Is diversity in movies really that important?
Would the Harry Potter franchise have been better if Hermione were black for instance?
Diverity In Movies
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>Is diversity in movies really that important?
1. Diversity is important because representation matters.
2. Representation matters because people identify with characters who share the same race as them.
3. America is a majority white country.
4. Therefore, characters should be white so the most people can identify with them.
>3. America is a majority white country.
Three out of four ain't bad.
Mostly this.
Except America is barely a white majority. And it's only a white majority due to baby boomers.
With younger people, the ones often the target audience of most movies the demographics are going to be majority non-white.
Also factor in a global audience of which white people make up less than 10% of.
Therefore movies should be majority non-white.
No, because the Harry Potter films having prime fuckbait as the main girl was a significant part of its widespread popularity, even for the books. You can't underestimate how big a deal she used to be.
It would have been less successful without her. It would still have been huge, but it'd take a hit.
Great thread and yes I believe it would have been better if Hermione was black. It would have strengthened the themes of her being persecuted for who she is. I don't think movies in general has to be diverse, but sometimes it makes sense like in the case of the Harry Potter books/movies.
she would've dropped out in the fourth year due to being pregnant, then Harry would've died in the Triwizard Tournament
So yes, being black matters
People would still have loved the books/movies and it would have a much stronger appeal to black women and progressive white women. There're already lots of white women in Harry Potter.
Then where are all the sexy Latina bitches in movies. Aren’t there more of them than black people?
if hermione was black nobody would watch that shit
It would have been more popular if she was black.
No one gave a shit about Lando and Mace being black. It wasn't an issue. They were good characters.
No one liked Finn because he was forced "fuck white people" bullshit. and Boyega was more than happy to play up that part in real life with his racist bullshit. No one wanted to buy his action figures because no one wanted to be accused of being a slaver who owned a plastic black man.
So context does matter. It's the same for any movie or TV show. Is it organic and an after-thought that people happen to be different colors, or was it forced as part of some leftist's "fuck white people" bullshit?
Globally? No sorry I think there are more Africans and Asians
love this one
Population of Asia: 4.463 billion
Population of Africa: 1.216 billion
And then get crucified on the alter of Muh Tokenism. When in reality, out of the 13%, most are in jail or dont care. Chasing the 1% of vocal outrage fetishists unironically became the ultimate form of tokenism.
>no true whitesman
I know you are pretending to be retarded on purpose, but the initial post was talking about the US, user.
but i thought race don't matter and it is a social construct anyways WTF
>Would the Harry Potter franchise have been better if Hermione were black for instance?
If she were semi-cute like she is in the OP, and it was organic and original (not retconned), people wouldn't mind nearly as much.
But when it's almost certainly an ugly actress, forced and pandering, and/or retroactively added or internally inconsistent---it's no surprise that fans don't like it.
Right, because 1997-2001 when it was just the books with no films or video games or merchandise, the 13%, 3%, 1.6%, 3%, and 0.3% respective black populations in US, UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand would have boosted Harry Potter to popularity because the girl character was black.
It would have because there are lots of white girls who are representing the white population already but if you had a black girl as well you instantly get that 13% too.
>Hermione is smart nerdy girl so she should be black
Nice try nigger but i prefer yellow skin chink
For the story, no. Even if you give "representation" all the credit in the world, it's basically just a propaganda technique designed to convince the viewer of something. If they're the WHITE STRAIGHT MALE it's to convince them that whatever you're representing is a "normal" part of life, and if they're the non-white/non-straight/not male/etc, it's the make them feel included by presenting them on screen.
Whatever you think about the efficacy of the move or the morality of it, at best it has no effect on telling a good story. A story is never better because it made a point of increasing diversity or representing minorities. At worst it actively interferes with a story by encouraging race-bending or gender-bending previously established characters to the displeasure of anyone who liked the character before, or creating a-historical realities that interfere with the viewer's suspension of disbelief.
If you think the point of a movie is to propagandize people, it's fine. If you think the point of a movie is to convey truth by telling a story, "representation" should be the last thing on your mind.
what does 50% of the prison population want with harry potter?
Do you really think white girls would love Harry Potter the same way they do if they couldn't self insert as Hermione? Do you actually believe most white women are being serious and honest when they repeat their liberal talking points?
No, ya fucking dummy.
That 13% includes adults, illiterates, the incarcerated, adolescent males. When you actually get to the precentage of those who would actually read Harry Potter in the first place, and those who would appreciate the inclusion of a black female protagonist, that percentage is probably less than 1%.
You actually believe that half the African-Americans in this country are in prison?
You need to watch less Tucker Carlson.
showing only white people in movies where in the world you have black people, asian and so on is a propaganda.
that one nibba in the back row know whats up
>strengthened the themes of her being persecuted for who she is.
Well, she had red hair.
Isn't that enough?
>2. Representation matters because people identify with characters who share the same race as them.
Only if you have some sort of empathy disorder. Disney did great having animal protagonists.
Yes because there're already lots of other white female characters.
6. America has more than one race, so characters must represent all of the race.
I know 6 year olds with better reading comprehension than yours.
despite being 13% of the population. africans make up over 50% ofthe prison population
You are just wrong and you are choosing to remain deluded.
And how would you call casting Latino characters as black people?
Is "diversity" only a code word for "more blacks" or what?
No, she should have been bi-racial with a white father and a dark skin black mother. That would have meshed well with Harry Potters heritage.
So, do you think gingers don't suffer persecution?
