>angers trannies
>made without jewish interverence
>only adult cartoon of the last decade that doesnt look like shit
Why does Yas Forums hate this again
Angers trannies
But it does look like shit and it's only just a pilot and it will remain a pilot.
>But it does look like shit
Name a better looking adult cartoon made in the last decade that looks better
>look like shit
sound design is absolute trash though
they used every fucking stock sound they can like the autists they are
God I fucking hate the designs that just scream '2007 edgy Deviantart OC'
I dont get this meme, why is linustechtips there? What about the show screams pedophilia to whoever made it?
I would fuck the spider
Also Vaggie is shit and the worst character on the show, also Boss is better.
Alright that’s just being unfair. Everything Genndy puts out is a masterpiece.
I think they look nice, especially the snake dude
There is only one gay character and his homosexuality is used more as a vehicle for jokes than anything else.
>only one
Ues, only one. Unless you vount Charlie being bisexual as well but thats barely mentioned in the show
And Vaggie
Samurai Jack Season 5
Again, barely discussed in the pilot
Samurai Jack was created in 2001, not from last decade
Announcing sage is against the rules
This. The red and pink being the only colors kinda sucks. Like, no matter the scene, it all looks the same. I like the scheme, but it wears out for me. Also the humor is a bit try hard edgy, which I'm hoping they realized because the other one was at least a little more subtle and color wise changed up much more, but they both need some work. Musically, if they can keep it to a song an episode maybe, only show I can think of that made that work for adults was Glee, and that wasn't a cartoon, primarily covers, and had guest celebrities.
Yet you said there was only one gay character.
Whoops, accidentally missed the main character and her gf.
Well, compared to shit like rick and morty and bojack horseman, Hazbin looks far better
Their relationship is barely discussed and requires outside knowledge for you to even notice its existence
Yet you are still full of shit as Vaggie spends half the show being offended by the gay jokes by the ‘only’ gay character.
>only one gay character
So is posting offtopic threads
The show was still made in 2001, making a new season doesnt suddenly mean its a new show
>Vaggie spends half the show being offended by the gay jokes by the ‘only’ gay character.
Thats one of the funniest things about the pilot, though.
>Name a better looking adult cartoon made in the last decade that looks better
You didn't say NEW. Regardless, your gay show got BTFO by an old show from before you were born. Now make like a banana and kys.
MODS, auto-sage or move this thread. Pick one before I pick one for you.
>You didn't say NEW
I did, i asked for a show from last decade and you named a show from 2001
Season 5 you faggot
You act like that's a high bar to set. If it's the least smelly shit it's still ok to call it shit. Being conditioned to settle for the best shit is why the world get hyped for Marvel movies
Ah, just to make the point clear
The jokes aren't offensive because they're sexualized
The jokes are offensive because they're very unfunny!
Looks awful
family guy
It looks like shit. The characters use same colors as the background so you have no idea what is going on.
>There is only one gay character
one too many
Ok trannies
Do you guys think more episodes are coming out?
>hating gays
roastie detected
I watched the first episode, what was so “problematic” about it? Nothing really stood out to me
They always eat their own.
What are your opinions on Helluva Boss?
People will get outraged over annything nowadays. I guess the blue checkmarks on twitter couldn't cope with a gay character being edgy and not a flawless perfect angel baby
I hope, with the right writers it could be a really comfy show. Kind of what MLP used to be before Hasbro fired all the good writers, leaving the show to be a rotten corpse only waifufags still cared about
>Adult cartoon with shit even Adult Swim wouldn't allow
>Furbait everywhere
>Expensive as fuck to produce
Yeah, nobody is ever picking this up. They might get a deal to make a tamer show, like Johnen Vasquez did, but that's the most they can hope for.
Nope, you said MADE in the last decade.
Samurai Jack Seaon 5 was made within that criteria. Don't @ me again, I'm not going to waste my time on a retard.
fucking retard
>a large group of people disagree on certain things
Does Yas Forums expect everyone on one side of the political spectrum to be a hivemind that agrees with each other on everything?
Never watched MLP, but I think I know what you mean.
I'm hoping the show is like the pilot but more streamlined
Television & Film
Ok, i meant “created last decade”. I guess poor word choices on my end
PRIMAL you stupid nigger.
Hazbin just apes Frankie's artstyle.
No but the screeching and tears are generally kept to a minimum
Its a pilot for a tv show, it fits this board’s criteria.
>got picked up by no networks, not even YouTube Red (or Prime or whatever the fuck they call it now).
>made without jewish interverence
>angers trannies
doubt dot jay-peg
No, it should be on Yas Forums
If it got picked up Vivzie would have tweeted about it. Vivzie is literally just collecting Patreon NEET bux right now. Production of further episodes without a studio will take just as long as the pilot episode did. Which means literal years.
It takes a while before a show gets picked up. It isnt immediate (atleast mot usually)
In a stream back in January they mentioned that they were pitching it to several networks, and I think they mentioned potentially kickstarting it if it didn't get picked up.
I'm sure these things take time, and I think Helluva Boss episodes are being patreon-funded and coming out in the meantime.
More like Hazbin Homotel.
Fuck off anthony, you got banned from the fucking party van. I dont even know how someone could manage to do that, chug befriends even the worst shitstains on that server. Fucking gaylord gets more respect than you
Kickstarted shows take an extremely long period of time. For Hazbin to get access to a production studio, it'd cost millions of dollars. Usually this shit necessitates knowing a fixer, mainly because most of these places won't just work for someone who just so happens to have a lot of cash. Otherwise there'd be more animated vanity projects by Westerners. Neo Yokio is one such example, it cost an outrageous amount of money to get made and it still looks like shit. Vivzie almost certainly wouldn't compromise their aesthetics just to get more episodes made, so they'd keep it scaled down to half a dozen animators just like the pilot and we'll all be waiting years - again.
Oops, I didn't mean to reply to that post.
I'm a massive retard. Samurai Jack Season 5 is pretty awesome and Fagsben Homotel is for guys.
Who the fuck is Anthony? Sounds like some gay discord tranny drama.
While viv may be very autistic, I still think she would agree on some of the compromises to the designs