most basic ways, such as parental responsibility
What the feminist argued in the 70-90s was that motherhood was societally set up to opress them and hence argued for taking divorcing the socio-cultural female from the biological female. Problem was that after 10-20 years, women realized that the ideology would die with them if they didn´t need babies, they needed men to have babies, and men wouldn´t have them if they kept being the shrieking harpies feminism made them out to be
It´s also why you have super toxic type of feminism you see now, where as important to take down masculinity as it is to change femininity.
Its also why trannies and gays are allowed into the movement. Everyone has to ally to beat the man, regardless of the contradictory interests. Even better if its the white man made to be the enemy, then you can have the islamist and savage miniroties in there as well
Is he actually brain damaged now? Have we heard him speak after the coma?
At long last the sleeper has awakened
Save us all Pete !
god the smell itt is nasty, aren't there some "debate" discords or youtube channels for you to post in instead
Zizek yelling at the audience was the best part of that 'debate'
All these trannies seething in this thread lmao.I enjoy watching you get destroyed on every level by rational masculine men who inspire the people of the planet.
The king has awakened, your time is up faggots
Is he still capable to talk?
>peterson is a junkie
>daughter is a coalburner who left her husband for a black guy who does cringy pua videos
great family
peterson is reddit
Television & Film
That guy is black? Am I blind?
I totally forgot that all this bullshit started bc Peterson wouldn’t call his tranny students xer lol
how do people still care for this scam artist after him being exposed as a train wreck drug addict?
Also Ive never Been a fan, but my boss took me his lecture when he came through my city and it was entertaining. I was addicted to Xanax so I really feel for him, even without a medically induced coma it's really hard to get back in the normal and get rout and enjoy life.
She's with that dude? Isn't he fucking insane?
Also forgot to add that people who hate on Pete know nothing about psychology
>PUA is cringy
>not knowing how to talk to a woman is not cringy
I'm not even going to tell you to have sex because you clearly can't even be around bitches
The Americans know about that stuff, they just don't care. They think Jews are just off-brand Christians. Christians control the government and the media? Great! Showing them the horrors of the Jewish ethnostate known would be a pretty good way to wake them up. My main man Bernard knows what he's doing. He's one of those anti-zionist true bro Jews.
He actually had a speech prepared while Peterson just mumbled about muh communism for 30 minutes.
So granted any uni student that did his homework would be able to obliterate Peterson in that debate.
are you saying that guy's black?
He looks at worst Bulgarian