True Detective

Just watched the scene where he beats up a bullies dad
This guy is a fucking pussy what point did he have to prove? he sucker punched a guy while wearing brass knuckles what a shitter.

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Wow it’s almost like Ray was a flawed character.

Hes a warrior philosopher in a suit just like rust and Wayne. Thats what i like about the protags in this show, theyre violent but not stupid meatheads.

How would you buttfuck someone with a headless corpse?

>t. Missing your LeBron's

>Hes a warrior
yeah when he has a weapon vs an unarmed guy and then thinks he's tough LMAO
what a bitch real warriors want a challenge

He wanted to make the kid feel bad, so he beat the shit out of his father to do so you
fucking dense cunt

It doesn't count as a won fight if you use a weapon.
hope he went to prison and got raped for assault

He wanted to hurt him badly. He easily could have beaten the onions boy dad but he wanted to fuck him up to send a message to the bully.

World isnt fair like in your animes faggot. Probably never even been in a fight.

You can kill someone with your fists easily.
you don't need a weapon to hurt someone. also the guys dad really didn't look like a basedboy at all

Didn't say it was fair, and it's Anime not Animes you tard.
all i said was that the guy is a pussy.
and i have been in plenty of fights

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If you’ve even been in any fight you know you want it over quick with as little risk to you as possible. Hence the knuckles. Any other response is wishful thinking

>If you’ve even been in any fight you know you want it over quick with as little risk to you as possible.
could think i can do that without being a weapon toting bitch.
i don't care if i get hurt

>t. ASSpen

Like I posted earlier hes a warrior not a dumb meat head fueled by ego. . This user is right


He's not a warrior he's weak

He's a damned dirty nigger that looks like a old gay hooker.
Niggers use weapons

Watch fast and the furious or wwe or something, probably more ur speed

He didn't, he gets shot in a forest.

>he gets shot in a forest.
way too good of a fate for him

Lmao fucking retard.
True Detective is fucking garbage, Watch a real show like The Sopranos

t. Tony

A bit Closer to a Bobby though

I clicked on this thread thinking I would have a fine discussion about a show I really enjoy. But then I red what you wrote. Never once in my life have I seen such retardation, such a low level of human intelligence. Even a 10 years old would understand that the world isn't all black or white but you, you absolute moron, you are beyond saving. You act all tough on the internet, you act like you have the moral high ground but in reality you are a sad kid, a mockery of the human species. Low IQ, the body of a cancerous ape, I can picture you behind your 2000 $ computor, this machine you built with your fragile little hands. You are so proud of it, it's your best achievement in life. What a sad life it must be. Your posts sum it up quite well. One word comes to my mind: embarrassing. You are pathetic, I don't even know you personally but it's feels like I know exactly who you are. Your existence itself tourments me. You represent all those losers I come across, those wasted souls. But I wont shed a tear, not one. All you will have from me is a "farewell", because I pity you. Soon you will fade into darkness and be forgetten. You miserable life left behind. Completely forgotten? No. I will only remember the hatred I have for you, your posts and your lack of intelligence.

Oh so you’re just stupid and like to scrap and aren’t an actual fighter.

This is actually reddit
has to be a copypasta kek

WWE hit a little close to home huh?

I'd consider myself a fighter since i do so well.
street fights>>>>mma bs

cringe but kek

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This is my least favorite thread
the one where some gay kid acts tough

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>Hes a warrior philosopher in a suit just like rust
The whole point is Rust is a narcissistic pseudointellectual using nihilistic philosophy as a faulty coping mechanism. Hence the last scene in the final episode.

>the one where some gay kid acts tough
You mean the one with the suckerpunching weapon toting pig?

i liked the songs from s2

Everyone stfu and start frankposting

>using nihilistic philosophy as a faulty coping mechanism
>narcissistic pseudointellectual
By trying to hard, you reveal yourself as exactly what you feebly attempt to denounce. You are a narcissistic pseudointellectual, the cancer killing this website.

Ray is a legend

Leave the bottle darlin

Some people say it's not the size of the car but rather the skill of the driver. Hell of it is, Ray? I don't even have a driver's license. Can't even ride a bike.

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I was never too good at math. Shit, I was terrible in school. I failed calculus three times. But when you've got four dead bodies on your hands, three hours until sunset, and two dirty cops digging through your trash can - well then the numbers start adding up real fast and come at you just as fast. And Ray? I am stuck in a traffic jam.


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>They say that time and tide wait for no man, Ray. But guess what? A storm is coming, and I don't have a watch.

>some people say that time is a flat circle. You know what Ray, they're right and I've gotta a Rolex to prove it.

>My grandfather told me you can discover everything you need to know about everything by looking at your hands. I've been looking at mine all my life, every day since I was 5, and you know what I've just realized? They're fucking feet.

>You know something, Ray? Sometimes it's not the milk that's bad, it's the cereal.

>It's all about living the dream, Ray. But if you're living the dream, how do you know if you're awake or asleep? Caspere knew, and that's why he's never waking up again

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i have done all i can with the vinceposting, now i must pass the torch

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>I've got blueballs in my stomach. It's called being hungry. You know why breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Because there's no such thing as a free lunch. Except when i don't pay.

You can kill someone with your fist, but unfortunately your fist will probably turn to powder in the process. That's the point of brass knuckles, it stops you from obliterating your hands while smashing their skull.

No he's a faggot

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>but unfortunately your fist will probably turn to powder in the process
imagine being a bonelet

More like it helps you smash their skulls

anyone see season 3?
is it any kino?

stopped watching s2 halfway through the first episode

>the point of beating someone up as a payback for something is to prove that you are a superior fighter

OP is retarded

I think you have a sub 90 iq, dare I say you might even be a nigger

Randomly quoting Nietzche to your coworkers who don’t give a shit absolutely makes you a pseudointellectual.

It certainly does that in spades as well.

The whole Ray timeline fucked me up. His devotion to this useless. boring child even though it likely wasn't his. I can't tell if it was balls he had to take on such a responsibility or he was a sad sack who didn't have the courage to just drop an obvious terminal fuck up. I feel he knew the world was gunna eat him up, especially in LA, and didn't know how to deal with it. All he wanted to do was protect the stupid fat cunt. Or give him some linearity in his mixed up dissociated TV-land life. He left his ill-developed child with a mythology: the heroic cop. Is that good or shit?

Man, OP is coping so much in his impotent rage, this is why I visit this board, to read some schizoposting from tripping weridos.

Based. S02 is a true pleb filter, its on par with S01.