>Do you actually believe most white women are being serious and honest when they repeat their liberal talking points?
They are not just "talking points" but, yes. Men are the ones who are typically more racist; if only women voted then we would not be in this situation with Trump. You can try to argue this all you want but there are statistics showing it.
It's no mistake that Rowling decided the most intelligent character should be a woman. And the juxtaposition with her status as an outsider to the "tradition" wizarding world could be reflected in her ethnicity for a real world metaphor.
White women don't NEED Hermione to be white, so making her diverse would increase her popularity with women. it's more the racist white males who will insist she has to look just like them, and only because they have trained themselves to believe they can't find diverse women attractive. But those men would either not read it in the first place or read it regardless of any women because they don't care if there's women representation in their books; they only care about the men in it and what they achieve.
You're wrong. It's a fact that there're lots of other white female characters and to think that white women can't read about a black woman and project parts of themselves onto her (and other white females in the series) is silly. Meanwhile if you make her black or bi-racial then you suddenly have a new engaged demographic of black women and progressive white women.
No, "gingers" have the most white privilege since they're the whitest.
>a white father and a dark skin black mother
but then she'd have to change the origin of them both being dentists
if the skin color of the character doesn't matter then cast whoever you like
>Well, she had red hair.
no she didn't? are you confusing her with your female ron fap fantasy?
people were bitching about finn before the film even came out. "good characters" had nothing to do with it. and lmao at mace being a good character, the guy doesn't do anything for three fucking movies. mace and lando didn't bother anyone because they weren't the main characters, and with the small amount of info we had about TFA, people thought finn would be the main character and this idea terrified them.
>it's more the racist white males who will insist she has to look just like them, and only because they have trained themselves to believe they can't find diverse women attractive.
If you made her attractive then white males wouldn't have minded her. And she would have ended up with a white male. It would have promoted race mixing among white gentile men. Imagine how much societal good that would have created.
>Would the Harry Potter franchise have been better if Hermione were black for instance?
It wouldn't have worked because nobody would have been able to suspend their disbelief enough to buy that the smartest character was a nigger.
>It would have strengthened the themes of her being persecuted for who she is
Why do you retards always think the ONLY way someone can be oppressed is muh race card and current year identity politics? She literally was bullied for who she was WITHOUT it having anything to do with race, so why do you insist on bringing it back to something mundane that already exists in the real world (although way less than people like to pretend).
>Meanwhile if you make her black or bi-racial then you suddenly have a new engaged demographic of black women and progressive white women.
You only really get progressive white ladies who fetishize having black female friends....maybe. Like the man said, the cost of cutting out the white lady for the self-insert might be too high. Black Hermoine wouldn't resonate with most black women who might watch. If you want a black character she has to be black, not just a white lady with darker skin.
I think it's helpful to keep the Captain Marvel formula in mind here. It's important for the white liberal female watching that Captain Marvel have a black friend, be "sassy" and be constantly told no by men (who she eventually proves wrong). What isn't important is to have a black female lead, because then you're just chasing a purely theoretical minority viewer at the cost of a majority of viewers.
Black Hermione wouldn't have stopped it from being one of DEH! dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his good friends from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from young Master Potter taking his vinegars, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert, to make Bane a small guy.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. Harry Potter series might be have put his name on the Goblet (or not), but he certainly didn't put it a refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went to the toilet, the author wrote instead that "sunset found her squatting."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by memes and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same J. R. R. Martin. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to watch Disney movies." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to cry while watching trailers for YouTube views.
>No, "gingers" have the most white privilege since they're the whitest.
Imagine being this racist.
But your wrong anyway
Gingers had suffered persecution during centuries since the middle ages when they where considered a product of the devil and
recent years when some people (especially in England) when some people even consider them "souless monsters"
But a racist who only look at the skin color like you obviously don't care, right?
>It's a fact that there're lots of other white female characters
readers don't give a fuck about minor supporting characters. are you actually retarded? if it was just a case of representation regardless of role then make one of the irrelevant filler characters black instead - it'll have the exact same outcome won't it dipshit?
There would have been next to no sexual allure, like there was as Emma Watson developed. That would have really hurt the movies at the box office.
>They are not just "talking points"
They literally are just that.
>people were bitching about finn before the film even came out.
Yeah, that's why the box office was great.
Get over yourself. There were some Yas Forums posters that didn't like him because he's black. Some, and just here. The mainstream didn't care. The only problem was that the mainstream kept not caring after they'd seen the film.
Well, and China. One has to wonder why Finn gets smaller on the Chinese posters.
>Great thread and yes I believe it would have been better if Hermione was black. It would have strengthened the themes of her being persecuted for who she is. I don't think movies in general has to be diverse, but sometimes it makes sense like in the case of the Harry Potter books/movies.
So, representation only matters when you cast a black person, right?
>"Daayum, why all the whibois at this school act hella gay an shit for tho?"
>"Bitch tryna give em a taste an he like 'uh m-m-my wand only gets hard to 2D', like, bitch what?"
The hero we need right now.
The problem is that you're a white male. White women aren't tribal, which you can see in voting patterns. They constantly vote for non-white immigration while white men are the only ones that vote against it. White women aren't racists like white men. They've no problem projecting themselves onto black Hermoine or just seeing her as their friend and there're lots of other white women in the series too that they can project themselves onto.
ALSO, it's a lot easer to project yourself onto someone in a book, so the books would still have been super popular even if we assume that you're right (which you aren't btw) which would make the movies super popular as well. AND you would have gotten a big new demographic as well.